Kamalama Ding Dong is tanking the markets

Why would they? Look what she did to Joe...

Biden/Harris are sending an aircraft carrier and battle ship groups to the M.E. and we have a vegetable for Commander-in-Chief and an air-head for VP.

What could go wrong?


Biden/Harris are sending an aircraft carrier and battle ship groups to the M.E. and we have a vegetable for Commander-in-Chief and an air-head for VP.

What could go wrong?

Can you imagine the meeting todayabout defending Israel with those two "in charge"? Is there a worse scenario?
Can you imagine the meeting todayabout defending Israel with those two "in charge"? Is there a worse scenario?

The Biden/Harris foreign policy of weakness has led us to the brink of WWIII.

Is anyone confident that the vegetable and the air-head can lead America during this crisis?


Biden is out of service at 4PM. This is probably a good thing.
WHAT GOES UP- MUST COME DOWN! When things are over-inflated too fast the BUBBLE BURSTS! Go over-inflate your tires and see what happens. That tire will blow up in your face- COMMON SENSE HUH?

Most especially when the stock market rises too fast, and the GREEDY, thinking only of themselves, take their golden parachutes to safety, who were only in it to take advantage of the rapid rise, and take a quick joy ride at the expense of everyone else Loss.

It's just another example of, "I GOT MINE- FUCK YOU SUCKERS.

But, to the defense of those who GRABBED THEIR CASH AND RUN, Israel is risking starting a war- THAT WILL END UP DRAGGING US INTO IT AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT, BUT THE US WILL HAVE TO PROTECT OUR INTERESTS IN THAT PART OF THE WORLD. WILL END UP HAVING TO GET INVOLVED IN IT, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, BECAUSE OF THEIR Ill-ADVISED AGGRESSIONS. Whose aggressions, have gone way past the advisement and warnings of the Biden Administration to try and prevent this from happening.
WHAT GOES UP- MUST COME DOWN! When things are over-inflated too fast the BUBBLE BURSTS! Go over-inflate your tires and see what happens. That tire will blow up in your face- COMMON SENSE HUH?

Most especially when the stock market rises too fast, and the GREEDY, thinking only of themselves, take their golden parachutes to safety, who were only in it to take advantage of the rapid rise, and take a quick joy ride at the expense of everyone else Loss.

It's just another example of, "I GOT MINE- FUCK YOU SUCKERS.

But, to the defense of those who GRABBED THEIR CASH AND RUN, Israel is risking starting a war- THAT WILL END UP DRAGGING US INTO IT AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT, BUT THE US WILL HAVE TO PROTECT OUR INTERESTS IN THAT PART OF THE WORLD. WILL END UP HAVING TO GET INVOLVED IN IT, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, BECAUSE OF THEIR Ill-ADVISED AGGRESSIONS. Whose aggressions, have gone way past the advisement and warnings of the Biden Administration to try and prevent this from happening.
So Biden taking credit for the market was just another Democrat lie. Figures.
So Biden taking credit for the market was just another Democrat lie. Figures.
Look man, I am not here to discuss or entertain your negative unknowing opinions!

Fuck off, and leave me the fuck alone- Go be a nuisance and a drag on someone else.


I don't bother you- So don't bother me with your negative and hateful BULLSHIT!

I am in positive mode, and I fully support my candidate, and look forward to her winning- AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE MY MIND ON ANY OF THAT!

You are just a reminder of why I am me- AND WHY YOU ARE YOU!

And I am proud of myself FOR NOT BEING SOMEONE LIKE YOU- and I am proud of the choices I make!
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You are desperate.
So what happens in the market isn't the responsibility of the current administration? She doesn't own it? Funny, your side didn't mind heaping praise on them when the market was going up. But, now you don't want to own it now that it is going down.

How convenient for you
Look man, I am not here to discuss or entertain your negative unknowing opinions!

Fuck off, and leave me the fuck alone- Go be a nuisance and a drag on someone else.


I don't bother you- So don't bother me with your negative and hateful BULLSHIT!

I am in positive mode, and I fully support my candidate, and look forward to her winning- AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE MY MIND ON ANY OF THAT!

You are just a reminder of why I am me- AND WHY YOU ARE YOU!

And I am proud of myself FOR NOT BEING SOMEONE LIKE YOU- and I am proud of the choices I make!
Your candidate? You mean you voted for her during the primary? How interesting