Just a suggestion;

So in your mind Tom, ILA and Desh are equals who derserve the same treatment? Does Desh exhibit overt racism and bigotry (ILA) or rape apologist/misogynistic behaviour (Tom)?

I think you are being a little unrealistic in your comparisons.

of course they are equals. desh routinely makes shit up about people, will talk about peoples cocks and dicks and make sexual references, she's not racist but she is hateful in many other ways. She's also immensely stupid. (brief quick example: responding to me when she is really responding to billy - a small thing we don't even pay attention to anymore, but how many other people in this thread were confused as to who I am?)

I am glad I was able to point out your hypocrisy. what you and maybe a few other liberals don't realize is that no - we do not view desh as anything higher than a mouthbreathing troll. She is a disruptive force on this board and honestly she needs psychiatric help. You aren't helping when you try to justify her behavior.

besides, she's a big strong mama grizzly. she can handle it.
if you believe compassionately explaining a situation, helping someone with their troubles, and pointing our the errors of ones ways lovingly is a good solution for some, it should be a good solution for all. If you are picking and choosing who you apply this standard to, then you are just being subjective about posters which is what everyone already does, and for many, desh doesn't make the kid gloves list. sorry.
I do not understand why people choose to engage Legion however the same could be said for me with Desh.

One big difference is that Legion is here literally around the clock. It wouldn't bother me because I have him on IA, but it becomes really annoying when people insist on going back and forth with that idiot. He's just a troll. I just don't get it. Sometimes I just x out of threads because I don't want to scroll through 6 pages of nonsense to see if there is anything worthwhile. But to each their own.

PS - Grind you're full of shit.
if you believe compassionately explaining a situation, helping someone with their troubles, and pointing our the errors of ones ways lovingly is a good solution for some, it should be a good solution for all. If you are picking and choosing who you apply this standard to, then you are just being subjective about posters which is what everyone already does, and for many, desh doesn't make the kid gloves list. sorry.

He is saying he believes in acting with compassion towards people he feels have good hearts. This isn't rocket science. Get Watermark to explain it to you if you're having trouble.
He is saying he believes in acting with compassion towards people he feels have good hearts. This isn't rocket science. Get Watermark to explain it to you if you're having trouble.

i don't believe desh has a good heart. I think she's an asshole.
my point isn't to convince anybody that ila and tom deserve compassion or that desh doesn't. Rather, I am merely pointing out for rune and others to not be so myopic as to assume that everyone is in agreement on desh. many people see desh as a complete asshole, moron, and someone unworthy of "compassionate loving explanation"

so long as desh is talking about peoples cocks and dicks, calling people sociopaths, posting the same court case post 50 times an hour, threatening people with violence including saying that people that think differently then her need to be KILLED, she's not going to be treated like this nice person. She doesn't deserve that.
of course they are equals. desh routinely makes shit up about people, will talk about peoples cocks and dicks and make sexual references, she's not racist but she is hateful in many other ways. She's also immensely stupid. (brief quick example: responding to me when she is really responding to billy - a small thing we don't even pay attention to anymore, but how many other people in this thread were confused as to who I am?)

I am glad I was able to point out your hypocrisy. what you and maybe a few other liberals don't realize is that no - we do not view desh as anything higher than a mouthbreathing troll. She is a disruptive force on this board and honestly she needs psychiatric help. You aren't helping when you try to justify her behavior.

besides, she's a big strong mama grizzly. she can handle it.

I guess you missed the post where I corrected your misconception; Desh has a good heart, the two you mentioned do not.
If she is truly as weak as you say, then it behooves you to pity her or at very least ignore her, not join in a chorus of the strong against the weak. This is what makes your actions towards her akin to those of a school yard bully.
my point isn't to convince anybody that ila and tom deserve compassion or that desh doesn't. Rather, I am merely pointing out for rune and others to not be so myopic as to assume that everyone is in agreement on desh. many people see desh as a complete asshole, moron, and someone unworthy of "compassionate loving explanation"

so long as desh is talking about peoples cocks and dicks, calling people sociopaths, posting the same court case post 50 times an hour, threatening people with violence including saying that people that think differently then her need to be KILLED, she's not going to be treated like this nice person. She doesn't deserve that.

I can take most of it, but I have been meaning to ask her if she can hold the graphic anilingus posts till noon. I'd like to at least have my coffee and digest my breakfast before those.
my point isn't to convince anybody that ila and tom deserve compassion or that desh doesn't. Rather, I am merely pointing out for rune and others to not be so myopic as to assume that everyone is in agreement on desh. many people see desh as a complete asshole, moron, and someone unworthy of "compassionate loving explanation"

so long as desh is talking about peoples cocks and dicks, calling people sociopaths, posting the same court case post 50 times an hour, threatening people with violence including saying that people that think differently then her need to be KILLED, she's not going to be treated like this nice person. She doesn't deserve that.

Yes, and I addressed every bit of that with her, in this thread. Whether it helps or not is irrelevant. By the way, your brother, Billy is not above wishing death upon others, nor am I or yourself, so you should with hold that stone at least.
Yes, and I addressed every bit of that with her, in this thread. Whether it helps or not is irrelevant. By the way, your brother, Billy is not above wishing death upon others, nor am I or yourself, so you should with hold that stone at least.

nobody makes threads dedicated to billy on how we should all play nice with him and hold his hand through the day.
Yes, and I addressed every bit of that with her, in this thread. Whether it helps or not is irrelevant. By the way, your brother, Billy is not above wishing death upon others, nor am I or yourself, so you should with hold that stone at least.

I'm above it!

I'm kind of excited because I'm not above much on here, but actually, I don't wish death on anyone here, or for any of their loved ones. There should be a badge.
if you believe compassionately explaining a situation, helping someone with their troubles, and pointing our the errors of ones ways lovingly is a good solution for some, it should be a good solution for all. If you are picking and choosing who you apply this standard to, then you are just being subjective about posters which is what everyone already does, and for many, desh doesn't make the kid gloves list. sorry.

Don't be a fool Grind. I spent years trying to direct Tom to post within the genteel confines of what is considered PC in the US and you know it. I communicated in public with him, by PM, by expanation and example. At every turn I become all the more his enemy, not b y my will but by his.

As to the misanthrope ILA, you have some balls to condescend to me as to my treatment of him. He is evil incarnate and you know it, you simply allow his presence out of a misguided sense of free speech or some other misunderstood (by you) libertarian mantra.
I'm above it!

I'm kind of excited because I'm not above much on here, but actually, I don't wish death on anyone here, or for any of their loved ones. There should be a badge.

You have a badge. Grind is so jealous he wore a version of it for a few days. You are the best here, proven by contest.
nobody makes threads dedicated to billy on how we should all play nice with him and hold his hand through the day.

Actually I routinely defend Billy.

If they did though (and they actually do at least make comments about him) I counteract those as well, and in fact only started this thread to defend Desh against a thread that through your vile machinations, I was barred from participating in.

Your whole approach to this is wrong though, since I defended you well in this thread too. I provided evidenced that you are not a socio-path.
Tom doesn't ever call for the deaths of groups of people; Desh has done so recently. I think living in a society without capital punishment must have softened him, or something. :D