J.D. Vance Is Unqualified

I've read about his history, and he comes from a completely different world than Donnie.

Vance grew up Dirt Poor, being raised by his Grand Parents, because his mother was a heroin addict for years, going from man to man, and married 5 times. I don't think he ever knew his father. His Grand Parents were both Democrats.

He enlisted into the Marines right after graduating High School! He used his Veteran's benefits to pay for his education and he eventually graduated with a law degree that he hardly even used. He was only a lawyer for only a couple of years before getting into the venture Capitol Market. Wrote a Book, that became the backdrop for a movie, and started making huge sums of money. He is what is referred to as a self-made man.

Donnie was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, a spoiled rich brat, and somehow avoided the draft by claiming he had Bone Spurs!

And we all know how Donnie calls Veterans Suckers and losers.

They are just too different with not much in common, except they both have money and look good in a suit!
Trump does not look good in a suit.
I've read about his history,
I don't believe you.
and he comes from a completely different world than Donnie.
Yes, his background differs from "Donnie's". Is that a bad thing?
Vance grew up Dirt Poor, being raised by his Grand Parents, because his mother was a heroin addict for years, going from man to man, and married 5 times. I don't think he ever knew his father. His Grand Parents were both Democrats.

He enlisted into the Marines right after graduating High School! He used his Veteran's benefits to pay for his education and he eventually graduated with a law degree that he hardly even used. He was only a lawyer for only a couple of years before getting into the venture Capitol Market. Wrote a Book, that became the backdrop for a movie, and started making huge sums of money. He is what is referred to as a self-made man.
Donnie was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, a spoiled rich brat, and somehow avoided the draft by claiming he had Bone Spurs!
And we all know how Donnie calls Veterans Suckers and losers.
One of the biggest bald-faced lies that Demonkkkrats tell about Trump.
They are just too different
Meh. Everyone has similarities and differences.
with not much in common,
except they both have money and look good in a suit!
The similarities don't stop there.

J.D. Vance — Trump’s choice for vice president — said in a social media post on Saturday that the attempted assassination of Trump was “not some isolated incident” and suggested Biden’s campaign was to blame.

Presumably, Trump picked Vance for his vice president because Vance has publicly said he’d do what Mike Pence refused to do — overturn democracy to place America under MAGA control. Here’s what Vance said in response to George Stephanopoulos’s question “Had you been vice president on January 6th, would you have certified the election results?”

In 2020, Vance alleged that the 2020 election was stolen and that Biden’s immigration policy meant “more Democrat voters pouring into this country.”

In 2022, he suggested that Democrats were attempting to “transform the electorate” amid an immigrant “invasion.” Echoing the so-called “great replacement theory,” Vance told voters, “You’re talking about a shift in the democratic makeup of this country that would mean we never win, meaning Republicans would never win a national election in this country ever again.”

On the basis of these views alone, Vance is not qualified to hold any office in the United States government.

What do you think?
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Vance is a flaming hypocrite, per the cartoon. He turned on a dime not from any revelation other than an opportunity he saw opening to him in Trump's orbit.
I am talking about how you shit stains claim this is an ideological battle of good vs evil and sometimes crazy people act as they don't see through your nonsense. So we see things like SCOTUS members have to fear for their lives as a result

or congressional baseball games get shot up - and so on

oh - yeah - you gas lighting retards just assume we are as dumb as you and don't know what is going on
That is not why the Supremes are in fear. It is because they have taken the nation's highest court to the marketplace. They have diminished its respect for the next 50 years. They have an agenda and are turning court decisions into a tool for ultra conservatism and backing the 2025 project. The takeover by the super-rich and corporations is here.
That is not why the Supremes are in fear. It is because they have taken the nation's highest court to the marketplace. They have diminished its respect for the next 50 years. They have an agenda and are turning court decisions into a tool for ultra conservatism and backing the 2025 project. The takeover by the super-rich and corporations is here.
Hey derp stick, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. the body that legislates is way more likely to profit from the power they gain
I don't believe you.

Yes, his background differs from "Donnie's". Is that a bad thing?



One of the biggest bald-faced lies that Demonkkkrats tell about Trump.

Meh. Everyone has similarities and differences.


The similarities don't stop there.
Yes, I forgot to say, that between Donnie and J.D., they both have less than 6 years of public service together!

And you think they can run the White House?

That would make them the most inexperienced President and VP in history.

Most especially since Donnie spent 4 of his years of experience, mostly playing golf and abusing the power of office!

Talk about a DREAM TEAM! Looks more like a SCHEME TEAM to me.

Hey derp stick, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. the body that legislates is way more likely to profit from the power they gain
So in your "mind" congress gets more profit, therefore the bribes that Thomas and Alito get do not count? Why is that sensible to you? You have flaws is what it is the you substitute for logic.
So in your "mind" congress gets more profit, therefore the bribes that Thomas and Alito get do not count? Why is that sensible to you? You have flaws is what it is the you substitute for logic.

only a shit stain calls a friendship "a bribe"
only a shit stain calls a friendship "a bribe"
damn that was even dumb for you. Thomas has received millions in "gifts" from a couple people, Those are gifts with fish hooks in them. The generous people have had cases in the Supreme Court and the low-level crook Thomas did not recuse.
I know the idea that being a Supreme Court justice entails having respect for the reputation of the court is beyond you, but it has always been known. The Supremes were held in esteem by the people for over a century. Now it is at its lowest level of respect in history. You ass dribbling troglodytes are not able to comprehend such simple things.
They were bribes.
damn that was even dumb for you. Thomas has received millions in "gifts" from a couple people, Those are gifts with fish hooks in them. The generous people have had cases in the Supreme Court and the low-level crook Thomas did not recuse.
I know the idea that being a Supreme Court justice entails having respect for the reputation of the court is beyond you, but it has always been known. The Supremes were held in esteem by the people for over a century. Now it is at its lowest level of respect in history. You ass dribbling troglodytes are not able to comprehend such simple things.
They were bribes.
most of the "gifts" are friends staying at a friends place
so fuck off shit stain and eat shit.
“J.D. is kissing my ass, he wants my support,” Trump said, railing against the “fake” news story. “The entire MAGA movement is for J.D. Vance.”

The former president went on to call Vance a “great person who I’ve really gotten to know,” disputing any lingering friction between the two Republicans. Vance was a vocal critic of Trump before he ran for office.

“Yeah, he said some bad things about me, but that was before he knew me and then he fell in love,” Trump said on Saturday. “Remember I said that about Kim Jong Un? He fell in love, and they said, ‘Oh, Trump is saying he fell in love.’ Actually he did, if you want to know the truth.”

Vance takes Trump insults and begs for more!
Gag me with a spoon. :barf:

J.D. Vance — Trump’s choice for vice president — said in a social media post on Saturday that the attempted assassination of Trump was “not some isolated incident” and suggested Biden’s campaign was to blame.

Presumably, Trump picked Vance for his vice president because Vance has publicly said he’d do what Mike Pence refused to do — overturn democracy to place America under MAGA control. Here’s what Vance said in response to George Stephanopoulos’s question “Had you been vice president on January 6th, would you have certified the election results?”

In 2020, Vance alleged that the 2020 election was stolen and that Biden’s immigration policy meant “more Democrat voters pouring into this country.”

In 2022, he suggested that Democrats were attempting to “transform the electorate” amid an immigrant “invasion.” Echoing the so-called “great replacement theory,” Vance told voters, “You’re talking about a shift in the democratic makeup of this country that would mean we never win, meaning Republicans would never win a national election in this country ever again.”

On the basis of these views alone, Vance is not qualified to hold any office in the United States government.

What do you think?
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Vance is pathetic. He threw what principles and self respect he did have right out the window, did a 180 and slobbered on the feet of Cheeto Jeezus. Now you have Cheeto Jeezus and his clone. Both are hoping Uncle Joe will make it to the nomination, because anyone else (well, maybe not Kamala) will hold their feet to the fire.
Stay tuned.
Democrats be shitting themselves because the Republicans have become united. and the Dems are in disarray.
Not just Republicans, most of America. Everyone will be united to kick Democrats to the curb come November.

Seriously, it's Whig-ish.

Well, they made their bed, and they gotta lay in it.

God's karma in this world really works, and there's no escaping it. Just try not to do much dirt and things may not go incredibly bad for ya.
Political parties try to appear united at conventions. This is not new. It is achieved by making sure those who are not Trumpys, will not be invited. This is how conventions are controlled. When the Dem convention comes, they will do the same. Everyone on stage will be lauding Biden and pledging allegiance to him.
Yes, I forgot to say, that between Donnie and J.D., they both have less than 6 years of public service together!
LIE. They've both been serving the public for pretty much all of their adult lives. You seem to have a rather odd definition of "public service".

For instance, you'd claim (per your definition of "public service") that Joe Biden has "over 50 years of public service". That's laughable.
And you think they can run the White House?
Yes. After all, I've already seen Trump (even with Pence) successfully do it.
That would make them the most inexperienced President and VP in history.
How can you consider someone who has ALREADY SERVED FOUR YEARS AS PRESIDENT to be "the most inexperienced President in history"??

This doozy will likely earn you a Contholathun Bwacket Twophy this month (you're currently on track to earn TWO of them, actually) ..... but unfortunately for you, Nomad has been saying even STUPIDER shit this month. He's currently on pace to take both the gold AND silver twophys this month. You gotta up your game! :)
Most especially since Donnie spent 4 of his years of experience, mostly playing golf and abusing the power of office!
:lies: That's not his only experience BTW.
Talk about a DREAM TEAM! Looks more like a SCHEME TEAM to me.
How long did it take you to come up with THAT one?? :rofl2: :rofl2:

J.D. Vance — Trump’s choice for vice president — said in a social media post on Saturday that the attempted assassination of Trump was “not some isolated incident” and suggested Biden’s campaign was to blame.

Presumably, Trump picked Vance for his vice president because Vance has publicly said he’d do what Mike Pence refused to do — overturn democracy to place America under MAGA control. Here’s what Vance said in response to George Stephanopoulos’s question “Had you been vice president on January 6th, would you have certified the election results?”

In 2020, Vance alleged that the 2020 election was stolen and that Biden’s immigration policy meant “more Democrat voters pouring into this country.”

In 2022, he suggested that Democrats were attempting to “transform the electorate” amid an immigrant “invasion.” Echoing the so-called “great replacement theory,” Vance told voters, “You’re talking about a shift in the democratic makeup of this country that would mean we never win, meaning Republicans would never win a national election in this country ever again.”

On the basis of these views alone, Vance is not qualified to hold any office in the United States government.

What do you think?
View attachment 28041
Vance is an asshole...which is what Trump wants and needs.

My guess is, though, Vance will start to up-stage Trump. And then the shit will hit the fan.