Just in time! Biden has "tested positive" for Covid, just in time to give an excuse to rebasement his "campaign"...

I thought someone would like to talk about Biden's "Covid"...
What's there to say. He's allegedly all vaccined up and boosted.
Oh I know....The next statement will be thank
God for that, if not it
would have been much worse. Predictable mooks.
Anyone would survive an ear piercing

Time for all you trump clones to get your ears carved to honor Trump

The second people view his ear after healing I’m sure some idiots will

Please don’t use a gun

You may be stupid

But we don’t want you dead
Neither here nor there but my best friend's wife and his daughter, who live in L.A., just got COVID. Hadn't come across anyone else personally who had gotten it in awhile.

Did you happen to see the Joy Reid segment on MSNBC last night about this? I suppose I could just find the clip and let it speak for itself but it was something else.

Her premise was the media (and people) keep wanting to give Trump credit for being strong surviving an assignation attempt. Then she transitioned to COVID killing a lot of old people and she wanted to know if the media (and people) will give Biden the same credit if/when he survives COVID.

(Extreme) partisanship (whether on the right of left) fvcks with people's brains. (Concart posted the other day defending MSNBC and listed the anchors he likes and even he made reference to Joy Reid being out there. After hearing more of her reactions recently I see why.)
Covid is going through the usual summer surge and Biden's been spending a lot of time in crowds. I'm waiting to see how many magas come down with it after the convention.

I see magas on this thread gloating that Biden's covid is going to slow down his campaign. This signals to me that they're still afraid he'll beat trump in the general.
LOL.... Trump is shot stands up and pumps his fist shouting, "Fight!" Biden gets mild symptoms of Covid and re-basements his campaign and wants an award for "surviving" Covid?


What a maroon!

I Googled the term "re-basement" and found no definition of it that would pertain to the context in which you're using it here, i.e a Presidential or other kind of PR campaign.

So, my question here is, what do you mean by "re-basement"?


Rebasement ^^^? 🤔

Something you heard on Fox and Friends, maybe?

Is there a meaning that is germane to the subject, or is this just another case of Trumpers trying to use big words to sound like intellectuals?