JPP Debate Tournament Interest List (looking for judges, participants, etc)

yeah I shouldn't have let that be an open call. I am pre-selecting Mott as a judge. Winterborn seems to be a good judge too. Rana might be able to round it out. Damo would be a good judge but I kinda want him in the debate O_o

rana-mott-winterborn seems like a pretty level headed list.
yeah I shouldn't have let that be an open call. I am pre-selecting Mott as a judge. Winterborn seems to be a good judge too. Rana might be able to round it out. Damo would be a good judge but I kinda want him in the debate O_o

rana-mott-winterborn seems like a pretty level headed list.

Those are excellent choices for judges.
I say we do this again.

We need participants, who will engage in multiple rounds of debate, to try and unseat undisputed debate champion Threedee.

We need judges.. preferably 3. We can maybe extend that to 5.

Also we need organizers, people to come up with questions, helping with the rules, scheduling, etc.
(I am going to be in this category)

I say we need at least 8 debaters, but the more the merrier.

Who wants to have an enlightening, intelligent, debate contest?

Sign up below with specifying if you would rather be a contestant, a judge, or an organizer. (we might do some overlap with judges helping to come up with questions etc. if we can't find enough organizers. Judges can probably help come up with the rules as well.
The important question here; "What are the debate subjects and who Picks them. I am new here, but I would think that the debators take turns to "Throw out" the debate subjects? Also, do they have to be strictly politcal because many off-shoot subjects might be used like armed self defense pros and cons, which is something typically defined by political views? What is important to Lib Demos may not mean a dam to Conservatives like me.
There are many political savvy experts on these Forums, probably have every type of questions/responces lined up in talking point binders, so if they get to choose all the discussion subjects, then they will be tough to defeat. But, if I get to pick the subjects, then I should win, need I say Moore?