Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Its a distinct human being from conception. People that say otherwise are anti-science. Abortion kills the life of a distinct human being.

At least someone gave a direct answer.

So, in that context, the morning after pill becomes illegal. Correct?
never a good idea to remove a right that is settled law. It simply adds more distracted time on cultural issues.
In certain situations it IS a burden on women to get a safe affordable abortion. 15 weeks with exceptions for rape and incest seems doable,but the numbers will always be contested by someone

Kansas doesn't want their legislature to waste time on abortion regs/bans
So they let it be and are telling representatives to work on everyday problems instead

The rape and incest issue. Good one.

Why does that unborn deserve to die any more than any other conception? It’s still a life, yes?
What is the difference between a woman who miscarries and loses her baby at two months and the women who purposefully terminates her baby's life at two months? Both are unborn babies whose life process has begun...and ended... When do you think life "begins"? Such a wonderful "mystery" to discuss, with many differing views....all with their own "merits"...So... What's wrong with supporting a goal to drastically reduce the number of terminations at any stage of life...unless there's medical necessity....Abortion should not be used as birth control...Nothing wrong with supporting that belief, either...is there? Common sense says that if a baby is not wanted don't create one...then it won't be necessary to end one...

What’s the difference? Well, I guess the analogy would be what’s the difference between an accidental death vs. an intentional one (ie manslaughter or murder)

I’m not claiming I know when life begins. For the purposes of abortion, I’m asking people when they think it begins. That’s kind of the crux of the matter, isn’t it?

The other difficulty is that many of the people who are against abortion are also against medical types of birth control.
lol....and yet I've made you look like a moron every time you post...

I take that back......I really don't deserve the credit for that.......YOU make you look like a moron every time you post.....

LOL.. you're making WHO, look like a moron?

Quit hitting yourself, loser.
What’s the difference? Well, I guess the analogy would be what’s the difference between an accidental death vs. an intentional one.

I’m not claiming I know when life begins. For the purposes of abortion, I’m asking people when they think it begins. That’s kind of the crux of the matter, isn’t it?

The other difficulty is that many of the people who are against abortion are also against medical types of birth control.
So it's an end of life in both cases....the loss of a baby....Life begins when two cells become implanted...doesn't it? Some say yes...some say no... The crux of the matter is to take giant steps to prevent the necessity to abort...What types of medical birth control are unavailable...even if others don't "Agree" with them...?
FYI, there is no more "investigation". The AG's in Indiana and Ohio who lied about the girl's care and the doctor's negligence are getting sued. Bastards.

Sorry to rain on your anti-woman parade.
But there is an ongoing investigation-there's a rape trial, you know...in the news...
if the Dr. decides to "sue" the AGs the investigation will be even more intense... (She won't be heralding any more of her "procedures"...You can rest assured of that...)
By taking the deduction you recognize the unborn child...
Right. Which is idiotic. It will often make absolutely no difference on your taxes, as the birth would occur in the same calendar year.

“Kansas voters reject state constitutional amendment”

And I don’t care either way, I don’t live in Kansas, but if Kansas, that is ruby red Kansas, can reject a public referendum on an issue close and dear to the GOP it shows the same issue may be a huge factor in 2022 and more so in 2024
Legislators got duped by those who wrote the initiative.

Many people simply vote no on these initiatives, especially when they don't understand the language. Often, people believe a 'yes' vote will typically raise their taxes.

It would be interesting to see how many people actually voted 'no' in the belief that they were voting against pro choice?
This is terrible, but I just had a thought. The vote was "Yes", uphold the abortion bad or "No", no abortion ban (no on the amendment).

I wonder if any Kansas Republicans thought they were actually voting, "No" on abortion, instead of "No" on the amendment?

Probably just me with my paranoia.
I would love to see polling
Exactly when does the that DNA distinguish it from the mother and father? You still evade that question.

shall I start with the birds and bees or has mommy already covered that part.......for fucks sake, google fetal development and stop wasting our time......the point of DNA being established is not a mystery........
So it's an end of life in both cases....the loss of a baby....Life begins when two cells become implanted...doesn't it? Some say yes...some say no... The crux of the matter is to take giant steps to prevent the necessity to abort...What types of medical birth control are unavailable...even if others don't "Agree" with them...?
Do you claim to be a homeowner the moment you put a deposit on a house?

Or are you a potential homeowner who must first wait for a number of issues to be resolved?
They had a referendum and the people voted to keep abortion, isn't that democracy in action?

The mid-term elections are another referendum. If America wants women to have that right all they have to do is vote for the democrat and they will codify by law a woman's right to choose. That is what every democrat running should push and every democrat should also make apparent that the republican they are running against does not want them to have that right. It is a simple decision, just like it was in Kansas.

The mid-terms are nothing but a referendum on a woman's right to choose. If women vote like they did in Kansas they will get that right, it is simple. If they don't then they should shut the hell up, it is their own fault, they did not lose it, they gave it away.