JPP Debate Tournament Interest List (looking for judges, participants, etc)

I think you need debate volunteers and right now you seem woefully short. Lots of interest in being a judge though

Lots of people want debate, but nobody is wants to jump in

If you really want to make this fun, then take a libtard and a conservative and have them argue the opposite side of an issue. For example. Have Apple argue the pro life side of the abortion issue while Dixie argues the pro choice side.

Otherwise I don't see how much different it will be than any other jabber fest in this forum
we've done this before ILA, it just takes some time to setup, and it's not like there is an immediate concern to get it going
I say we do this again.

We need participants, who will engage in multiple rounds of debate, to try and unseat undisputed debate champion Threedee.

We need judges.. preferably 3. We can maybe extend that to 5.

Also we need organizers, people to come up with questions, helping with the rules, scheduling, etc.
(I am going to be in this category)

I say we need at least 8 debaters, but the more the merrier.

Who wants to have an enlightening, intelligent, debate contest?

Sign up below with specifying if you would rather be a contestant, a judge, or an organizer. (we might do some overlap with judges helping to come up with questions etc. if we can't find enough organizers. Judges can probably help come up with the rules as well.
I'm interested in being a judge and I can help organize.
The logistics of organizing three people must be daunting
It's more problematic than you think. The last time we did this the debates themselves went off well. We had some very good contests. Some people complained about the debate topics but that's almost impossible to avoid. The real problem we had last time was judging. We need judges who will commit to doing the job and doing it objectively. That's where the last debate contest fell down. We had judges disapper on us and we had other judges who either did not know how to score a debate or we're clearly biased in their scoring.

For example. There were several times in which debators who were unpopular or had to defend an unpopular position lost when it was pretty clear, from an objective standpoint, that they had presented the better arguments in their debates but still they lost. So getting the judging right is critical to having a quality debate.

Then we had two of the judges dissapear on us. One with a legitimate excuse and one who just dissapeared and never came back. That one really hurt the debate.

What ended up happening in our first debate was that the eventual winner was a person who consistantly loses arguments with himself. That's not good.
It's more problematic than you think. The last time we did this the debates themselves went off well. We had some very good contests. Some people complained about the debate topics but that's almost impossible to avoid. The real problem we had last time was judging. We need judges who will commit to doing the job and doing it objectively. That's where the last debate contest fell down. We had judges disapper on us and we had other judges who either did not know how to score a debate or we're clearly biased in their scoring.

For example. There were several times in which debators who were unpopular or had to defend an unpopular position lost when it was pretty clear, from an objective standpoint, that they had presented the better arguments in their debates but still they lost. So getting the judging right is critical to having a quality debate.

Then we had two of the judges dissapear on us. One with a legitimate excuse and one who just dissapeared and never came back. That one really hurt the debate.

What ended up happening in our first debate was that the eventual winner was a person who consistantly loses arguments with himself. That's not good.

Yeah, but I came in 2nd, so it wasn't a total wash. Mott, just accept that the TRINITY dominated. Always have, always will.
I think the highlight, aside from my glorious victory, was Asshate getting lost on the information highway on his way to the debate, and then screaming at Grind for conspiring against him.

Not a chance. I know I am not Mr Popularity here, nor do I seek to be.

I know that it will be more of a popularity contest than anything else.
I certainly see your point. In the last debate a fairly unpopular poster, Southern Man, clearly and by any obejctive measure, defeated his opponent in their debate but the judges scored him the loser.
I think that is what "not a chance" means.

You might want to rethink your participation
I'd say keep an open mind and see who the judging panel would be. Where I screwed up in organizing the last debate was choosing a panel of judges that was politically balanced with one liberal, one moderate and one conservative. That was a big mistake. Judges should have been chosen for their integrity and their objectivity as anyone who has those, can put their own personal biases aside. That one mistake pretty much sabotaged the whole debate and though it didn't quite exactly turn into a popularity contest we didn't even come remotely close to the best person winning.
I certainly see your point. In the last debate a fairly unpopular poster, Southern Man, clearly and by any obejctive measure, defeated his opponent in their debate but the judges scored him the loser.

Exactly. If I thought it would be anything other than a self serving circle jerk for the mods, I would think about it

I do appreciate your honesty though
Exactly. If I thought it would be anything other than a self serving circle jerk for the mods, I would think about it

I do appreciate your honesty though
well again, you're assuming the mods would be the judges. Personally I think selecting the judges is so critical that I won't sign up to debate until they post who the judging panel is. If I think they have the integrity, intelligence and objectivity to be quality judges I'll participate. If not, I'll pass.

I personally think I have those qualities to judge a debate so I'll offer my services to be a judge. The persons who I think have the best temperement to be judges and who would be objective are;

Leaning Right

Of that small group the two I would like the most to be judges would be Leaning Right and Blackascoal. Both are educators, both familiar with the rules of debate both have integrity in spades and both are capable of being objective, putting their biases aside and scoring a debate based on who presented the best argument and not who they think is right.
well again, you're assuming the mods would be the judges. Personally I think selecting the judges is so critical that I won't sign up to debate until they post who the judging panel is. If I think they have the integrity, intelligence and objectivity to be quality judges I'll participate. If not, I'll pass.

I personally think I have those qualities to judge a debate so I'll offer my services to be a judge. The persons who I think have the best temperement to be judges and who would be objective are;

Leaning Right

Of that small group the two I would like the most to be judges would be Leaning Right and Blackascoal. Both are educators, both familiar with the rules of debate both have integrity in spades and both are capable of being objective, putting their biases aside and scoring a debate based on who presented the best argument and not who they think is right.

Actually while I disagree with you on many issues, I find you to be a fair arbiter. I think you would be a good judge.