Just what IS conservativism?

I'm saying the FEDERAL government does not have ANY authority over individual citizens. The FEDERAL government is fully controlled and operated by THE PEOPLE, not the other way around. WE tell the FED what it can and can't do, THEY don't tell US! The Federal government's only reason for existence, is to coordinate standards among the member states, pursuant to the guidelines WE set forth. They have absolutely NO POWER!

Again, The CONSTITUTION is NOT the Federal Government! Just as the CONGRESS is NOT the Federal Government. I have not said the Bill of Rights doesn't apply to individuals, that is just a stupid derivative from what I actually said. Your brain farts are stinking up this room, stop doing that!

But there are federal prosecutors, for crimes right? And they're government employees? And we have to, like, obey federal laws right?

Are you on something?

The constitution is a document, how are the protections in the constitution enforced if not through government?

your brain is slowly dissolving, seek help.
But there are federal prosecutors, for crimes right? And they're government employees? And we have to, like, obey federal laws right?

Prosecutors who work for the Fed, who works for us and enforces/prosecutes the laws WE create through our elected representation. Again, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT doesn't have authority, WE DO!

The constitution is a document, how are the protections in the constitution enforced if not through government?

*sigh* I didn't say the Fed (who work for us, on our behalf) doesn't have authority to enforce/prosecute (by standards WE set) the laws and regulations WE establish for them to enforce. You keep wanting to twist what I've said into something ridiculous and absurd, so that you can be "right" and make me look dumb and stupid, and I don't get it.. I didn't say any of this stupid ignorant shit you've wanted to claim I've said! How about reading the goddamn thread again, and click on the link I provided you with, to explain how our form of government and separation of powers were originated? Because, right now, you are starting to piss me off with your inane stupidity.
Prosecutors who work for the Fed, who works for us and enforces/prosecutes the laws WE create through our elected representation. Again, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT doesn't have authority, WE DO!
You;re way off. the government does have authority. We have a democratic process whereby we elect legislators. But in they end, they vote how they want, and the government enforces their policies.

you're on crack.
*sigh* I didn't say the Fed (who work for us, on our behalf) doesn't have authority to enforce/prosecute (by standards WE set) the laws and regulations WE establish for them to enforce. You keep wanting to twist what I've said into something ridiculous and absurd, so that you can be "right" and make me look dumb and stupid, and I don't get it.. I didn't say any of this stupid ignorant shit you've wanted to claim I've said! How about reading the goddamn thread again, and click on the link I provided you with, to explain how our form of government and separation of powers were originated? Because, right now, you are starting to piss me off with your inane stupidity.

I don't have to twist anything, you're being absurd on your own. I am right.

You're a fucking idiotic tool.

CONGRESS is not "the federal government" it is a body of elected representatives acting on behalf of the people, for the people. According to me (and the Constitution) the powers of the Federal government are limited and confined to relationship with the states, not individuals. If it weren't this way, there would be no need to have states or state sovereignty, nor a reason to elect state legislatures or even two branches of Congress. It would completely nullify the 10th Amendment, and the Federal Government would rule over every American citizen, instead of the American citizens controlling power over the government. You need to educate yourself in the Constitution, the Federal government, and the separation of powers. What you are saying is not only moronic and idiotic, but rather scary.

the scotus says you're wrong....is that constitutional for them to say so?
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the scotus says you're wrong....is that constitutional for them to say so?

No, the SCOTUS doesn't say I am wrong, the SCOTUS doesn't have the authority to say I am wrong. You are wrong, and AssHead are wrong, because you are illiterate fuckwits who don't understand the concept of how our government operates, and you want to try and distort what I said into some pretzel of stupidity that I never said. Sorry, I don't play those games with morons. Go read how our government was formed, the link I posted above will give you good insight, but there are other sources as well. The Federal government has absolutely no power whatsoever over individuals. They exist to serve in the name of the people, to oversee state actions. They represent US, the people, not the other way around. SCOTUS rulings support that very concept!
No, the SCOTUS doesn't say I am wrong, the SCOTUS doesn't have the authority to say I am wrong. You are wrong, and AssHead are wrong, because you are illiterate fuckwits who don't understand the concept of how our government operates, and you want to try and distort what I said into some pretzel of stupidity that I never said. Sorry, I don't play those games with morons. Go read how our government was formed, the link I posted above will give you good insight, but there are other sources as well. The Federal government has absolutely no power whatsoever over individuals. They exist to serve in the name of the people, to oversee state actions. They represent US, the people, not the other way around. SCOTUS rulings support that very concept!

Listen stupid, the idea that "the people are in control" is just a pretty thought. In reality the government is in control and merely pays lip service to the idea that "the people are in control". We aren't. Stop being a moron.

And the government has the power to set trade policy, and should do so in a way that is good for the citizenry. This is well within the intent of the General Welfare clause.
TE=Dixie;727180]No, the SCOTUS doesn't say I am wrong, the SCOTUS doesn't have the authority to say I am wrong. You are wrong, and AssHead are wrong,

lmao....ok....they can't say you're wrong...but they certaintly can say your opinion has no legal merit and is in factg not constitutional

and guess what buttercup.....they're opinion carries more weight than yours....they might be wrong, but they're opinion has the force of law, yours does not

because you are illiterate fuckwits who don't understand the concept of how our government operates, and you want to try and distort what I said into some pretzel of stupidity that I never said. Sorry, I don't play those games with morons. Go read how our government was formed, the link I posted above will give you good insight, but there are other sources as well. The Federal government has absolutely no power whatsoever over individuals. They exist to serve in the name of the people, to oversee state actions. They represent US, the people, not the other way around. SCOTUS rulings support that very concept!

your nonsensical idea that the feds have no powers over individuals is comical.....tell you what....without even giving you a good debate on the issue...i'll give you a federal prisons for $100....now work your way up dixie
The Federalist No. 45: (by James Madison)

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State Governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concerns the lives, liberties, and properties of the people; and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.
The Federalist No. 45: (by James Madison)

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State Governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concerns the lives, liberties, and properties of the people; and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

This is nowhere in our body of laws.
This is nowhere in our body of laws.

Yeah, James Madison is just an idiotic moronic neocon fool who doesn't know what he's talking about because he's an international globalist fascist tool. You are a far better judge of what the Constitution is all about, as well as our form of government, we should all just realize that and accept your jizz in our faces!

Yeah, James Madison is just an idiotic moronic neocon fool who doesn't know what he's talking about because he's an international globalist fascist tool. You are a far better judge of what the Constitution is all about, as well as our form of government, we should all just realize that and accept your jizz in our faces!


Dude, what he wrote is not in our body of laws. And regardless of intention, our federal government seems to have gained some authority. You can kick and scream like a baby in denial, but that doesnt change anything. The federal government is quite powerful, even over the lives of individuals.

They need to use their consitutional power to sculpt trade policy in a manner commensurate with their power and responsibility to see after the General Welfare of all the American Citizen Individuals.
Dude, what he wrote is not in our body of laws. And regardless of intention, our federal government seems to have gained some authority. You can kick and scream like a baby in denial, but that doesnt change anything. The federal government is quite powerful, even over the lives of individuals.

They need to use their consitutional power to sculpt trade policy in a manner commensurate with their power and responsibility to see after the General Welfare of all the American Citizen Individuals.

I never claimed the Federalist papers were part of our body of laws, nimrod! It is, however, the best documented explanation of what the Founding Fathers intended, and forged, with the Constitution. Madison made it abundantly clear, the FEDERAL government doesn't deal in matters of the individual, rather, matters of state. And the state retains power in dealing with the matters of the individual. This is still a fundamental principle of our government today, it hasn't changed. Indeed, the power has shifted more toward the Federal Government over the years, and they can certainly effect our individual lives, but they don't have the Constitutional authority to do so, and you can't show me in the Constitution, where that's supported.

As for your asinine views on trade, what you've suggested, would make the general welfare of every American, markedly WORSE, not better! I explained how that worked, and you haven't offered anything other than your bird-brain opinion to the contrary. If you're going to totally obsess on foreign trade, it seems like you would educate yourself enough on the subject, to at least offer some rebuttal to my points, other than your pointless speculations.

Again, for your feeble mind, really simple here... We cut our trade with China... China calls in our debts... they can't be expected to sit there and watch their economy tank and endure massive unemployment, while holding trillions of dollars in US debt! That is not going to ever happen in the real world, so when they call in this debt, and we can't repay it... what do you suppose happens to the value of the dollar?.. really simple economic question, goofball... the value declines RAPIDLY! In short order, our dollar is worthless, we don't have any of the shit we used to get cheap from China, and meanwhile, the Russians are still supporting China, and we're fucked. To put it in your terms... jizzed in the face by the Chinese!

thats dixie in the left corner....

thats dixie in the left corner....

What does it feel like to be allies with AssHead? I think you two might enjoy a nice candlelight dinner together! I'm really happy you two have found each other, I was worried AssHead would never find his soulmate, and you with your split personality disorder... it just seems to work out for you two! Kudos!
What does it feel like to be allies with AssHead? I think you two might enjoy a nice candlelight dinner together! I'm really happy you two have found each other, I was worried AssHead would never find his soulmate, and you with your split personality disorder... it just seems to work out for you two! Kudos!


once again yurt shows i'm a moron so i will blather about nonsensical ideas that the voices in my head are screaming
I never claimed the Federalist papers were part of our body of laws, nimrod! It is, however, the best documented explanation of what the Founding Fathers intended, and forged, with the Constitution. Madison made it abundantly clear, the FEDERAL government doesn't deal in matters of the individual, rather, matters of state. And the state retains power in dealing with the matters of the individual. This is still a fundamental principle of our government today, it hasn't changed. Indeed, the power has shifted more toward the Federal Government over the years, and they can certainly effect our individual lives, but they don't have the Constitutional authority to do so, and you can't show me in the Constitution, where that's supported.

As for your asinine views on trade, what you've suggested, would make the general welfare of every American, markedly WORSE, not better! I explained how that worked, and you haven't offered anything other than your bird-brain opinion to the contrary. If you're going to totally obsess on foreign trade, it seems like you would educate yourself enough on the subject, to at least offer some rebuttal to my points, other than your pointless speculations.

Again, for your feeble mind, really simple here... We cut our trade with China... China calls in our debts... they can't be expected to sit there and watch their economy tank and endure massive unemployment, while holding trillions of dollars in US debt! That is not going to ever happen in the real world, so when they call in this debt, and we can't repay it... what do you suppose happens to the value of the dollar?.. really simple economic question, goofball... the value declines RAPIDLY! In short order, our dollar is worthless, we don't have any of the shit we used to get cheap from China, and meanwhile, the Russians are still supporting China, and we're fucked. To put it in your terms... jizzed in the face by the Chinese!

Intentions aside, our federal government has tons of power over individual lives, or lives of individuals.

Eww. chinese boogeymen! stop using fear to justify the internationalist fascist trade polcy you love. It doesn't make you enlightened.