JPP Debate Tournament Interest List (looking for judges, participants, etc)

Not a chance. I know I am not Mr Popularity here, nor do I seek to be.

I know that it will be more of a popularity contest than anything else.

You know this? You know this how? Obviously not from the previous debate. One of the most unpopular people on the site won several rounds of the last tourney.

But I understand that actual debate is not your strength. Sitting outside and making snide remarks is much easier.
is there a reason darla and posse have not signed up? i think this would be a good time for the board to put down animosities and just debate issues.

at one time darla and i didn't like each other, then we were wolves together and realized we actually got along...then...well, darla is darla.
Not a chance. I know I am not Mr Popularity here, nor do I seek to be.

I know that it will be more of a popularity contest than anything else.

Oh you're not going to participate?

Well knock me down with a feather!

And really...was ANYONE surprised the little troll went and found himself an excuse to play the coward?
I'm concerned about Mott being on the panel. He is the only person on this site who believes Damn Southerner should have been in the final round. Even DS could never explain why...
Anyone who sports the Confederate flag and considers the South to be a worthwhile place could never stand up in something academically related such as a formal debate. :cof1:
Anyone who sports the Confederate flag and considers the South to be a worthwhile place could never stand up in something academically related such as a formal debate. :cof1:

You are stupid and lack historical knowledge of what the flag means.

Funny how all the shitbag Yankees keep coming south. I wish you dirt balls would stay put
im going to talk with mott and whoever else I named judges (already forgot) and try to come up with questions.

For questions, I really want to come up with something that can easily be debated by both sides and doesn't inherently have a "more right" answer, as that provides an unfair advantage. A few of the questions last time weren't as subjective or open to debate as they could have been.

Then I will begin my standard harassing policy of spamming peoples walls trying to get a decent list of participants going.
I'm concerned about Mott being on the panel. He is the only person on this site who believes Damn Southerner should have been in the final round. Even DS could never explain why...
Uhm. I never said that. SM didn't even make it to the semi-finals. I actually thought you did a good job in the finals against Billy....but keep in mind. Had Yurt not defaulted you would not have been in the finals either. That was another problem of the last debate that would be difficult to address. People who didn't show up to debate so others won by default and not merit.
Uhm. I never said that. SM didn't even make it to the semi-finals. I actually thought you did a good job in the finals against Billy....but keep in mind. Had Yurt not defaulted you would not have been in the finals either. That was another problem of the last debate that would be difficult to address. People who didn't show up to debate so others won by default and not merit.

i don't think there is any other solution though. if we have defaulters there isn't much we can do about it.
im going to talk with mott and whoever else I named judges (already forgot) and try to come up with questions.

For questions, I really want to come up with something that can easily be debated by both sides and doesn't inherently have a "more right" answer, as that provides an unfair advantage. A few of the questions last time weren't as subjective or open to debate as they could have been.

Then I will begin my standard harassing policy of spamming peoples walls trying to get a decent list of participants going.
Again, I would argue that with objective judging that's irrelevent. Debating is not about "being right" or "Having the most right argument.". Formal debate is about who clearly articulates, with reason and logic, the best argument.

Though I do understand what you're trying to do but think about could end up with some very dull debates. A good debator should be able to take any side of any issue, no matter how unpopular or wrong and present a well thought out argument. That is the essential challenge to a debate.
i don't think there is any other solution though. if we have defaulters there isn't much we can do about it.
Possibly. Maybe we could have a fall back so that no one is automatically promoted due to their opponent defaulting. I'm thinking maybe if we could develop and alternate system so that no one can win by default.

For example. In the first round we could have a few volunteers to act as alternates if someone doesn't show up for their debate, they can step in. In the later rounds, we can give losers from a previous round a second chance (though only one second chance) by being an alternate if soeone doesn't show up for a debate in the later rounds. That would prevent anyone from winning by default. Each victory should be earned. No one should win a round by default.
My father taught me the value of showing up. Thus, I lived up to one of my cardinal beliefs in life, and came away with the victory. At the very least, I prominently displayed the Threedee Brand. :cof1:

When I was a kid, I played on a baseball team that was in disarray the entire season. We ultimately forfeited all but two games, of which we had a 1-1 record (one of these games, I showed up with a high fever and stood out in right field to give us a 9th player). We became a joke, and entered the play-offs. Suddenly, everyone started participating, and we had recruited some new talent to replace a couple of lost players. We lost our first game, and facing elimination in the second game, I drove in the winning run at the bottom of the last inning, driving a hanging curve into right field on a 1-1 count. I subsequently inspired the team to win two more play-off games before we were screwed over by an angry league that didn't like the forfeiters taking a serious shot at the title. Anyway, that is one of my great achievements from my childhood.
Again, I would argue that with objective judging that's irrelevent. Debating is not about "being right" or "Having the most right argument.". Formal debate is about who clearly articulates, with reason and logic, the best argument.

Though I do understand what you're trying to do but think about could end up with some very dull debates. A good debator should be able to take any side of any issue, no matter how unpopular or wrong and present a well thought out argument. That is the essential challenge to a debate.

There's a practical limit to that. You cannot argue certain positions no matter how good a debater you are.
My father taught me the value of showing up. Thus, I lived up to one of my cardinal beliefs in life, and came away with the victory. At the very least, I prominently displayed the Threedee Brand. :cof1:

When I was a kid, I played on a baseball team that was in disarray the entire season. We ultimately forfeited all but two games, of which we had a 1-1 record (one of these games, I showed up with a high fever and stood out in right field to give us a 9th player). We became a joke, and entered the play-offs. Suddenly, everyone started participating, and we had recruited some new talent to replace a couple of lost players. We lost our first game, and facing elimination in the second game, I drove in the winning run at the bottom of the last inning, driving a hanging curve into right field on a 1-1 count. I subsequently inspired the team to win two more play-off games before we were screwed over by an angry league that didn't like the forfeiters taking a serious shot at the title. Anyway, that is one of my great achievements from my childhood.
I'd say it was probably your greatest achievment to date.