JD Vance in drag, with a blonde wig and black eyeliner!!

I wore a lot of Halloween costumes as a kid, and none of them were as girls. None of my friends dressed up as girls for Halloween either. Is that normal for MAGA morons?
Why is it that the people obsessed with drag queens keep having videos surfacing of them in drag?

Classic cases of self loathing over who they really are.

There's an inner battle raging inside people like Vance who long to dress up in Victoria's Secret lingerie and be used as a sex toy for a room full of muscular construction workers but have had it beaten into them that they must maintain a false air of conservatism in order to realize their quest for money, power and dictatorial authority over the people he secretly wishes he could be one of.
Classic cases of self loathing over who they really are.

There's an inner battle raging inside people like Vance who long to dress up in Victoria's Secret lingerie and be used as a sex toy for a room full of muscular construction workers but have had it beaten into them that they must maintain a false air of conservatism in order to realize their quest for money, power and dictatorial authority over the people he secretly wishes he could be one of.
This isn't a defense of Vance but asking for the sake of discussion. We've all seen guys who on the surface are all rah rah feminist and come across as sensitive, caring and as allies but behind the scenes can be abusive to women and treat them like sh*t.

Different sides of the same coin, that many men aren't who they present themselves to be?
Would you dress in drag for a Halloween party?

The truth is J. D. has struggled with his sexual identity all he life!

Read his book! He openly admits it in his book!
Great book wasn't it?? What page was that again? I know what you're talking about. I want to see if you actually read the book....The movie was awesome...have you watched it? Award winning...
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