Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Agreed. However, Pmp really is a Satanic cocksucker whose sole purpose on Earth is to spread evil and lies.



Nah. He's just an everyday Internet jerkoff spewing into the void, like the rest of us when you come down to it.
So it's an end of life in both cases....the loss of a baby....Life begins when two cells become implanted...doesn't it? Some say yes...some say no... The crux of the matter is to take giant steps to prevent the necessity to abort...What types of medical birth control are unavailable...even if others don't "Agree" with them...?

Tons of birth control available. However, there are groups that oppose those.

Remember the lawsuits from companies unwilling to pay for their employees’ contraception?
shall I start with the birds and bees or has mommy already covered that part.......for fucks sake, google fetal development and stop wasting our time......the point of DNA being established is not a mystery........

If that point is so well established, why don’t you just quickly share that with us?
Pro-Choice turned out and WON!

In super conservative Kansas, Pro-Choice got 58.78% of the vote. That is not even close.

Back during Roe v. Wade, these people could vote Republican, knowing the Republicans could do nothing to end legal access to abortion. Now they know that if they vote for Republicans, abortion will be illegal.

This is a disaster for Republicans.
In super conservative Kansas, Pro-Choice got 58.78% of the vote. That is not even close.

Back during Roe v. Wade, these people could vote Republican, knowing the Republicans could do nothing to end legal access to abortion. Now they know that if they vote for Republicans, abortion will be illegal.

This is a disaster for Republicans.

not at all, the states that want it can have it, it was the best ruling we have seen in a while
LOL blacks are 13% of the population ...they have no chance in a race war

Blacks are 13% of the population, other "races" are an additional 27%, whites who are against racism are 50%, which leaves about 10%. Subtract out whites who support racism online, but are not going to actually fight over it, and of course those in too bad of health to do anything, and you have maybe 0.01%

Yes, but what if that 0.01% wins? Well they are so uneducated, they cannot really win. They can take control, but that control would destroy everything.
Why do women buy beds clothes etc decorate a bedroom, for a glob of goo?

I have never seen an embryo wear clothing, have you?

Women will buy clothing for a future baby. That can even be done before conception. But no one, and I mean no one, buys clothing for an embryo.
Blacks are 13% of the population, other "races" are an additional 27%, whites who are against racism are 50%, which leaves about 10%. Subtract out whites who support racism online, but are not going to actually fight over it, and of course those in too bad of health to do anything, and you have maybe 0.01%

Yes, but what if that 0.01% wins? Well they are so uneducated, they cannot really win. They can take control, but that control would destroy everything.

We don't have to worry, as we have seen for decades, blacks destroy their own homes/neighborhoods when they are upset:laugh:
not at all, the states that want it can have it, it was the best ruling we have seen in a while

The states that want to keep abortion legal, will vote for Democrats. 60% of the people of Kansas want to keep abortion legal. When Republicans are in danger of losing Kansas, it is a disaster for Republicans.
The states that want to keep abortion legal, will vote for Democrats. 60% of the people of Kansas want to keep abortion legal. When Republicans are in danger of losing Kansas, it is a disaster for Republicans.

nope, the economy of Biden is killing all democrats in on going races, disposable income wins out when the country is headed toward doom, we saw it with Reagan vs Carter and Biden will prove to be worse than Carter
In super conservative Kansas, Pro-Choice got 58.78% of the vote. That is not even close.

Back during Roe v. Wade, these people could vote Republican, knowing the Republicans could do nothing to end legal access to abortion. Now they know that if they vote for Republicans, abortion will be illegal.

This is a disaster for Republicans.

It will be interesting to see, when the issue is only abortion you are correct, but will that single issue be enough to turn a landslide of votes when there are multiple issues in the race... Economic, Tax, Crime...

I feel like it will be huge in future presidential races, especially among Republican attempts to get women voters.
the 10 year old in Ohio could have gotten an abortion legally in Ohio if mom had been willing to report the rape to the police...

There is no rape exception in Ohio, so you are completely wrong. It was reported to the police by the social worker who took the child to the original hospital. The police knew about the rape before any doctor had heard of the child.

Whether it was a rape or not makes no legal difference in Ohio.
It will be interesting to see, when the issue is only abortion you are correct, but will that single issue be enough to turn a landslide of votes when there are multiple issues in the race... Economic, Tax, Crime...

I feel like it will be huge in future presidential races, especially among Republican attempts to get women voters.

You are correct. It is another problem Republicans have to contend with to get votes. It is not alone the end of the Republican Party, but it is not a good thing for Republicans.
The S.C. decision left abortion up to the state legislature whose members are elected by the people.

And if 60% of the people in super-conservative Kansas want abortion to remain legal, they need to simply not vote for Republicans.
But there is an ongoing investigation-there's a rape trial, you know...in the news...
if the Dr. decides to "sue" the AGs the investigation will be even more intense... (She won't be heralding any more of her "procedures"...You can rest assured of that...)

Wrong. The AG's lied to throw chum to their religious right goons. The Dr. did nothing wrong except to provide care - all the while right wing evil scum on Fox are claiming her story was false.

The poor girl just needed care. The Dr. provided it. Now we're dealing with a bunch of anti-woman, lying hand-wringers, because stories like this happen all the time, and since it works against the wing nuts objective to rip away women's rights, they're all lying about it.