Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Has nothing to do with what I asked.

How can you know the gender of the fetus at conception if you can't take a test until two months after conception to determine it?

why do you think it necessary to know the gender of the fetus at conception?.....
Stop wrapping yourself in the American flag over baby murder. It's just another one of your bullshit non-issues you dust off and trot out for elections when the country is turning to explosive diarrhea because of policies you morons have put into place. In the 1973 decision, SCOTUS was trying anything to get that hot potato out of their hands and out of desperation, they came up with that privacy bullshit. I guess they figured with the stigma surrounding abortion, it would probably be something people would want to keep quiet.

Not much stigma left, is there scooter? Shit, a few abortions are practically a resume enhancement for leftist women in the public eye. As for privacy, if you're still operating under the belief that virtually anything you do is invisible to the fucking government, you are even more foolish and gullible than I imagined. A few years back, I got a letter from the DOD informing me that my military records and those of about 20 million others may have been swept up in a data breach. My fucking military records! How hard do you think it would be for some bored 15-year-old computer nerd to get ahold of your medical records? Like obamacare? Of course you do! You think some 24-year-old freshly hired from commie college econ major isn't going to see that you just had an abortion? The tater head just signed an EO authorizing Medicaid to pay for women to travel out of state to get abortions. So of course some guvmint flunky on either a state or national level is going to know your most intimate, shameful secrets. So yeah, fuck privacy, it doesn't exist anymore.

Here's something else to chew on. Not about abortion, more about privacy. Remember this from about a year ago? We barely dodged this bullet:


But guess what's in the new "inflation reduction act"!


You got it! 87,000 new IRS agents! Sleep well idiots, everything is private, and your government is watching over it!

Why do you oppose the creation of 87,000 good paying jobs? Because you oppose job growth.

By the way, your shitty Russia Tax Cut plunged manufacturing into a recession for all of 2019:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

And the rest of the economy followed a month before any COVID lockdowns:

The U.S. entered a recession in February, according to the official economic arbiter
JUN 8 2020

And business investment declined, despite you all promising the opposite:

A Decline in Capital Investment Reveals the False Promise of Trump’s Tax Bill
Shut the fuck up arsewipe, I support abortion ffs!!!!!

I would like to see the situation where abortions are legal in the first trimester, as they are in most of Europe, and all abortions are chemically induced obviating the need for surgical intervention. The UK is the odd man out where terminations are allowed up to the 24th week, which is far too long and well beyond viability.

No need for schoolyard insults Primavera!

You support Abortions? Why didn't you say so sooner FFS? That way, we would not have to put you in the same category as your typical WHITE CHRISTIAN EXTREMISTS!

And no- chemicals in Europe is not replacing abortions in Europe. Who the fuck told you that?

And the only reason why any country allows for abortions after 100 days or more- is if the pregnancy risks danger to the mother's life!

Sometimes late abortions cannot be prevented, as Doctors may not have proof of the danger to the mother until the pregnancy goes wrong somewhere late in the pregnancy.

These decisions are made by doctors after 100 days. And I trust the decisions of Doctors to do the right thing here!

Sometimes pregnancies can be dangerous to the baby as well, and that is not known sometimes until late in the pregnancy.

I agree that abortions are an inconvenient necessity in most cases, and should be performed at the earliest possible date.

I also believe that you good Samaritan Republicans should want your Republican Congressmen/women to help create an Abortion Bill that Americans can come to grips with.

That seems to be the position of the Supreme Court as well!

Most Americans, the VOTING AND VOCAL MAJORITY, just want Congress and their state governments to pass sensible Abortion laws! And between you and I, as men, we should not be politicizing Abortions- and you know that! Banning abortions is not sustainable, and I believe you understand this as well.

Where do you stand on that? Where does your Governor stand on this issue? Ask the women in your own family what they want!
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Why do you oppose the creation of 87,000 good paying jobs? Because you oppose job growth.

By the way, your shitty Russia Tax Cut plunged manufacturing into a recession for all of 2019:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

And the rest of the economy followed a month before any COVID lockdowns:

The U.S. entered a recession in February, according to the official economic arbiter
JUN 8 2020

And business investment declined, despite you all promising the opposite:

A Decline in Capital Investment Reveals the False Promise of Trump’s Tax Bill

Why do you oppose the creation of 87,000 good paying jobs? Because you oppose job growth.

Well that's just silly considering MY job is teaching people a trade so THEY can get a job.

By the way, your shitty Russia Tax Cut plunged manufacturing into a recession for all of 2019:

When did you find out about this? I found out about it 10 minutes ago when I read your crap here. That is how a recession should work. It was a little speed bump that hardly anyone knew about, and no one felt. It is why we build a strong economy and not make radical changes so as to better withstand these little storms. And how the fuck does a low tax rate cause a recession?
When did you find out about this? I found out about it 10 minutes ago when I read your crap here.

I found out about it precisely when the article came out because unlike you, I like to know what I'm talking about.

Your shitty Russia Tax Cut killed business investment from the start, killed manufacturing in 2019, and then killed the rest of the economy in February 2020.

Oh, and it exploded the deficit to a record high, only to be surpassed the very next year by yours and Trump's poor and inadequate response to COVID.

That is how a recession should work.

??? The goal is to avoid recessions altogether.

No recession happens "just because"...every recession is prompted by the choices being made by those who are managing the economy.

Every single recession is engineered...they are purely artificial and aren't subject to natural law because they aren't natural law.

To lean into a recession is to send the message that you are completely out of ideas and you have no clue what you're talking about.

And I mean, based on your shitty posting history, that's not really far off the mark.
It was a little speed bump that hardly anyone knew about, and no one felt.?

What are you fucking talking about? Everyone felt the pain of your recession because a recession is a contraction of GDP and that shit is what trickles down.

It is why we build a strong economy and not make radical changes so as to better withstand these little storms

This is gobbledygook.

We have a strong economy, the problem is that whenever you and your "very fine people" are in charge, you fuck it all up.

Just like how you fucked up the economy in the late 80's because of the S&L's.

Just like how you fucked it up again in the late 90's by passing your Capital Gains Tax Cut which caused the dotcom bubble burst.

Just like how you fucked up the economy in 2007-8 by inflating a housing bubble to cover for the failure of your tax cuts to fulfill any of the promises you made of them.

Just like how you fucked up the economy starting in 2019 because your shitty tax cut turned out to be bad for business and once again failed to deliver on any of the promises made of them.

Over the last 40 years, every single recession except for this last one began when a Conservative was sitting in the White House.
And how the fuck does a low tax rate cause a recession?

Because tax cuts cause people go into debt due to the fact that deficits as a result of less tax revenue are used as an excuse to cut social spending, which in turn forces people to pay more out of pocket for essential services like health care, education, and energy.

So if those people are having to spend more on those sectors, that means they have less to spend in the consumer market, which is 70% of our economy and drives 100% of the growth.
Because tax cuts cause people go into debt due to the fact that deficits as a result of less tax revenue are used as an excuse to cut social spending, which in turn forces people to pay more out of pocket for essential services like health care, education, and energy.

Wow… stupidest reply ever, and NOTHING to do with the original topic.

So if those people are having to spend more on those sectors, that means they have less to spend in the consumer market, which is 70% of our economy and drives 100% of the growth

Wow… tied with the stupidest reply ever, and NOTHING to do with the original topic.
Wow… tied with the stupidest reply ever, and NOTHING to do with the original topic.

You're not even able to participate in this debate because you're a dumb fuck.

That's why you can't respond to anything I wrote; you're not fucking smart enough.
Wow… stupidest reply ever, and NOTHING to do with the original topic.

Hey dipshit, here's what you asked:

And how the fuck does a low tax rate cause a recession?

And here's what I answered, you fucking piece of shit:

Because tax cuts cause people go into debt due to the fact that deficits as a result of less tax revenue are used as an excuse to cut social spending, which in turn forces people to pay more out of pocket for essential services like health care, education, and energy.

So it was entirely on the topic YOU WANTED.

Now you're saying the topic YOU WANTED TO TALK ABOUT has nothing to do with the original topic YOU DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT.