Jobs sent overseas? How did this happen?


When I was young, people without a college degree were able to work regular jobs that paid pretty well. They were able to buy houses, buy cars, take the family on a vacation.
Today, everyone seems to think that you can't make enough money to even pay for a mobile home if you don't have an Ivy League degree. And manufacturing jobs are in the Far East.

HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN over a period of about 50 years?

Here are the reasons we're getting from the political parties.

1. Unions have bid up job costs to where it's worth the cost to relocate a factory overseas.
2. Companies have figured it's cheaper locating to a country where the regulations, taxes and environmental laws are much more lax.
3. American labor just sucks, according to some.
4. America is switching from a manufacturing to a service economy.
5. Illegal aliens have come in and bid down the most mundane jobs, and in some cases are working for well below the legal minimum wage.
6. The minimum wage is too high for companies to make any profit here.

Both sides of the aisle are welcome to chime in. There are no really wrong answers here. It's my belief that BOTH political parties share responsibility for this economic clusterfuck. Over the last 7 years (or I should say since 2010) the Republican Party has basically given Barak Obama everything he wanted legislatively, so both parties share in the blame of there being over 100 million people out of work.

Think it's just one side?
Steve Jobs (a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT icon if there ever was one) decided to have the I-Phone manufactured by FoxConn in China because he said a unit would cost over $900 if it were assembled by American labor. I couldn't possibly make that up.

In my day and age, there weren't any whinings about a "Living Wage." People with even an elementary school education were able to find good jobs.

So what happened? Why did the jobs disappear? You can say high taxes, too much regulation in the same breath as "corporate greed" and you probably wouldn't be wrong.

If you people can figure this out, you'll have a clue as to why Donald Trump is ahead in all the polls as he has declared war on both political parties. Perhaps he's right.
how have the regulations on corporations changed in those years

the irony of you claiming to be a capitalist yet 1) having so little clue about it and 2) essentially hating capitalism

Instead of throwing out a meaningless statement like you just did why don't you say what regulations changed that you believe facilitated our move from a manufacturing to information economy
When I was young, people without a college degree were able to work regular jobs that paid pretty well. They were able to buy houses, buy cars, take the family on a vacation.
Today, everyone seems to think that you can't make enough money to even pay for a mobile home if you don't have an Ivy League degree. And manufacturing jobs are in the Far East.

HOW THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN over a period of about 50 years?

Here are the reasons we're getting from the political parties.

1. Unions have bid up job costs to where it's worth the cost to relocate a factory overseas.
2. Companies have figured it's cheaper locating to a country where the regulations, taxes and environmental laws are much more lax.
3. American labor just sucks, according to some.
4. America is switching from a manufacturing to a service economy.
5. Illegal aliens have come in and bid down the most mundane jobs, and in some cases are working for well below the legal minimum wage.
6. The minimum wage is too high for companies to make any profit here.

Both sides of the aisle are welcome to chime in. There are no really wrong answers here. It's my belief that BOTH political parties share responsibility for this economic clusterfuck. Over the last 7 years (or I should say since 2010) the Republican Party has basically given Barak Obama everything he wanted legislatively, so both parties share in the blame of there being over 100 million people out of work.

Think it's just one side?
Steve Jobs (a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT icon if there ever was one) decided to have the I-Phone manufactured by FoxConn in China because he said a unit would cost over $900 if it were assembled by American labor. I couldn't possibly make that up.

In my day and age, there weren't any whinings about a "Living Wage." People with even an elementary school education were able to find good jobs.

So what happened? Why did the jobs disappear? You can say high taxes, too much regulation in the same breath as "corporate greed" and you probably wouldn't be wrong.

If you people can figure this out, you'll have a clue as to why Donald Trump is ahead in all the polls as he has declared war on both political parties. Perhaps he's right.

Best of luck to Donald to roll back the advances of technology and globalization. Maybe he'll start WWIII and after we win we can have the same global economic conditions that exist post WWII?
Once upon a time, America was the cheap labor Europe complained about. And while we were busy being fat dumb and happy the rest of the world was busy making themselves part of a global economy. Crack a history book, this phenomenon is not new.
Best of luck to Donald to roll back the advances of technology and globalization. Maybe he'll start WWIII and after we win we can have the same global economic conditions that exist post WWII?


There are TONS of manufacturing jobs around, but no one has the skills or education to do them. Except me I mean.
how have the regulations on corporations changed in those years

That now qualifies as the most intelligent response I've ever seen you make in all the time I've been here.

It's a legitimate question and should not be overlooked.

During the Nixon years, the EPA was formed. The EPA's first secretary once referred to the right of private property as a quaint anachronism, same as the Fifth Amendment. Nixon gave the country wage and price controls, which was a disaster. He took the world off the Bretton Woods gold standard, which reduced the value of a dollar to that of toilet paper.

The Carter years gave us OSHA, the Windfall Profits Tax, etc.

Good things or bad? Hard to say. The EPA has yet to clean a single inch of land, purify even a drop of water or clear the air in any major city. OSHA has made some businesses safe and has driven lawsuits through the roof. The Windfall Profits tax sent oil to record heights, bring the price of a gallon of gasoline up to it's first dollar a gallon. (When I first learned to drive, gasoline as 30 cents a gallon.)

Our corporate taxes are the highest in the civilized world. Is that the reason for what has happened? It could be. Or maybe not. I don't think it's the only factor.

Here's what I do think. A lot of corporate bottom lines were improved by their ability to buy politicians, (and most of those politicians they bought were Democrats.) But regardless of party, since when is it in the best interests of America for jobs to be sent overseas just to pad the bank accounts of some friends of politicians? (If that has happened, and I think to a certain extent it has.)
the irony of you claiming to be a capitalist yet 1) having so little clue about it and 2) essentially hating capitalism

Instead of throwing out a meaningless statement like you just did why don't you say what regulations changed that you believe facilitated our move from a manufacturing to information economy

Actually, she had a legitimate question. And remember, I said there were no wrong answers. I think it's a combination of everything that will come out in this thread.

You added that you believe regulations moved our economy from manufacturing to information. (I'm thinking more in line of our economy moving to a service base, but your idea has as much merit.) Do you think changing our economy from manufacturing to information was deliberate? Or could it be the case of some idiot kids finding their daddy's shotgun?
Once upon a time, America was the cheap labor Europe complained about. And while we were busy being fat dumb and happy the rest of the world was busy making themselves part of a global economy. Crack a history book, this phenomenon is not new.

I wish it were that simple. Still, your idea is on the table. It's no less valid than anything else we've seen.

Here's my problem with it: HAVE we been fat, dumb and happy? Have we just sat back and ignored the rest of the world? And how could a global economy have occurred without our help, (since the world would basically be either a Nazi or a communist shithole if it weren't for our efforts?) We're all over the world. We're in EVERYBODY's business. And to you everyone else was making themselves part of a global economy?

Maybe not probable, but certainly not impossible. It could be exactly as you said.
Best of luck to Donald to roll back the advances of technology and globalization. Maybe he'll start WWIII and after we win we can have the same global economic conditions that exist post WWII?

This is a guy who has built luxury hotels, resorts and golf courses all over the world. Here's a guy who is the landlord of the world's largest bank. Here's a guy who is on a first name basis with most world leaders and the most powerful men in most countries, something our last five presidents did not have.

What has Trump said that would make you think he wants to roll back the advances of technology and globalization? How do you define that anyway? Is globalization necessarily a good thing if it means all cars are made in Japan and all TV sets are made in China? Who wrote those rules?

I'm seeing Trump putting Carl Ichan in charge of China and I'm seeing nothing but good coming from that. Right now, China has lower corporate taxes that the United States. Right now China does not have an inheritance tax. Right now, China has a better economy. It is now a more capitalist nation than America. Tell me again how that's good for us.

Trump's not going to start any world wars. He'd be the last to commit our troops to any fighting that isn't directly in our best interests. By the same token, I also see him CHARGING certain countries for our continued support and military protection. If that's not thinking outside the box, there is no box.

Why would he do that? Why would Trump throw a monkey wrench into the alleged mythical military industrial complex?