Jobs Report - Ouch

Did you guys know Toyota gave me a check for 15k this year for a truck i paid 15k for and put 100k miles on because the frame was rusting? I wonder if GM or Ford would do that.
Of course we need to save the auto industry, but you'll never convince some of that. What I don't understand is; where is bush? DH posted a Barney Frank quote earlier, that really said it in a nutshell. To the affect of, Obama keeps stating we only have one president at a time, but that's overstating the number of presidents we have.

Why aren't any republicans here even upset, or even mentioning the fact that your boy has abdicated the Presidency? Unfortuntely, the constitution says he has the job until Jan 20th. That means that the President-elect can't do all that much.

George W Bush should be put in prison, today. that's not hyperbole. That's serious. Arrest him. The country is going down the toilet and I think they're doing it on purpose. But with intent, or not, that's what is happening.

Our system just did not protect us against this man. We have no safeguards in place for this. He's abdicated.

Did you guys know Toyota gave me a check for 15k this year for a truck i paid 15k for and put 100k miles on because the frame was rusting? I wonder if GM or Ford would do that.
They couldn't afford to. But heck, standing around telling everybody they failed so bad that they need government help isn't bankruptcy. :rolleyes:
Of course we need to save the auto industry, but you'll never convince some of that. What I don't understand is; where is bush? DH posted a Barney Frank quote earlier, that really said it in a nutshell. To the affect of, Obama keeps stating we only have one president at a time, but that's overstating the number of presidents we have.

Why aren't any republicans here even upset, or even mentioning the fact that your boy has abdicated the Presidency? Unfortuntely, the constitution says he has the job until Jan 20th. That means that the President-elect can't do all that much.

George W Bush should be put in prison, today. that's not hyperbole. That's serious. Arrest him. The country is going down the toilet and I think they're doing it on purpose. But with intent, or not, that's what is happening.

Our system just did not protect us against this man. We have no safeguards in place for this. He's abdicated.

I'm not arguing against saving it. I am arguing that giving the same people who utterly failed to comprehend a change was necessary to make money and for decades failed to do anything while their companies fell into dust isn't "saving" anything.
they didn't back down, they were getting outbid by the brokerage houses. The fact that their situation wasn't as bad as it could have been doesn't change the fact that they had a lot of subprime debt on their books.

"I'll take a citation for the claim that the GSEs owned 50% of the mortgage-backed securities until 2004 "

"Between 2004 and 2006, when subprime lending was exploding, Fannie and Freddie went from holding a high of 48 percent of the subprime loans that were sold into the secondary market to holding about 24 percent, according to data from Inside Mortgage Finance, a specialty publication. One reason is that Fannie and Freddie were subject to tougher standards than many of the unregulated players in the private sector who weakened lending standards, most of whom have gone bankrupt or are now in deep trouble."

I think you'll find the source is rather familiar....

SF before you spend your time getting into one of your 100 post back and forth nitpicking bs, why don't you tell us.

George bush has abdicated the presidency at a time of historic danger.

What should be done? I don't mean to the idiots who voted for him twice...we can talk about that later.

What should be done about this fucking man who is destroying this fucking country on his way out SF?
I'm not arguing against saving it. I am arguing that giving the same people who utterly failed to comprehend a change was necessary to make money and for decades failed to do anything while their companies fell into dust isn't "saving" anything.

I don't care.

We have to, have to, have to, keep them hanging on for the remainder of the bush term. He's abdicated.

Do you understand what this means?

Id on't care what you're comfortable with.

Long term planning can come when we have a president.

Today, we must ensure their survival until Jan 20th.

We have no president. You're uncomfortable? About the wrong thing as usual.
Of course we need to save the auto industry, but you'll never convince some of that. What I don't understand is; where is bush? DH posted a Barney Frank quote earlier, that really said it in a nutshell. To the affect of, Obama keeps stating we only have one president at a time, but that's overstating the number of presidents we have.

Why aren't any republicans here even upset, or even mentioning the fact that your boy has abdicated the Presidency? Unfortuntely, the constitution says he has the job until Jan 20th. That means that the President-elect can't do all that much.

George W Bush should be put in prison, today. that's not hyperbole. That's serious. Arrest him. The country is going down the toilet and I think they're doing it on purpose. But with intent, or not, that's what is happening.

Our system just did not protect us against this man. We have no safeguards in place for this. He's abdicated.



The lack of leadership from the start on this economic crisis has been absolutely astounding. It's surreal. Katrina was just a precursor, so we should have expected this, but the complete void over the past few months is stunning.

Rachel Maddow showed some clips from Bush's final TV interview last night - how being in the Oval Office was just 'fabulous,' even as he portrayed himself as some kind of innocent bystander to everything that went wrong during his Presidency. The guy is the opposite of "the buck stops here." It was so strange listening to him talk about things like the war & economy as though he barely had anything to do about them.

I tend to be a forgiving person, but I don't think I'll ever forgive 2-time Bush voters.

The lack of leadership from the start on this economic crisis has been absolutely astounding. It's surreal. Katrina was just a precursor, so we should have expected this, but the complete void over the past few months is stunning.

Rachel Maddow showed some clips from Bush's final TV interview last night - how being in the Oval Office was just 'fabulous,' even as he portrayed himself as some kind of innocent bystander to everything that went wrong during his Presidency. The guy is the opposite of "the buck stops here." It was so strange listening to him talk about things like the war & economy as though he barely had anything to do about them.

I tend to be a forgiving person, but I don't think I'll ever forgive 2-time Bush voters.

Well no. It's going to be pretty hard to, since by this time next year, we might all be living in tents.
I don't care.

We have to, have to, have to, keep them hanging on for the remainder of the bush term. He's abdicated.

Do you understand what this means?

Id on't care what you're comfortable with.

Long term planning can come when we have a president.

Today, we must ensure their survival until Jan 20th.

We have no president. You're uncomfortable? About the wrong thing as usual.
They don't need 34 billion to make it into January when you think all the magic will happen.

They'll still be going in a few weeks when something better than just handing money to the same idiots who brought the failure is hammered out in Congress.

Everybody is always in a headlong rush to panic and pass whatever they want, "Don't think just vote!"

And the President Elect can pick up the phone and work to get people to vote for a law. It's amazing how he is considered so incapable of looking up phone numbers because he hasn't taken an oath.
They don't need 34 billion to make it into January when you think all the magic will happen.

They'll still be going in a few weeks when something better than just handing money to the same idiots who brought the failure is hammered out in Congress.

Everybody is always in a headlong rush to panic and pass whatever they want, "Don't think just vote!"

And the President Elect can pick up the phone and work to get people to vote for a law. It's amazing how he is considered so incapable of looking up phone numbers because he hasn't taken an oath.

Excuse me, magic?

They will be out by the end of the year. And there is nothing magical about having a fucking president!

I really get to the point where I hate you people. What you have done. And still, you just sit.

You destroyed a country.
I do note that they are still reporting profits, just not growth. They are also not hands-out to the US government begging for them to buy their failure. They had 8 straight years of record growth followed by one year where they are showing less profit. (Not no profit, not negative returns like the US firms, just less profit.) They are not "in trouble", nor are they asking me to pay into their failure.

American can-doism notwithstanding. We can fix them, but not by following the same "leaders" of the company into failure.

See post #33
Excuse me, magic?

They will be out by the end of the year. And there is nothing magical about having a fucking president!

I really get to the point where I hate you people. What you have done. And still, you just sit.

You destroyed a country.
This is inane. Bush has made it clear that he would support such a thing and under what terms, that the money not come from the 700 Billion for the financial markets.

You are getting upset because people aren't in as much a panic as you are and realize that they can argue something that may give us something better than slip-shod rush to hand money to every company who is in trouble.
They don't need 34 billion to make it into January when you think all the magic will happen.

They'll still be going in a few weeks when something better than just handing money to the same idiots who brought the failure is hammered out in Congress.

Everybody is always in a headlong rush to panic and pass whatever they want, "Don't think just vote!"

And the President Elect can pick up the phone and work to get people to vote for a law. It's amazing how he is considered so incapable of looking up phone numbers because he hasn't taken an oath.

I had heard that Obama is working behind the scenes where he can to get Dem votes. Who considers him "incapable?" You sound like a total buffoon sometimes.

And your position on this is wishy washy at best; you gave me your best political answer to my question before, basically taking both sides. No, you don't think they deserve it, but you don't want the industry to fail, and we'd just be investing in more failure, blah, blah, blah. Take a stand; yes, it is a rush, because GM WILL run out of money by year's end, well before inauguration. Do you want that to happen? Do you think our economy can handle that?
I had heard that Obama is working behind the scenes where he can to get Dem votes. Who considers him "incapable?" You sound like a total buffoon sometimes.

And your position on this is wishy washy at best; you gave me your best political answer to my question before, basically taking both sides. No, you don't think they deserve it, but you don't want the industry to fail, and we'd just be investing in more failure, blah, blah, blah. Take a stand; yes, it is a rush, because GM WILL run out of money by year's end, well before inauguration. Do you want that to happen? Do you think our economy can handle that?

Stop using fear and emotionalism to push fascism.
This is inane. Bush has made it clear that he would support such a thing and under what terms, that the money not come from the 700 Billion for the financial markets.

You are getting upset because people aren't in as much a panic as you are and realize that they can argue something that may give us something better than slip-shod rush to hand money to every company who is in trouble.

You're an ignorant fucking ass Damo. And I know you think you look smart, and "calm"...but you look like an ignorant fucking ass.
I had heard that Obama is working behind the scenes where he can to get Dem votes. Who considers him "incapable?" You sound like a total buffoon sometimes.

And your position on this is wishy washy at best; you gave me your best political answer to my question before, basically taking both sides. No, you don't think they deserve it, but you don't want the industry to fail, and we'd just be investing in more failure, blah, blah, blah. Take a stand; yes, it is a rush, because GM WILL run out of money by year's end, well before inauguration. Do you want that to happen? Do you think our economy can handle that?
Well, the person who told me how he "can't do much". That's who.

I have made it clear. Fire those idiots and give a new management team who provides the best plan for the future of the companies the aid. There is absolutely no reason we must keep paying those people even $1 per year.
It is absolutely stunning.

We give away a trillion dollars to rich people with NO demands or even proper oversight without barely a peep .. NONE of the CEO's of these banking institutions pledges to make one dollar a year in salary .. but loan guarantees for the almost last remaining manufactuering done in the US is too much to ask.

Who is going to even buy foreign cars in the US when a million plus more Americans are out of work?
Excuse me, magic?

They will be out by the end of the year. And there is nothing magical about having a fucking president!

I really get to the point where I hate you people. What you have done. And still, you just sit.

You destroyed a country.

Maybe you should consider the Conflict implicit in Barney Frank blowing the head of FMFM
It is absolutely stunning.

We give away a trillion dollars to rich people with NO demands or even proper oversight without barely a peep .. NONE of the CEO's of these banking institutions pledges to make one dollar a year in salary .. but loan guarantees for the almost last remaining manufactuering done in the US is too much to ask.

Who is going to even buy foreign cars in the US when a million plus more Americans are out of work?
BS, "nary a peep", find one post of mine that you would consider "nary a peep".
Media Mum on Barney Frank's Fannie Mae Love Connection
Democratic House Financial Services Committee Chair promoted GSEs while former 'spouse' was Fannie Mae executive.

By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
9/24/2008 4:00:57 PM

Are journalists playing favorites with some of the key political figures involved with regulatory oversight of U.S. financial markets?

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews launched several vitriolic attacks on the Republican Party on his Sept. 17, 2008, show, suggesting blame for Wall Street problems should be focused in a partisan way. However, he and other media have failed to thoroughly examine the Democratic side of the blame game.

Prominent Democrats ran Fannie Mae, the same government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) that donated campaign cash to top Democrats. And one of Fannie Mae’s main defenders in the House – Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., a recipient of more than $40,000 in campaign donations from Fannie since 1989 – was once romantically involved with a Fannie Mae executive.

The media coverage of Frank’s coziness with Fannie Mae and his pro-Fannie Mae stances has been lacking. Of the eight appearances Frank made on the three broadcasts networks between Jan. 1, 2008, and Sept. 21, 2008, none of his comments dealt with the potential conflicts of interest. Only six of the appearances dealt with the economy in general and two of those appearances, including an April 6, 2008 appearance on CBS’s “60 Minutes” were about his opposition to a manned mission to Mars.