Jon Stewart is the new Bill Maher.

And your buying the bullshit of the corporations

Wake the fuck up
I am awake and I have eyes and ears and I'll vote for Biden if he's still on the ticket in November. If you're mad at me, go fuck yourself.

Who you should be mad at: Biden's handlers who kept Biden in "witness protection" and kept his health information from voters. The first red flag was when Biden skipped the traditional Superbowl interview. We were betrayed by Biden and his staff.
I am awake and I have eyes and ears and I'll vote for Biden if he's still on the ticket in November. If you're mad at me, go fuck yourself.

Who you should be mad at: Biden's handlers who kept Biden in "witness protection" and kept his health information from voters. The first red flag was when Biden skipped the traditional Superbowl interview. We were betrayed by Biden and his staff.
You're voting for Trump again.
Democrats saw Trump get away with a coup.
So they're trying to pull a coup on Biden. I hate these people.
You're voting for Trump again.
Trolling me isn't going to change reality. Biden's health information was known by his inner circle and kept from us. Like I just said, the first "red flag" was Biden skipping the traditional Superbowl interview. I'm mad at myself for not being more suspicious when that happened.
Trolling me isn't going to change reality. Biden's health information was known by his inner circle and kept from us. Like I just said, the first "red flag" was Biden skipping the traditional Superbowl interview. I'm mad at myself for not being more suspicious when that happened.
No one gives a fuck about a goddam football game.
No one gives a fuck about a goddam football game.
Football has nothing to do with it and you know it. Also, we're talking about the Superbowl, watched by millions, worldwide. To say, no one cares about that is just idiotic.
America should be really pissed at Biden and his family and staff who kept his health information from voters. It's a maga trick.
Before the debate, I didn't have a problem with Biden. Sure...he can't keep his 80 year eyes open no matter where he is. He looks like he's always squinting. His voice is weak, and I often can't make out what he's saying. Add to that his coping mechanism for his stutter, which often has him speaking way too fast. It's a horrible look, and a good % of voters don't even pay attention to the issues. They vote or stay home based on perception.

But he can run the nation on auto pilot. He's been a leader for decades. He's respected around the world.

The debate was a horrible look. Every lie trump has been telling about Biden was shown to be true by an unprepared old man who truly looked lost.

I don't doubt that he can run the nation. My problem is with the perception, and how it's going to keep millions of voters home in November. Young voters believe that teaching Democrats a lesson is more important that keeping democracy alive in this nation.

They didn't learn when they handed the Supreme Court to zealots.
I'll vote for whomever Trump's opponent is. If it's Biden, then I'll vote for Biden. The polls are showing I'm in the minority though.
Once again, this is going to come down to turnout. Biden does NOT inspire fence sitters to vote.

Is it just me, or does this guy look familiar?
