Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Oh really?

What if the abortion was a matter of life/death for the mother?

What if the fetus dies right before she was supposed to go into labor, are you're saying she should have to give birth to a corpse?

As I said, if it was life/death they would deliver a viable fetus probably via C-section. It's totally different, of course, if the fetus has expired or has non-survivable defects. That is why I deliberately chose to use the word "viable."

I sat in on a hospital (Catholic hosp.) ethics committee conference while during maternal-child clinical rotation in nursing school. The mom was six months pregnant with her 2nd child. They had discovered problems during an ultrasound, did an amnio and found that the fetus had a non-survivable trisomy disorder. The decision was made by the mom, dad, hospital priests, the hospital attorneys and her physicians to allow her to terminate. She had had a difficult first pregnancy. They believed that bringing a non-viable child to term would endanger her health. It was extremely emotional in that room, as you might imagine. It wasn't the first time in that rotation that I was brought to tears.
Well they don't have any knowledge of why the person is getting an abortion.

What? Medical personnel have no idea? You're not in health care, are you? You don't just show up at a woman's health clinic and say "Look, I'm pregnant, make it go away." Despite what the forced-birthers and self-righteous Reichwing assholes think, there is no such thing as "abortion on demand" "up to the time of birth."

The only one being judgy here is you.
So you think that the father can choose the fetus' gender?
i think the father’s sperm decides the sex of the new human being. But the is irrelevant since both sexes are equally human beings. You are just a leftest looney toon anti-science moron who advocates for the murder of human beings
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As I said, if it was life/death they would deliver a viable fetus probably via C-section. It's totally different, of course, if the fetus has expired or has non-survivable defects. That is why I deliberately chose to use the word "viable."

I sat in on a hospital (Catholic hosp.) ethics committee conference while during maternal-child clinical rotation in nursing school. The mom was six months pregnant with her 2nd child. They had discovered problems during an ultrasound, did an amnio and found that the fetus had a non-survivable trisomy disorder. The decision was made by the mom, dad, hospital priests, the hospital attorneys and her physicians to allow her to terminate. She had had a difficult first pregnancy. They believed that bringing a non-viable child to term would endanger her health. It was extremely emotional in that room, as you might imagine. It wasn't the first time in that rotation that I was brought to tears.

Right, now imagine that same scenario, only the woman can't get the abortion she needs.
What? Medical personnel have no idea? You're not in health care, are you? You don't just show up at a woman's health clinic and say "Look, I'm pregnant, make it go away." Despite what the forced-birthers and self-righteous Reichwing assholes think, there is no such thing as "abortion on demand" "up to the time of birth."

A woman walks into a clinic and says she wants an abortion, and the doctor says "why"?

You sure about that?
You are just a leftest looney toon anti-science moron who advocates for the murder of human beings

You just want to control women's reproductive health because no woman on earth would ever voluntarily bear your genetically inferior spawn, so you oppose abortion so that they are forced to carry your deficient offspring to term.
You just want to control women's reproductive health because no woman on earth would ever voluntarily bear your genetically inferior spawn, so you oppose abortion so that they are forced to carry your deficient offspring to term.
I want to save the Ives of human beings you don’t care about human beings
Wrong...The Dr. is quiet now...she doesn't want to discuss the case in interviews because it would "violate the girl's privacy"...a tad too late, isn't it? We'll find out the details , the facts...and the truths someday...once everything has been investigated properly...

The girl was impregnated by rape. She needed care. She received the care. End of story.
Wrong. The abortionist gave out enough information that allowed Telemundo to show up at the door of the little girl's apartment asking for an interview. The abortionist without a doubt violated the little girl's HIPAA rights.

You twumptard evil fucks will say anything, even vilifying an little girl and a heroic doctor to support your bullshit.

Look at all the good people twump sent packing and were harassed for not supporting his lie.

The sad thing is - you don't realize how truly evil you are. You shit on a Mexican today yet you racist fuck?
The fetus-worshipping theocrat misogynists are apparently in the minority even in some blood red states.

Meanwhile, Massachusetts universities now have morning after pills in campus vending machines.

It's a joy to live in civilization--easier to breathe--but we could be even more civilized if we didn't have the red states dragging us down.

I honestly can't understand why BOTH sides don't favor partition.