Just a suggestion;


Reply to Desh once in a while, especially if she is correct.
Compassionately explain a situation to her now and then, help her with her troubles.
Like you would to any other poster here, point out the error of her ways, but lovingly.

Thank you for your insights Desh.
I just have to roll my eyes at those clowns who pretend they never heard of the "Ignore Author" or "Thread Ban" functions. :rolleyes:

They are ignoring both those functions because creating a thread devoted exclusively to getting others to "ignore" desh allows them to go on post after post, demeaning everything she says whether relevant or not.
And someone needs to let dimbulb USF know he got a little poop on the end of his nose while he was busy sucking up to Annie and kissing her ass in his latest "hate desh" thread.
But what's really funny is that Legion, the original JPP troll, who does nothing but crapflood the entire board, actually voted in it, and then the chimp actually counted his vote as if Legion were a real poster. Those guys are hilarious. One's stupider than the next.
Reply to Desh once in a while, especially if she is correct.
Compassionately explain a situation to her now and then, help her with her troubles.
Like you would to any other poster here, point out the error of her ways, but lovingly.

Thank you for your insights Desh.

I'll be expecting you to give this same advice to darla regarding tom and ILA. if you don't, then you can be quiet.
I'll be expecting you to give this same advice to darla regarding tom and ILA. if you don't, then you can be quiet.

So in your mind Tom, ILA and Desh are equals who derserve the same treatment? Does Desh exhibit overt racism and bigotry (ILA) or rape apologist/misogynistic behaviour (Tom)?

I think you are being a little unrealistic in your comparisons.
So in your mind Tom, ILA and Desh are equals who derserve the same treatment? Does Desh exhibit overt racism and bigotry (ILA)
or rape apologist/misogynistic behaviour (Tom)?
Also yes, and in far worse detail.

I think you are being a little unrealistic in your comparisons.
Yes, because both ILA and Tom can be chill once in a while, whereas Desh no longer can. She honestly needs help. Dementia isn't pretty.
I have been proven correct many times on here after being called insane.

heres a tip on why they hate me so much.

I put my finger on the pulse of their duplicity all day long.

I KNOW their insides and I know their insides are all fucked up.

I heard a guy on the TV news being interviewed and he said that the people who run the Republican party are sociopathic and that maybe we need to shame people publically for their inability to accept facts.

I cant tell you how many times now I have seen shit I have said on the internets turn up on TV.

Ive seen someone say "the Pee wee defense" right on tv.

Im funny

Im rude

Im spot on

I follow the facts.

No fucking thing these people here can say will harm me.

I play their heart strings or at least play the place where their heart strings would be if they had a heart.

you people just don't harm me when you think you have harmed me.

there is no honesty in your taunts.

dems always get pissed at me too because they think I distracting from what THEY want to discuss.

I have been given shit by the entire boards left ( except uscitizen) for talking about election cheating, for talking about white phosphrous in Falughia and other things.

I have turned out to be correct when you guys think you have gone after me.

when will you honor that truth?
Yes. Also yes, and in far worse detail.

Yes, because both ILA and Tom can be chill once in a while, whereas Desh no longer can. She honestly needs help. Dementia isn't pretty.

1. I am encouraging help.
2. I saw her insanity dealing with you and tried to talk her down.
3. I should have banned Grind but never guessed such a thing would be required.
4. This thread's sole purpose is to counter USAFREEDUMB's anti-desh thread. I honestly felt like I was on a grade school play ground reading it.
grind some guy lets you run his site.

that does not make you a great leader.

Your some heartless 20 something who laughs while animals die.

Your this countries problem not any kind of a solution.

Your not a good person
Grind has a point. Like, this one time, I was at a party talking to this white guy, and then wouldn't you know it, but I had to go powder my nose. So upon my return, I ran into a black dude I knew, and we got to chatting, and then the white guy walks by, and the black guy gets all pissed and I say what's wrong, and he tells me, that guy is such a effing racist, he called my 10yo son the n word last summer.

I of course pointed out that he was being nice tonight! I mean, he's not all bad. Just chill dude. You sound so shrill you'll make white people uncomfortable. I told him that sometimes I see a guy I know is a rapist in social settings, but I certainly don't mention it. As long as he's not raping at that moment, and he is even telling jokes entertaining the other men, then it is just in bad taste not to smile and be chill.
1. I am encouraging help.
2. I saw her insanity dealing with you and tried to talk her down.
3. I should have banned Grind but never guessed such a thing would be required.
4. This thread's sole purpose is to counter USAFREEDUMB's anti-desh thread. I honestly felt like I was on a grade school play ground reading it.

You don't see it as much because you're a liberal, but often times, the most sensiiible people here are conservatives. I disagree with avbout 70% of everey thing written here. Imagine reading Desh's posts without the damper of agreeing wth them. It;s pretty scary.
dear fucking idiot,

I have turned out to be correct even after fools like you claimed I was crazy for saying it.

why do you refuse to accept that fucking FACT?
nothing you can say rune will restore grindages image in my mind.

grindage has already sullied his own reputation with his own words.

I have known the kid for over a decade.

he is a cold unfeeling heart of stone.

He cares about grindage and grindage only.

saying you find it funny to watch an animal die is way unhealthy as a human.

this kid is not a good person.

its not my fault its his fault
Four humans in 100 are sociopaths

that is a huge number of unfeeling and possibly dangerous to others people.

Grind is one of those people .

he does not care about others and is PROUD of his sick condition