JPP Debate Tournament Interest List (looking for judges, participants, etc)

Again, I would argue that with objective judging that's irrelevent. Debating is not about "being right" or "Having the most right argument.". Formal debate is about who clearly articulates, with reason and logic, the best argument.

I would argue that one person getting a softball of a position and the other having a much tougher position to debate does put them at a disadvantage. They naturally have a tougher debate on their hands. It's just that simple. One side will have way more points they can bring up than the other.

A good debator should be able to take any side of any issue, no matter how unpopular or wrong and present a well thought out argument. That is the essential challenge to a debate.

That doesn't change that some questions are easier to argue than others.
I would argue that one person getting a softball of a position and the other having a much tougher position to debate does put them at a disadvantage. They naturally have a tougher debate on their hands. It's just that simple. One side will have way more points they can bring up than the other.

That doesn't change that some questions are easier to argue than others.
You mean like "Dixie isn't a mathematical genius"?
yeah I shouldn't have let that be an open call. I am pre-selecting Mott as a judge. Winterborn seems to be a good judge too. Rana might be able to round it out. Damo would be a good judge but I kinda want him in the debate O_o

rana-mott-winterborn seems like a pretty level headed list.

Except you are taking two from the left and one from the middle... plus Mutt is an idiot. Just sayin'... taking a judge from Ohio??? You may as well have a monkey grab some poo and fling it at a dart board with the participants names on it. About the same quality... no offense to poo throwing monkeys.
There's a practical limit to that. You cannot argue certain positions no matter how good a debater you are.

Though it helps when the system is rigged in your favor... not a coincidence that Threedee's opponent vanishes and you get the pro-gun side of the debate against me. It was a damned trinity conspiracy ;)
Except you are taking two from the left and one from the middle... plus Mutt is an idiot. Just sayin'... taking a judge from Ohio??? You may as well have a monkey grab some poo and fling it at a dart board with the participants names on it. About the same quality... no offense to poo throwing monkeys.

Oh stop crying. Rana and Wb are extremely impartial and only a whiner would deny that. I think Mott will be too. It's not like Grind made me a judge. Or you!
Oh stop crying. Rana and Wb are extremely impartial and only a whiner would deny that. I think Mott will be too. It's not like Grind made me a judge. Or you!

Dearest Darla... I already stated that Rana and Winter would be good judges. I made the post you quoted to rip on Mutt and make fun of Ohio. It is done in fun, to mock Mutt.

For someone who thinks she can read emotion from typed words, you do tend to miss sarcasm quite consistently. Not bright enough to get it?
Dearest Darla... I already stated that Rana and Winter would be good judges. I made the post you quoted to rip on Mutt and make fun of Ohio. It is done in fun, to mock Mutt.

For someone who thinks she can read emotion from typed words, you do tend to miss sarcasm quite consistently. Not bright enough to get it?

No, I"m sure you're smiling when you write this stuff. Heck, you are probably laughing and slapping your thighs! Ho ho ho. Almost like a message board Santa!
No, I"m sure you're smiling when you write this stuff. Heck, you are probably laughing and slapping your thighs! Ho ho ho. Almost like a message board Santa!

So you are indeed projecting your own anger onto me. Thanks for proving my point. I am sure everyone will agree with you that I was dead serious about the poo flinging monkey bit.