Just a suggestion;

Reply to Desh once in a while, especially if she is correct.
Compassionately explain a situation to her now and then, help her with her troubles.
Like you would to any other poster here, point out the error of her ways, but lovingly.

Thank you for your insights Desh.
Why I say supportive and encouraging things to Desh all the time and in return she sent me this lovely wolfsbane plant. :)
They are ignoring both those functions because creating a thread devoted exclusively to getting others to "ignore" desh allows them to go on post after post, demeaning everything she says whether relevant or not.

It also allows the Aspergers sufferer to make another of his "lists".
Zapp misses you so much that sometimes when he's telling people he's already answered that he slips up and uses your name......

I'd ask PmP to back up his nonsense by providing some of those supposed posts of mine, but as everyone knows, that ain't about to happen.

Nope...he's free to make up whatever nonsense he likes and it just gets ignored by everyone.