Just a suggestion;

Revolutionary socialism has prerks. Censorship, prison camps, dictatorship of those who have the capacity to ruun a society, the occasionaly execution. You shoukld move to cuba and see how this works for you. ;)
You don't see it as much because you're a liberal, but often times, the most sensiiible people here are conservatives. I disagree with avbout 70% of everey thing written here. Imagine reading Desh's posts without the damper of agreeing wth them. It;s pretty scary.

Rose, you don't really know me if you think I am a liberal. I am a liberal Libertarian, I hold many of the same views as those on the right, it is just that I put humans first in all endeavors.
Desh is a human, therefore she deserves the same respect all other humans deserve.

I don't agree with everything she says, read the OP again.

I specifically said, "when she is correct".

By the way, anyone calmly accepting what is happening in our government, in our country and in the world and thinking nothing is wrong is the real nut case. Desh has a more normal attitude than most here, considering the biblical unfolding of events, the quick sliding into totalitarianism of the US, and the unbelievable combination of ending unemployment extensions at the same time as cutting the already paltry food stamp allotments.

As to conservatives being most sensible, I take issue with that, I guess that your figure of 70% is a wild estimate at best, and I think you would do well to research the physical differences between the brains of a liberal vs a RWA.

Conservatives such as Ryan, Romney, Cantor and Boner should be drawn and quartered for their literally barbarian treatment of their countrymen, and the most vulnerable of the lot at that.
Which is why a good dose of practically applied Leninism would be good for you. All those happy, prosperous people - sort of -, with no way for you to complain.

Why don't you show us all where applied Leninism has ever succeeded?
Rune ,

yes grindage can be charming.

he cant be compassionate though.

think about that

No kidding Desh. That is why I said I should have banned him from this thread.

My dear, this is a perfect example of what your detractors are complaining about.

You make wild assumptions based on an obviously too fast and incomplete reading of their posts.

I am terribly sorry to disagree with you, but this is simply true.
Four humans in 100 are sociopaths

that is a huge number of unfeeling and possibly dangerous to others people.

Grind is one of those people .

he does not care about others and is PROUD of his sick condition

Time for facts Desh.

1. 5 out of 100 are sociopaths, it is worse than you think.

2. Of the top 1%, fully 1/4 (25%) are sociopaths. It is from this top 1% that our entire ruling class is drawn, ergo, 1/4 of our elected officials are sociopaths. This is most clearly seen in the House of Representatives. (Boner, Ryan, Cantor, Bachmann, etc.) This is why all but the most wealthy are being trod upon at this time. At this point, these bastards don't even have a sense of shame anymore.

3. Grind is not a sociopath. He has an ironic sense of humor, most everything he says or does is to elicit a response, whether it be indignation, laughter of disdain, he cares liuttle, as long as he evokes a response. In reality he is kind, he simply needs to try to keep up with the Jones's (Billy who by design or accident exhibits sociopathic tendancies, though in reality is fair minded and trustworthy).

In other words, Grind is playing you like a school yard bully, but you give him that power because you react instead of ignoring him.
hes playing me?

dude he is a sociopath.

No one thinks keeping up with the jones is smart when the joneses you CHOOSE to keep up with are brain damaged and unfeeling.

Only a sociopath would choose that kind of Jones to keep up with.

Hes your friend and your both libertarians so you think he smart.

Libertarianism is an idiots pursuit.

Its a choice to see others as not part of your world so fuck em.

You share some stupid ideas with him so you like him.

He is NOT a good human being
Grind has a point. Like, this one time, I was at a party talking to this white guy, and then wouldn't you know it, but I had to go powder my nose. So upon my return, I ran into a black dude I knew, and we got to chatting, and then the white guy walks by, and the black guy gets all pissed and I say what's wrong, and he tells me, that guy is such a effing racist, he called my 10yo son the n word last summer.

I of course pointed out that he was being nice tonight! I mean, he's not all bad. Just chill dude. You sound so shrill you'll make white people uncomfortable. I told him that sometimes I see a guy I know is a rapist in social settings, but I certainly don't mention it. As long as he's not raping at that moment, and he is even telling jokes entertaining the other men, then it is just in bad taste not to smile and be chill.

I don't fucking want to be CHILL you cold dark heart of an asshole grindage

Another perfect example Desh. You need to slow down, read the post twice, and start using the quote feature so you make sense.

In this post you are actually replying to Billy, but you are addressing Grind.

Using the quote feature is easy, it really doesn't add much effort to your posting at all, and your posts will be easier to understand.
did you really understand what Darla was saying there?

Yes, did you?

She was critical of Grind, but used her entirely subtle humor to convey her message.

Humor and sarcasm are often hard to discern in writing on the internet.

To translate, she was basically saying that just because Tom or ILA are sometimes chill, they are still animals with no respect for women, and in the case of ILA, women as well as minorities, therefore they are not comparable to you, with your good heart.
hes playing me?

dude he is a sociopath.

No one thinks keeping up with the jones is smart when the joneses you CHOOSE to keep up with are brain damaged and unfeeling.

Only a sociopath would choose that kind of Jones to keep up with.

Hes your friend and your both libertarians so you think he smart.

Libertarianism is an idiots pursuit.

Its a choice to see others as not part of your world so fuck em.

You share some stupid ideas with him so you like him.

He is NOT a good human being

Yes, he is playing you, and no, I don't agree with most of his points. I am a Liberal Libertarian. Note that Liberal comes before Libertarian. The only thing we agree on is the primacy of the Constitution of the US.

Further, I disagree that he is a bad person. He is sick of your machine gun posting, your mad rush to judgement and your refusal to use the quote system.
Honestly I am disgusted by much of what you write. I don't want to read about your genitals, or my genitals, or what you will do to someone's genitals were they to attempt to rape you (highly improbable to occur over the internet).

I am sorry to speak bluntly to you like this and I hope you will forgive me, but it is true. You have great insights, good wisdom, but very poor delivery and you constantly leave yourself open to ridicule.
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What about libertarianism do you agree with?

Freedom. That the government doesn't have the constitutional power to regulate the use of naturally growing weeds, that we should be much less involved militarily in foreign nations, that gun control taken to extreme will cause totalitarianism to become inevitable.

That the FED is an illegal agency that should be dismantled, that government does not belong in bedrooms, that people are inherently good for the most part. That corporate control of government is fascism, illegal, unjust and bad for the country and that it does indeed exist at this time.
Another perfect example Desh. You need to slow down, read the post twice, and start using the quote feature so you make sense.

In this post you are actually replying to Billy, but you are addressing Grind.

Using the quote feature is easy, it really doesn't add much effort to your posting at all, and your posts will be easier to understand.

Noble effort Rune but this one revels in her childish behavior. Perhaps she will develope some maturity and perhaps she wont but for many life is too short to waste time on something that will be as fruitless as this. This is jot the first time I for one have seen this and its not a lefty exclusive thing. I dont waste the time on rightys either.
Noble effort Rune but this one revels in her childish behavior. Perhaps she will develope some maturity and perhaps she wont but for many life is too short to waste time on something that will be as fruitless as this. This is jot the first time I for one have seen this and its not a lefty exclusive thing. I dont waste the time on rightys either.

Thanks. I am well aware that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but as I noted earlier, the primary purpose of this thread is to counteract one posted by the cretin FREEDUMB.