Kansas! Even in Kansas…

It's a distinct human being.

Oh really? Can it tell you what its name is?

Also "it" implies that you don't know if it's male or female.

So it can't be a distinct human being if you don't even know its gender, which you've said is how people are defined...by their gender at birth, right?

So how could a fetus be a "distinct human being" if it hasn't even developed any sexual organs that can define its gender?????

(This is me using your own shitty gender argument against you)
Nah. He's just an everyday Internet jerkoff spewing into the void, like the rest of us when you come down to it.

He's a bit more than that. He used to be on another discussion platform that I co-managed with another person who's also on JPP. We asked him multiple times to stop calling the other members CUNTS but he wouldn't quit, so we kicked him out. We heard that he was also copying members' posts, along with someone else we also removed, and re-posting them here just to stir up shit. There's something esp. disgusting about ppl who use their religion to smear others, while acting like they don't follow its tenets and guidance in the least.
He's a bit more than that. He used to be on another discussion platform that I co-managed with another person who's also on JPP. We asked him multiple times to stop calling the other members CUNTS but he wouldn't quit, so we kicked him out. We heard that he was also copying members' posts, along with someone else we also removed, and re-posting them here just to stir up shit. There's something esp. disgusting about ppl who use their religion to smear others, while acting like they don't follow its tenets and guidance in the least.

It takes an especially evil person to do such things. The people around him probably know this better than anyone on JPP.

Tons of birth control available. However, there are groups that oppose those.

You are talking to one of them, although she's an individual and not a group.

Remember the lawsuits from companies unwilling to pay for their employees’ contraception?

Ah yes, Hobby Lobby being one of them. Also the Roman Catholic Church. I would be inclined though to give the RC employers a pass since they have *always* opposed contraception other than rhythm method. The Hobby Lobby hypocrites, not so much. In fact, when that was a news item it turned out that the Greens, who own HL, had investments in pharmaceutical companies that make IUDs, morning-after pills, and other pregnancy prevention products -- the same ones they don't want their employees to use.
He's a bit more than that. He used to be on another discussion platform that I co-managed with another person who's also on JPP. We asked him multiple times to stop calling the other members CUNTS but he wouldn't quit, so we kicked him out. We heard that he was also copying members' posts, along with someone else we also removed, and re-posting them here just to stir up shit. There's something esp. disgusting about ppl who use their religion to smear others, while acting like they don't follow its tenets and guidance in the least.

Didn't know, thanks. He's sick, in other words.
There is no rape exception in Ohio, so you are completely wrong. It was reported to the police by the social worker who took the child to the original hospital. The police knew about the rape before any doctor had heard of the child.

Whether it was a rape or not makes no legal difference in Ohio.

Yet according to *some* in this discussion, the fact that we all heard about this horrible event is solely the fault of the physician who performed the medical procedure. That's because she reported it, as she was mandated to do by law. Reporting = politicizing to some who are desperate to make it someone else's fault but the real culprits -- the rapist, and the Ohio state legislature and governor. :rolleyes:
Oh really? Can it tell you what its name is?

Also "it" implies that you don't know if it's male or female.

So it can't be a distinct human being if you don't even know its gender, which you've said is how people are defined...by their gender at birth, right?

So how could a fetus be a "distinct human being" if it hasn't even developed any sexual organs that can define its gender?????

(This is me using your own shitty gender argument against you)
Dumbass the father's sperm determine the sex of the new human being at conception. You Libratards are just anti-science.
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It is none of your fucking business if a woman is getting an abortion at 5 weeks or 8.99 months.


I do not support the aborting of a near-term viable fetus. That being said, the rest of your post is absolutely right. It is none of anyone's business.
I do not support the aborting of a near-term viable fetus.

Why not?

You will never know the reason why that fetus was aborted so close to 9 months, and it's not your fucking business to know why.

If a fetus is aborted 2 hours before its due, that's just as legitimate as if a fetus was aborted 6 months before its due.

The point is that neither you, me, or anyone else other than the patient knows why they're getting an abortion, and they shouldn't have to justify that to anyone because it's no one else's business.
You failed biology.

Most doctors schedule an ultrasound at around 18 to 21 weeks, but the sex may be determined by ultrasound as early as 14 weeks.
https://www.healthline.com/health/p...ule an ultrasound,to clearly see the genitals.

This is another example of how not controlling that big, fat mouth of yours blows back on you instantly.
Moron, the sex of the child can be determined long before an ultrasound can do it by a Fetal DNA test. Science knows that the sex of the Human Being is selected by the father and we know his work is done VERY early in the process. So sex is determined at conception. My grandchild's sex was known by fetal DNA long before it was demonstrated on an ultrasound.
Moron, the sex of the child can be determined long before an ultrasound can do it by a Fetal DNA test.

Which are not accurate and have never been verified by the FDA that they are.

Science knows that the sex of the Human Being is selected by the father and we know his work is done VERY early in the process.

You think a fetus' gender is "selected" by the father? What? At what point does the father select the gender of the fetus?

You're insane.
Moron, the sex of the child can be determined long before an ultrasound can do it by a Fetal DNA test.

OK...so here's why you're a fucking idiot..

You say that the sex of the child can be determined by a fetal DNA test. But you also said this:

So sex is determined at conception.

No, you can't take a fetal DNA test earlier than 2 months.

So you say a fetus' sex is determined at conception, but then you say it's determined by fetal DNA tests, which can only be done after 2 months of pregnancy.

So you have a two month gap that you can't explain.
Which are not accurate and have never been verified by the FDA that they are.

You think a fetus' gender is "selected" by the father? What? At what point does the father select the gender of the fetus?

You're insane.
At the moment the father's sperm fertilizes the egg the sex of the new human being is selected and cannot be changed. The new human being either has XX chromosome (female) or XY chromosome (male) so the sex of the new human being is determined by the father's contribution. You are anti-science.
At the moment the father's sperm fertilizes the egg the sex of the new human being is selected and cannot be changed.

No, not actually the case.

And you said that the father "selected" the gender, now you are backing off what you said earlier because you put your tiny foot in your big mouth.

And a fetal DNA test is not reliable to determine the gender, so you don't even know what the gender is until at least 2 months into the pregnancy. There is literally no other way to know that. That's why those fetal DNA tests start at 8 weeks/2 months and not at conception.