Joe Manchin’s ugly new demands expose the absurdity of arbitrary centrism

Hippy Geezers Like Bi-den Are the Real Fossils

"Fossil" fuel is another dishonest term coined by the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords. Fossil is associated with dinosaurs and other obsolete or old-fashioned things. Whoever controls language controls thought.

What is new is not necessarily "improved." There's nothing wrong with turning back the clock if it is connected to a time-bomb. Pandemics can only spread in what the degenerate control-freaks and other enemies of human progress call "Clean Air."

Gasoline Cars spew toxic fumes. There is 330 Million people in the US that will buy cars, but there is 1.5 BILLION people in China that will buy cars, along with 1.3 BILLION people in India that will buy cars.
That's a lot of people driving cars that could kill the planet.
So, you don't have to be overly bright to see how converting the auto fleet to Electric, that spew no toxic fumes, is the better option.
So the Leftist Politico says that the Revolution thinks they can get a $2 trillion deal done.

I am the one who has been saying that the Revolution almost always wins, so we should not assume that they will lose here.
Gasoline Cars spew toxic fumes. There is are 330 Million people in the US that who will buy cars, but there is are1.5 BILLION people in China that who will buy cars, along with 1.3 BILLION people in India that who will buy cars.
That's a lot of people driving cars that could kill the planet.
So, you don't have to be overly bright

I Believe in Science, Not in Mindless New Age Scientists

Your Low-IQ grammar is unscientific.
Manchin’s new moves reveal the folly of arbitrary centrism. This posture is essentially that any effort to restrain liberal governance is an inherent good, with no serious acknowledgement required of the real-world trade offs it entails.

This is necessary because Manchin, who fears deficits and inflation, has drawn a line at $1.5 trillion. But that appears arbitrary: Manchin has even suggested to colleagues that he doesn’t particularly care which progressive priorities get jettisoned; he just wants to see some of them gone.

joes a great guy he will do whats good for his state which is what he was elected for . Not to go along with what a bunch of Anti Americans in congress want to do to fuck up America
Democrats don't think kids belong to their parents. They want to force curriculum and shots on kids no matter what their parents want for the kids.
Democrats don't think kids belong to their parents. They want to force curriculum and shots on kids no matter what their parents want for the kids.
Degenerate Generation

How else can they recruit future voters except by mind-raping students? Demwit voters today had all their brains pounded into their butts l
long before they were old enough to vote.
You are such a liar.....Biden is not governing as he told us he would....we were lied to.....AGAIN.

Biden isn’t governing. His main function is to be woke or at least appear to be woke.
Some committee behind the curtain is making decisions.
Manchin’s new moves reveal the folly of arbitrary centrism. This posture is essentially that any effort to restrain liberal governance is an inherent good, with no serious acknowledgement required of the real-world trade offs it entails.

This is necessary because Manchin, who fears deficits and inflation, has drawn a line at $1.5 trillion. But that appears arbitrary: Manchin has even suggested to colleagues that he doesn’t particularly care which progressive priorities get jettisoned; he just wants to see some of them gone.
Manchin isn't a centrist. He's a fossil fuel whore.
Try to avoid the Topic at all costs.


Gagging on Gaia Mythology

GreenHeads are pushing the topic into a primitive and mindless nature-worship that will lead the decadent First World back into the Stone Age. In order to avoid that collapse, we must go back to the way we were moving rapidly ahead because of the uninhibited development of natural resources.
From the OP article ...

"The West Virginia Democrat is making new demands that could badly impair our ability to combat child poverty and global warming, by shrinking two key components of the multi-trillion-dollar reconciliation bill."

A couple thousand years ago a religious man said ... "THE POOR YOU HAVE WITH YOU ALWAYS" KJV
Gagging on Gaia Mythology

GreenHeads are pushing the topic into a primitive and mindless nature-worship that will lead the decadent First World back into the Stone Age. In order to avoid that collapse, we must go back to the way we were moving rapidly ahead because of the uninhibited development of natural resources.

Yes. Fuck the Planet. We can always move somewhere else.
Manchin’s new moves reveal the folly of arbitrary centrism. This posture is essentially that any effort to restrain liberal governance is an inherent good, with no serious acknowledgement required of the real-world trade offs it entails.

This is necessary because Manchin, who fears deficits and inflation, has drawn a line at $1.5 trillion. But that appears arbitrary: Manchin has even suggested to colleagues that he doesn’t particularly care which progressive priorities get jettisoned; he just wants to see some of them gone.

and why do you think that is ugly?.....