Kansas! Even in Kansas…

the DNA doesn't change after conception

Right but you can't determine that gender until at least 2 months have passed. In reality, it's really more like 4 months is when you find out the sex of the fetus.

So up until that point, it's a fetus of undeterminable gender, not a human being according to the standards you set when it comes to transgendering.
since your posts are absolutely meaningless I change them for the entertainment of our readers.........otherwise this conversation would be totally boring.......

Really, then why didn't you do it here? How come you did it on the other post, but didn't do it with this post?

Because you're full of shit, of course.
They buy clothes for the child they're carryng...
I have never seen an embryo wear clothing, have you?

Women will buy clothing for a future baby. That can even be done before conception. But no one, and I mean no one, buys clothing for an embryo.
They buy clothes for the child they're carrying...they do gender reveal parties...They pick names...When they go for exams, they go to get progress on their baby...the doctor doesn't refer to it as an embryo or fetus...They say..." Here's your baby....about 2 inches long...arms, hands, fingers, toes, feet fully formed...the baby can open and close their mouth...their fists...Would you like to listen to the baby's heartbeat? Would you like to know the baby's gender (as early as 14 weeks...)? You have children...when did you recognize them as your children?
They buy clothes for the child they're carryng...They buy clothes for the child they're carrying...they do gender reveal parties...They pick names...When they go for exams, they go to get progress on their baby...the doctor doesn't refer to it as an embryo or fetus...They say..." Here's your baby....about 2 inches long...arms, hands, fingers, toes, feet fully formed...the baby can open and close their mouth...their fists...Would you like to listen to the baby's heartbeat? Would you like to know the baby's gender (as early as 14 weeks...)? You have children...when did you recognize them as your children?

The SCOTUS ruled that abortion should be decided by the states as it falls under states rights as stated in the constitution.
Wrong. The AG's lied to throw chum to their religious right goons. The Dr. did nothing wrong except to provide care - all the while right wing evil scum on Fox are claiming her story was false.

The poor girl just needed care. The Dr. provided it. Now we're dealing with a bunch of anti-woman, lying hand-wringers, because stories like this happen all the time, and since it works against the wing nuts objective to rip away women's rights, they're all lying about it.
Wrong...The Dr. is quiet now...she doesn't want to discuss the case in interviews because it would "violate the girl's privacy"...a tad too late, isn't it? We'll find out the details , the facts...and the truths someday...once everything has been investigated properly...
Wrong...The Dr. is quiet now...she doesn't want to discuss the case in interviews because it would "violate the girl's privacy"...a tad too late, isn't it? We'll find out the details , the facts...and the truths someday...once everything has been investigated properly...

And you should personally be concerned about this, why?
Wrong. The AG's lied to throw chum to their religious right goons. The Dr. did nothing wrong except to provide care - all the while right wing evil scum on Fox are claiming her story was false.

The poor girl just needed care. The Dr. provided it. Now we're dealing with a bunch of anti-woman, lying hand-wringers, because stories like this happen all the time, and since it works against the wing nuts objective to rip away women's rights, they're all lying about it.

Wrong. The abortionist gave out enough information that allowed Telemundo to show up at the door of the little girl's apartment asking for an interview. The abortionist without a doubt violated the little girl's HIPAA rights.
Science disagrees with you. And if it isn't alive directing the production of its own proteins and hormones exactly why is it necessary to kill it? If it isn't alive it isn't going to grow.

If you remove a 10 week old fetus from it's mother's womb, can it survive on its own?
Why not?

You will never know the reason why that fetus was aborted so close to 9 months, and it's not your fucking business to know why.

How do you know? You can support abortion up to age 24 if you like; the rest of us freedom-loving pro-choicers do not. BTW, I have one child who was born two months premature -- that made him viable even though he needed some medical support (oxygen) at first. Even if I had asked and it was legal, the medical team would not have snuffed him.

If a fetus is aborted 2 hours before its due, that's just as legitimate as if a fetus was aborted 6 months before its due.

Absolutely not true. It is virtually certain that someone who changes her mind at 38 weeks gestation of a viable fetus is not going to find any physician or midwife who will agree to an abortion. Even if mom has pre-eclampsia, a placental abruption, or other medical emergency they will deliver the baby alive. They will not kill the infant just because mom doesn't want it.

The point is that neither you, me, or anyone else other than the patient knows why they're getting an abortion, and they shouldn't have to justify that to anyone because it's no one else's business.

It's not my or yours or any other lay person's business, agree. But it is certainly the business of any medical provider being asked to perform such an act which IMO is rightfully considered murder.
BTW, I have one child who was born two months premature -- that made him viable even though he needed some medical support (oxygen) at first. Even if I had asked and it was legal, the medical team would not have snuffed him..

Well then they aren't very good at their jobs then, and I would recommend you find a different medical team that doesn't prioritize their comfort above your health.

So it's fine that you gave birth prematurely and that it worked out for you, but just because you had that experience doesn't mean other people don't.

Ultimately, if a woman decides to get an abortion the day before she's due, that is her business and only her business, and her doctor can't question that along moral grounds, only along health/medical grounds. And even then, they're not really allowed to do that.
Absolutely not true. It is virtually certain that someone who changes her mind at 38 weeks gestation of a viable fetus is not going to find any physician or midwife who will agree to an abortion.

Oh really?

What if the abortion was a matter of life/death for the mother?

What if the fetus dies right before she was supposed to go into labor, are you're saying she should have to give birth to a corpse?
Even if mom has pre-eclampsia, a placental abruption, or other medical emergency they will deliver the baby alive. They will not kill the infant just because mom doesn't want it.

Well they don't have any knowledge of why the person is getting an abortion.

So you're overreaching into someone's privacy to judge them for getting a medical procedure.

Does that sound fair to the person carrying the fetus? Cause it doesn't sound fair to me.
Pro-Choice turned out and WON!

The people of conservative Kansas have spoken!

Pro-life is going to be a difficult stance come November

Thanks for confirming what the Court ruled. Which is that the right to abortion is a state issue - a state's right. They did not ban abortion like progressives try to lead us to believe.
It's not my or yours or any other lay person's business, agree. But it is certainly the business of any medical provider being asked to perform such an act which IMO is rightfully considered murder.

How is it murder when the fetus isn't even born?
But it is certainly the business of any medical provider being asked to perform such an act which IMO is rightfully considered murder.

Actually no.

Not at all.

The person getting the abortion doesn't have to explain to the doctor why they are getting it.

I think what you want is for women to ask permission to do things to their own body because you are uncomfortable with some of those things they do.

So you're making a woman's decision to have an abortion about you.