Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Right but you can't determine that gender until at least 2 months have passed. In reality, it's really more like 4 months is when you find out the sex of the fetus.

So up until that point, it's a fetus of undeterminable gender, not a human being according to the standards you set when it comes to transgendering.

lol....stupid fuck......its gender isn't "undeterminable".......its gender is fixed in place, merely unknown.......what is undeterminable is whether you have an IQ.......
But you have absolutely no way of knowing what that sex is until at least 60 days later, so you can't call it a human being because you can't even define its gender until after a certain period of time.

???....so is it your argument that its not a human being until we know its sex?........I guess that really fucks over the transgendered, since they wouldn't be humans until they decide what they are........did you know that if we put all your brains in a balloon it wouldn't sink to the ground?.......
Brilliant argument, Protecting the right to PRIVACY from government intrusion into your personal life is PROTECTING LIMITED GOVERNMENT, the Supreme Court failed to do that.

Fuck privacy. "Lawmakers in Kansas asked voters to change the state constitution, which protects the right to an abortion, and give them permission to pass new laws restricting or banning abortion. The voters resoundingly said no." (from cnn). That was what this was about. It gives Kansans the responsibility to directly vote on this issue. It was your precious democracy in action.
The fetus-worshipping theocrat misogynists are apparently in the minority even in some blood red states.

Meanwhile, Massachusetts universities now have morning after pills in campus vending machines.

It's a joy to live in civilization--easier to breathe--but we could be even more civilized if we didn't have the red states dragging us down.

I honestly can't understand why BOTH sides don't favor partition.
I believe the pills have been in vending machines on certain campuses for many years.

I remember the outrage by many in the pro birth camp.
Fuck privacy. "Lawmakers in Kansas asked voters to change the state constitution, which protects the right to an abortion, and give them permission to pass new laws restricting or banning abortion. The voters resoundingly said no." (from cnn). That was what this was about. It gives Kansans the responsibility to directly vote on this issue. It was your precious democracy in action.

Fuck privacy?!?... You do not believe that all Americans, in order to be truly free, have a right to privacy from government intrusion into the most basic decisions that make us independent humans?
Fuck privacy?!?... You do not believe that all Americans, in order to be truly free, have a right to privacy from government intrusion into the most basic decisions that make us independent humans?

For most forced-birthers, the only time "My body, my choice" is valid is when it comes to getting vaccinated against a deadly disease in order to protect not only that individual but others as well. :rolleyes:

My brother admits to watching Fox News. He was telling me this morning that before Roe v Wade was canceled, a pregnant woman could get an abortion up to the time of delivery, and the doctors would just kill the baby when it was removed. He also said that pro-choicers are running around attacking churches and clinics where forced-birthers (which he called "pro-lifers" of course) counsel women to keep the fetus and give it up for adoption once it's born. This is where these Reichtards are getting their "information."
For most forced-birthers, the only time "My body, my choice" is valid is when it comes to getting vaccinated against a deadly disease in order to protect not only that individual but others as well. :rolleyes:

My brother admits to watching Fox News. He was telling me this morning that before Roe v Wade was canceled, a pregnant woman could get an abortion up to the time of delivery, and the doctors would just kill the baby when it was removed. He also said that pro-choicers are running around attacking churches and clinics where forced-birthers (which he called "pro-lifers" of course) counsel women to keep the fetus and give it up for adoption once it's born. This is where these Reichtards are getting their "information."

Sad but that up to the day of birth is the Foxnews Trumpper party line.
Sad but that up to the day of birth is the Foxnews Trumpper party line.

Yep. I asked him if he had ever seen video or pics of protesters outside abortion facilities. He said yes. I asked him what did they all have in common other than forced-birth. He couldn't think of anything other than they had signs. I asked him what race they were. He said "white." I said exactly. It is WHITE people -- who only want to adopt WHITE babies and even go to other countries to adopt them -- who want to force women to give birth to children who are often unadoptable because they're not white, they have physical and/or cognitive problems, their moms took drugs while pregnant, etc. Those WHITE people protesting in favor of forced birth sure as hell won't adopt those kids. There are almost half a million children in foster care now waiting for adoptive parents.
Yep. I asked him if he had ever seen video or pics of protesters outside abortion facilities. He said yes. I asked him what did they all have in common other than forced-birth. He couldn't think of anything other than they had signs. I asked him what race they were. He said "white." I said exactly. It is WHITE people -- who only want to adopt WHITE babies and even go to other countries to adopt them -- who want to force women to give birth to children who are often unadoptable because they're not white, they have physical and/or cognitive problems, their moms took drugs while pregnant, etc. Those WHITE people protesting in favor of forced birth sure as hell won't adopt those kids. There are almost half a million children in foster care now waiting for adoptive parents.

It’s a sad state of affairs.
of course they could always put him up for adoption.......

First, who is "they"?

Volsrock already said he doesn't want to force fathers to pay child support.

If the father doesn't have to pay to support the child, why should he have a say in who raises the child?

Second, what if the mother doesn't want to give up her child?
Fuck privacy?!?... You do not believe that all Americans, in order to be truly free, have a right to privacy from government intrusion into the most basic decisions that make us independent humans?

Stop wrapping yourself in the American flag over baby murder. It's just another one of your bullshit non-issues you dust off and trot out for elections when the country is turning to explosive diarrhea because of policies you morons have put into place. In the 1973 decision, SCOTUS was trying anything to get that hot potato out of their hands and out of desperation, they came up with that privacy bullshit. I guess they figured with the stigma surrounding abortion, it would probably be something people would want to keep quiet.

Not much stigma left, is there scooter? Shit, a few abortions are practically a resume enhancement for leftist women in the public eye. As for privacy, if you're still operating under the belief that virtually anything you do is invisible to the fucking government, you are even more foolish and gullible than I imagined. A few years back, I got a letter from the DOD informing me that my military records and those of about 20 million others may have been swept up in a data breach. My fucking military records! How hard do you think it would be for some bored 15-year-old computer nerd to get ahold of your medical records? Like obamacare? Of course you do! You think some 24-year-old freshly hired from commie college econ major isn't going to see that you just had an abortion? The tater head just signed an EO authorizing Medicaid to pay for women to travel out of state to get abortions. So of course some guvmint flunky on either a state or national level is going to know your most intimate, shameful secrets. So yeah, fuck privacy, it doesn't exist anymore.

Here's something else to chew on. Not about abortion, more about privacy. Remember this from about a year ago? We barely dodged this bullet:


But guess what's in the new "inflation reduction act"!


You got it! 87,000 new IRS agents! Sleep well idiots, everything is private, and your government is watching over it!
lol....stupid fuck......its gender isn't "undeterminable".......its gender is fixed in place, merely unknown.......what is undeterminable is whether you have an IQ.......

If it's not undeterminable, how come you have to wait until at least 2 months before you can take a fetal DNA test to determine the gender?
so is it your argument that its not a human being until we know its sex?

No, that is your argument, not mine.

I don't consider a fetus a human being at all.

I guess that really fucks over the transgendered, since they wouldn't be humans until they decide what they are.

Again, that is your rhetoric, not mine.

did you know that if we put all your brains in a balloon it wouldn't sink to the ground?

So my ideas are helium?
yet it isn't my argument.......therefore I win by default......

Yet it is...

It's what you have been arguing this entire time.

All I did was take your shitty argument and apply it to abortion, and this is what happens when I do that.

Sex assigned at birth is what you argue all the time, isn't it?

Not sex before birth, but sex assigned at birth.

Do you not believe in that anymore?