Jon Stewart is the new Bill Maher.

Reminds me of debate Reagan and Carter. Carter could not believe Reagan just lied and lied.
I've been saying that Biden appeared to be caught off guard by the repeated lies. He couldn't pivot. His prep was terrible. Nobody believed that trump was there to debate. Except Biden's staff.
Before the debate, I didn't have a problem with Biden. Sure...he can't keep his 80 year eyes open no matter where he is. He looks like he's always squinting. His voice is weak, and I often can't make out what he's saying. Add to that his coping mechanism for his stutter, which often has him speaking way too fast. It's a horrible look, and a good % of voters don't even pay attention to the issues. They vote or stay home based on perception.
I don’t see any need for debates when we already know where the candidates stand on the issues. OTOH, the ONLY purpose I see is to impress low information voters on style. And on style Trump is funnier and is far more coherent in speaking (not thought) than Biden. Neither is coherent in thought . If I were Biden I wouldn’t bother to debate Trump.
One thing I noticed in the debate is that Biden fell into the same trap as so many of trump’s opponents have. He stooped down to trump’s level by calling him a loser even without trumps goading. Go down to trump’s level and lose every time. That’s TRUMP’s game and he’s a master at it.
I've been saying that Biden appeared to be caught off guard by the repeated lies. He couldn't pivot. His prep was terrible. Nobody believed that trump was there to debate. Except Biden's staff.
Carter told Reagan he was not truthful about some government statistic. Carter held up a sheet of paper: You are wrong, the facts are right here!.
I've been saying that Biden appeared to be caught off guard by the repeated lies.
How could he possibly be caught off guard? He knew going in Trump would lie almost constantly. Almost. He actually did speak some truth.
It would have been very easy for trump to point out the myriad of things Biden did to negate what Trump did for the border instead of just saying “Biden’s open border policy “.
How could he possibly be caught off guard? He knew going in Trump would lie almost constantly. Almost. He actually did speak some truth.
It would have been very easy to point out all the myriad of things Biden did to negate what Trump did for the border.
Biden should have abandoned the horrid debate prep, and simply played the troll game with trump.
Carter told Reagan he was not truthful about some government statistic. Carter held up a sheet of paper: You are wrong, the facts are right here!.
Carter's problem was Iran, which the Reagan camp worked behind the scenes to keep from being settled before the election.

Inflation and a slow economy hurt as well.
Carter's problem was Iran, which the Reagan camp worked behind the scenes to keep from being settled before the election.

Inflation and a slow economy hurt as well.
"I know in my heart I told the truth."--Reagan, after admitting he lied.
Biden should have abandoned the horrid debate prep, and simply played the troll game with trump.
That’s going down to trump’s level. Trump wins every time when they try to play HIS game. That was obvious in the 2016 R primaries.

Bil Maher is the ultimate media dupe of the war machine. He’s so ignorant & uninformed that he thinks Assange is a traitor to the U.S. when he’s not even a citizen of our country but of Australia. Bill doesn’t actually know anything about world events or Julian Assange or what’s really driving our foreign policy of endless wars, so he sounds as dumb as the average cable news viewer. Like a typical establishment stooge he’s angry at the people exposing war crimes instead of the people committing them. It’s a big reason why I’m launching “Rumble Time” in August, a panel show featuring comedians, politicians, and public figures in front of a Live Audience that will debunk the stupidity & propaganda of people like Maher & shows like his.
That’s going down to trump’s level. Trump wins every time when they try to play HIS game. That was obvious in the 2016 R primaries.
Not really. Very few abandoned the standard debate protocols in '16. Rubio tried, but he's just a child in a man's world. Nobody was prepared to debate Jerry Springer in '16. Biden kicked trump's ass in '20, but for some reason he simply wasn't prepared for the barrage of lies this time around.

In '20 the debate was about trump's policies and 'achievements'. The truth actually hurt trump.

This time around he lied about Biden's policies and achievements and Biden simply was not prepared to discount them every time it was his turn to speak. He was too focused on actual facts/figures, and stepped all over his tongue.

If '16 taught Dems anything, it's that the 'when he goes low, we go high' is bullshit. That's not how you defeat a troll.
Before the debate, I didn't have a problem with Biden. Sure...he can't keep his 80 year eyes open no matter where he is. He looks like he's always squinting. His voice is weak, and I often can't make out what he's saying. Add to that his coping mechanism for his stutter, which often has him speaking way too fast. It's a horrible look, and a good % of voters don't even pay attention to the issues. They vote or stay home based on perception.

But he can run the nation on auto pilot. He's been a leader for decades. He's respected around the world.

The debate was a horrible look. Every lie trump has been telling about Biden was shown to be true by an unprepared old man who truly looked lost.

I don't doubt that he can run the nation. My problem is with the perception, and how it's going to keep millions of voters home in November. Young voters believe that teaching Democrats a lesson is more important that keeping democracy alive in this nation.

They didn't learn when they handed the Supreme Court to zealots.
What did you think about last night's press conference? I don't think either helped or hurt him. He looks his age - there's nothing he can do about that. He made some flubs, which he's done his entire life (trump's flubs are as bad or worse).

Biden does have command of the issues, especially foreign policy.

His voice is weak, his volume changes are weird - but again - he's old. Nothing anyone can do about that.

I do trust him to run the country much more than I do his psychotic opponent and I'll be voting D if it's Biden, Kamala, or whomever.
Once again, this is going to come down to turnout. Biden does NOT inspire fence sitters to vote.

Is it just me, or does this guy look familiar?

He looks like trump's former secretary of commerce, Wilbur Ross!

What did you think about last night's press conference? I don't think either helped or hurt him. He looks his age - there's nothing he can do about that. He made some flubs, which he's done his entire life (trump's flubs are as bad or worse).

Biden does have command of the issues, especially foreign policy.

His voice is weak, his volume changes are weird - but again - he's old. Nothing anyone can do about that.

I do trust him to run the country much more than I do his psychotic opponent and I'll be voting D if it's Biden, Kamala, or whomever.
I didn't see the presser but the segments I watched after the fact looked good.
Last night's rally was very good. He had the same flubs and near stutters a few times, but he's showing that the debate night was an anomaly.

His specifics re. trump are what he should have done at the debate.

This shit is getting good now.