Kansas! Even in Kansas…

The new human being either has XX chromosome (female) or XY chromosome (male) so the sex of the new human being is determined by the father's contribution. You are anti-science.


The fetus isn't limited to just XX and XY chromosomes because in YOUR CASE and in the case of most inbred people, you have an extra chromosome that didn't magically appear out of nowhere.

In fact 1 out of every 1000 women, and 1 out of every 500 men have an extra chromosome. Like you do.
OK...so here's why you're a fucking idiot..

You say that the sex of the child can be determined by a fetal DNA test. But you also said this:

No, you can't take a fetal DNA test earlier than 2 months.

So you say a fetus' sex is determined at conception, but then you say it's determined by fetal DNA tests, which can only be done after 2 months of pregnancy.

So you have a two month gap that you can't explain.

???.....what's so difficult to explain........the DNA doesn't change during those two months.....its just not safe to test the child's DNA before then.......
what's so difficult to explain

The two month gap where a fetus' gender is undetermined.

he DNA doesn't change during those two months

Right, but you don't know the gender during those two months and you won't know that gender until at least 60 days after conception.

You're trying to tell us that it's a full-fledged person while also telling us that it's undeterminable until a certain amount of time.

That's how I know your entire argument is horseshit.
The two month gap where a fetus' gender is undetermined.
/shakes head.......mindless bint.......you apparently don't understand what "determined" means in the English language.........go somewhere and quietly fuck yourself in a corner......

the sex is fixed during that two months.......the DNA doesn't change after conception......it just that it isn't known by observers yet......so, like your intelligence, it remains a mystery........
It really says a lot about how deeply I've gotten under your skin that you have to resort to changing my quotes because you can't make an argument without doing that.

since your posts are absolutely meaningless I change them for the entertainment of our readers.........otherwise this conversation would be totally boring.......
/shakes head.......mindless bint.......you apparently don't understand what "determined" means in the English language.........go somewhere and quietly fuck yourself in a corner......

Well, you and ExpressLane use language like you're monkeys flinging your shit around here.

YOU don't know the fetus' gender until at least 2 months after conception, so it's not a human being. Not until it's born.