Kamalama Ding Dong is tanking the markets

Since the left wing marxists undemocratically installed Kamalama Ding Dong as its nominee the stock market has tanked and is officially in a bear market

Way to go
And what would republicans do in this case to fix it?

Massive tax cuts for the wealthy?

Deregulations done in mass?

We had the worlds best economic recovery because of the Biden admin actions in office

Let’s remember that Republican economic theory only approves of those two steps to fix an economy

We would have never recovered from covid if a democrat wasn’t at the helm
Your candidate? You mean you voted for her during the primary? How interesting
Ask the voters idiot

All democratic voters knew Harris was on the ticket from the first day Biden said he was running again

WHAT GOES UP- MUST COME DOWN! When things are over-inflated too fast the BUBBLE BURSTS! Go over-inflate your tires and see what happens. That tire will blow up in your face- COMMON SENSE HUH?

Most especially when the stock market rises too fast, and the GREEDY, thinking only of themselves, take their golden parachutes to safety, who were only in it to take advantage of the rapid rise, and take a quick joy ride at the expense of everyone else Loss.

It's just another example of, "I GOT MINE- FUCK YOU SUCKERS.

But, to the defense of those who GRABBED THEIR CASH AND RUN, Israel is risking starting a war- THAT WILL END UP DRAGGING US INTO IT AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT, BUT THE US WILL HAVE TO PROTECT OUR INTERESTS IN THAT PART OF THE WORLD. WILL END UP HAVING TO GET INVOLVED IN IT, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, BECAUSE OF THEIR Ill-ADVISED AGGRESSIONS. Whose aggressions, have gone way past the advisement and warnings of the Biden Administration to try and prevent this from happening.

We don't have any interests in that part of the world.

Once Trump gets back to DRILL BABY DRILL we will have even less

Time to mind our own business.
WHAT GOES UP- MUST COME DOWN! When things are over-inflated too fast the BUBBLE BURSTS! Go over-inflate your tires and see what happens. That tire will blow up in your face- COMMON SENSE HUH?

Most especially when the stock market rises too fast, and the GREEDY, thinking only of themselves, take their golden parachutes to safety, who were only in it to take advantage of the rapid rise, and take a quick joy ride at the expense of everyone else Loss.

It's just another example of, "I GOT MINE- FUCK YOU SUCKERS.

But, to the defense of those who GRABBED THEIR CASH AND RUN, Israel is risking starting a war- THAT WILL END UP DRAGGING US INTO IT AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT, BUT THE US WILL HAVE TO PROTECT OUR INTERESTS IN THAT PART OF THE WORLD. WILL END UP HAVING TO GET INVOLVED IN IT, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, BECAUSE OF THEIR Ill-ADVISED AGGRESSIONS. Whose aggressions, have gone way past the advisement and warnings of the Biden Administration to try and prevent this from happening.
Who over inflated the Market?
And what would republicans do in this case to fix it?

Massive tax cuts for the wealthy?

Deregulations done in mass?

We had the worlds best economic recovery because of the Biden admin actions in office

Let’s remember that Republican economic theory only approves of those two steps to fix an economy

We would have never recovered from covid if a democrat wasn’t at the helm
If the country has recovered so well, why are things so bad? Why are so many people struggling?
4 more years of disasterous "Bidenomics" and this country will never be the same...
Kind of hard to prosper...even exist... abortion for all and 35 insulin.... Statistics don't pay bills...
And right now, even the "statistics" are tanking...
So what happens in the market isn't the responsibility of the current administration? She doesn't own it? Funny, your side didn't mind heaping praise on them when the market was going up. But, now you don't want to own it now that it is going down.

How convenient for you
Its rarely caused by the current administration, ups or downs. It is their responsibility to react.
If I praised them when it was going up, it was to lampoon the Trumppers who did the same.
If the country has recovered so well, why are things so bad? Why are so many people struggling?
4 more years of disasterous "Bidenomics" and this country will never be the same...
Kind of hard to prosper...even exist... abortion for all and 35 insulin.... Statistics don't pay bills...
And right now, even the "statistics" are tanking...
Things are better than when trump left.
Things are better than when trump left.
We were all much better off when
Trump was president...
It's the worst it's been in quite some time, the damage done by Joe's years or one failure after another...
That's crystal clear...

Since the left wing marxists undemocratically installed Kamalama Ding Dong as its nominee the stock market has tanked and is officially in a bear market

Way to go
LMAO. You clearly know nothing about the market. This is simply a combination of profit taking mixed with the market trying to force the Fed's hand.

The market has been artificially high for more than a year. Corporate profits are still at record levels due to price gouging. (the cause of the oft mentioned inflation)

Call it a correction. Call it profit taking. Call it the Fed's policy finally slowing the economy to the point where inflation ends.

It doesn't matter what you choose to call it. It has nothing to do with Harris/Biden or even the flaccid orange moron.

Why to you post such nonsense?
WHAT GOES UP- MUST COME DOWN! When things are over-inflated too fast the BUBBLE BURSTS! Go over-inflate your tires and see what happens. That tire will blow up in your face- COMMON SENSE HUH?

Most especially when the stock market rises too fast, and the GREEDY, thinking only of themselves, take their golden parachutes to safety, who were only in it to take advantage of the rapid rise, and take a quick joy ride at the expense of everyone else Loss.

It's just another example of, "I GOT MINE- FUCK YOU SUCKERS.

But, to the defense of those who GRABBED THEIR CASH AND RUN, Israel is risking starting a war- THAT WILL END UP DRAGGING US INTO IT AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT, BUT THE US WILL HAVE TO PROTECT OUR INTERESTS IN THAT PART OF THE WORLD. WILL END UP HAVING TO GET INVOLVED IN IT, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, BECAUSE OF THEIR Ill-ADVISED AGGRESSIONS. Whose aggressions, have gone way past the advisement and warnings of the Biden Administration to try and prevent this from happening.
Don is an idiot. Corporations who pay no taxes pumped their share prices via buy backs. Now investors are simply grabbing profits.

Great buying opportunity for those of us who have been waiting for this 'correction'.
We were all much better off when
Trump was president...
It's the worst it's been in quite some time, the damage done by Joe's years or one failure after another...
That's crystal clear...
Silly, things were awful, people dying right and left. People attacking the Capital. Lots of death from Covid. Biden fixed it.
Kamala had nothing to do with the market crash. Presidents have almost no impact on the markets. A political candidate has absolutely none.
Berkshire dumped a huge pile of stock in the last 2 days. They seem to have changed positions on AI and America wresting the processors business from Taiwan. They also dropped about 390 million shares of Apple stock.
And all that is a concern of yours because...........................................?

Who over inflated the Market?

As soon as that stock is available to Donnie, he will cash in, crash the stock, creating a run on the stock until it is worthless, and leave everyone else hung out to dry!

Can I help you with anything else?