Just what IS conservativism?

Intentions aside, our federal government has tons of power over individual lives, or lives of individuals.

Eww. chinese boogeymen! stop using fear to justify the internationalist fascist trade polcy you love. It doesn't make you enlightened.

Since rulings by the FDR-stacked SCOTUS from 1937, the Feds certainly DO have more power over individual lives, but they are not supposed to, according to the Constitution and how this nation was established! Since 1937, we've been operating outside of our principles of government, as established by the Founding Fathers, and I realize that's a long time, and it has caused nitwits such as yourself, Bfoon and Yurt to assume this is always how things were, but that is simply inaccurate and ignorant.

No chinese boogeyman, just a reiteration of the facts regarding economics of trade. It doesn't matter if I love or hate international trade, it doesn't change the reality of what would happen if we stopped trading with China. Why the hell do you think Obama is on a world tour right now??? Is he some "neocon global fascist" that we don't know about? Is he beholden to the interests of Big Corporations who like cheap labor? That will be huge news to the labor unions who funded his election!
Since rulings by the FDR-stacked SCOTUS from 1937, the Feds certainly DO have more power over individual lives, but they are not supposed to, according to the Constitution and how this nation was established! Since 1937, we've been operating outside of our principles of government, as established by the Founding Fathers, and I realize that's a long time, and it has caused nitwits such as yourself, Bfoon and Yurt to assume this is always how things were, but that is simply inaccurate and ignorant.

No chinese boogeyman, just a reiteration of the facts regarding economics of trade. It doesn't matter if I love or hate international trade, it doesn't change the reality of what would happen if we stopped trading with China. Why the hell do you think Obama is on a world tour right now??? Is he some "neocon global fascist" that we don't know about? Is he beholden to the interests of Big Corporations who like cheap labor? That will be huge news to the labor unions who funded his election!

Oh nozeers, we better do what china wants. You're such a pussy.

We don't have to trade with china. That's fact. Trading with despots is not some inevitable trend of mankind, it's just bad economic policy.

Don't let your fear rule you.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
The federal government has power over trade policy, and should execute this power to ensure the general welfare. Putting everyone out of work with slave labor is not ensuring welfare, it's ensuring destruction.

The government is shirking it's constitutional responsibilities by implementing internationalist fascist schemes of globalization zealotry stupidity.
The federal government has power over trade policy, and should execute this power to ensure the general welfare. Putting everyone out of work with slave labor is not ensuring welfare, it's ensuring destruction.

The government is shirking it's constitutional responsibilities by implementing internationalist fascist schemes of globalization zealotry stupidity.

Yes you fucking retard, that's right... Congress should suspend all trade with China, let them call in all US debt and render the dollar WORTHLESS, and then Americans and Chinese people will be MUCH better off! Why don't you call The Obama and tell him how much of a neocon he is!
Yes you fucking retard, that's right... Congress should suspend all trade with China, let them call in all US debt and render the dollar WORTHLESS, and then Americans and Chinese people will be MUCH better off! Why don't you call The Obama and tell him how much of a neocon he is!

Oh no, we're powerless. Let's just surrender now. You sound like a french surrender monkey.

You're not an american. Move to canada you fearmongering globalist traitor.

Dixie = fearmonger.

We don't need the chinese supporting our economy anyways.

Let it crash. We will start over all fresh with good ole american ingenuity, with a brand new bottom up economy.

Fiat money is just fake you know. Don't let yourself get brainwashed, woops, too late.

All we have to do is just say no.
Let it crash. We will start over all fresh with good ole american ingenuity, with a brand new bottom up economy....

Yeah, I'm not all that thrilled about living on dirt for a decade, while we completely rebuild our economy. Sorry! Been there, done that, it wasn't fun!
Yeah, I'm not all that thrilled about living on dirt for a decade, while we completely rebuild our economy. Sorry! Been there, done that, it wasn't fun!

It'll take longer than that. the upside is avoiding enslavement and procuring freedom.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. --Benjamin Franklin

You suck as an american, dixie.
It'll take longer than that. the upside is avoiding enslavement and procuring freedom.

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. --Benjamin Franklin

You suck as an american, dixie.

What "slavery" are you going to end? You've not said. Who's "freedom" will be procured? Again, you've not said. Enlighten me, pinhead?
What "slavery" are you going to end? You've not said. Who's "freedom" will be procured? Again, you've not said. Enlighten me, pinhead?

Well, the wage slavery of the hapless chinese victims will be less incentivized with american dollars, And the desperation-producing poverty of a destroyed american middle class will be avoided. It's a win win.
Well, the wage slavery of the hapless chinese victims will be less incentivized with american dollars, And the desperation-producing poverty of a destroyed american middle class will be avoided. It's a win win.

So if we stopped trading with China, the Chinese government is going to start demanding their workers be paid more money? How do you figure this? Where is the money going to come from, if we aren't buying their products anymore? And how are the American middle-class going to be helped by a worthless dollar and virtually no goods available except on the black market? You said "Let it crash!" ....how is that advantageous to the middle-class? I'm just not following your logic here, and you're not making any sense explaining it.
So if we stopped trading with China, the Chinese government is going to start demanding their workers be paid more money? How do you figure this? Where is the money going to come from, if we aren't buying their products anymore? And how are the American middle-class going to be helped by a worthless dollar and virtually no goods available except on the black market? You said "Let it crash!" ....how is that advantageous to the middle-class? I'm just not following your logic here, and you're not making any sense explaining it.

The regime will be less financed and less able to keep control when they are deprived of foreign profits from enslaving their people.

We will all work in a barter system, creating the goods we need from the natural resources we have available. We are the richest nation on earth.

Which of these dont you understand?
The regime will be less financed and less able to keep control when they are deprived of foreign profits from enslaving their people.

We will all work in a barter system, creating the goods we need from the natural resources we have available. We are the richest nation on earth.

Which of these dont you understand?

The "regime" in China has been in power for centuries, they aren't going anywhere, the people have no means to overthrow them. The entire system in China is predicated on total absolute control of the people, it's what is known as a "totalitarian" government. Whether we trade with them or not, they will still enslave their people, and if their people become too much of a burden, they will kill them.

The part I don't understand is, how are we going to function if we have a worthless dollar? Because we WON'T be the richest nation when China calls in all our debt, which would immediately happen the moment we sever trade relations with them. Now, judging by your 'wanderingbear' answer, I guess we are all supposed to hunt for animal pelts and trade them for corn, and the women can weave blankets to trade for whiskey... but I'm not seeing a lot of 'pioneer' types out there, who would survive in such a situation. I think things might be a little worse off than you envision, and we might just be a little better off the way we are now. Just my gut feeling on that.
The "regime" in China has been in power for centuries, they aren't going anywhere, the people have no means to overthrow them. The entire system in China is predicated on total absolute control of the people, it's what is known as a "totalitarian" government. Whether we trade with them or not, they will still enslave their people, and if their people become too much of a burden, they will kill them.

The part I don't understand is, how are we going to function if we have a worthless dollar? Because we WON'T be the richest nation when China calls in all our debt, which would immediately happen the moment we sever trade relations with them. Now, judging by your 'wanderingbear' answer, I guess we are all supposed to hunt for animal pelts and trade them for corn, and the women can weave blankets to trade for whiskey... but I'm not seeing a lot of 'pioneer' types out there, who would survive in such a situation. I think things might be a little worse off than you envision, and we might just be a little better off the way we are now. Just my gut feeling on that.

I think you overestimate the power of the chinese regime. Right now, they are dependant on trade dollars to keep control. Taking away that power will weaken them. They are not an omnipotent force as you seem to believe.

They will not call in our debt, and even if they did, we can just move to a barter economy and make all our own stuff.

your series of irrational thoughts is what leads you to your unwavering commitment to internationalist fascism. Reject your brainwash. Be free. Be an american.
I think you overestimate the power of the chinese regime. Right now, they are dependant on trade dollars to keep control. Taking away that power will weaken them. They are not an omnipotent force as you seem to believe.

They will not call in our debt, and even if they did, we can just move to a barter economy and make all our own stuff.

your series of irrational thoughts is what leads you to your unwavering commitment to internationalist fascism. Reject your brainwash. Be free. Be an american.

I'm not overestimating a damn thing, the Chinese government is one of the oldest in the world. They have functioned for tens-of-thousands of years, and certainly, long before we ever traded with them. They've controlled their people because it is their culture, and that isn't going to ever change in China.

You just make an off-the-cuff proclamation they wouldn't call in their debt, but you don't support that with any sort of rationality whatsoever, it's just your uninformed OPINION, which really has no basis in reality. Why would they not call us on our debt, if we stopped trading with them? Just because they are really nice people who would fully understand and be willing to take it in the shorts for Americans? LMFAOOOOoooo! You're too much, man!

Make our own stuff? Really? How is that going to be done, when no manufacturing is done in America anymore? When every manufacturing job is controlled by union thugs who demand $25 an hour and 13 weeks of vacation a year, a fully vested pension plan, health care, holidays, and collective bargaining? Shoes that cost us $50 from China, would cost us $5,000! But somehow, middle-class Americans, with worthless dollars, would be better off? You're just fucking insane, and there is no hope! Kill yourself now!
I'm not overestimating a damn thing, the Chinese government is one of the oldest in the world. They have functioned for tens-of-thousands of years, and certainly, long before we ever traded with them. They've controlled their people because it is their culture, and that isn't going to ever change in China.
Everything can change. Your thinking sure is limited.

And enrichening the regime with our orders will only make them stronger.

Why have you adopted the cowards "if you can't beat it, join it" approach to evil?
You just make an off-the-cuff proclamation they wouldn't call in their debt, but you don't support that with any sort of rationality whatsoever, it's just your uninformed OPINION, which really has no basis in reality. Why would they not call us on our debt, if we stopped trading with them? Just because they are really nice people who would fully understand and be willing to take it in the shorts for Americans? LMFAOOOOoooo! You're too much, man!
They're dependant on our consumption, ruining our economy would ruin theirs. See? Fool? do yah? huh? are you dense?
Make our own stuff? Really? How is that going to be done, when no manufacturing is done in America anymore? When every manufacturing job is controlled by union thugs who demand $25 an hour and 13 weeks of vacation a year, a fully vested pension plan, health care, holidays, and collective bargaining? Shoes that cost us $50 from China, would cost us $5,000! But somehow, middle-class Americans, with worthless dollars, would be better off? You're just fucking insane, and there is no hope! Kill yourself now!

Manufactuing IS done in america. And we can always start doing more.

Your chimeric dollar values don't matter in a barter system.

Reject internationalist fascism and the evil it entails. Free your mind. Stop being a patsy.