Kansas! Even in Kansas…

I thought you mentioned something about understanding science. That wasn’t a very scientific answer.

You referred to killing an unborn child. All I’m trying to ascertain is when it becomes that unborn child and what it is prior to that “moment”.

its always an unborn child until the moment it is born.......did you mean to ask me when it becomes a child?.......the moment it has DNA that distinguishes it from the mother and the father......you know, the point it becomes an individual living human being.......
You can't say that because what if the police didn't believe her?

What if the police thought like so many of your Republican and Conservative friends, and that the pregnancy a 10 year old is carrying was actually a gift from God?

Because y'all have said that far more than you've said you're comfortable with medical abortions...which is stupid because all abortions are medical abortions.

you are a case study of ignorance........
its always an unborn child until the moment it is born.......did you mean to ask me when it becomes a child?.......the moment it has DNA that distinguishes it from the mother and the father......you know, the point it becomes an individual living human being.......

Ah, a religious right, superstitious circle-jerk. Don't get any on the rest of us, you woman-hating pigs.
you are a case study of ignorance........

Ah, yes.

There will never be a law that satisfies both sides...so many differing factors need to be taken into consideration when considering the law... When life begins is certainly a factor...any abortion terminates a human being...If a woman miscarries at 2 months she loses her baby...correct?

Of course, I’m not asking in reference to miscarriages. The topic is abortions. I’m also not asking about the pro-choice stance. I’m asking about the pro-life viewpoint.

When does that life actually begin? That seems to be the crux of the matter, regardless of whether it’s rape, incest or any other cause of pregnancy.
It appears the anti-choice people do, because they call a spasming piece of tissue a heart.

This is terrible, but I just had a thought. The vote was "Yes", uphold the abortion bad or "No", no abortion ban (no on the amendment).

I wonder if any Kansas Republicans thought they were actually voting, "No" on abortion, instead of "No" on the amendment?

Probably just me with my paranoia.
No, I'm team 'women's choice'. Stop being dishonest and misrepresenting my position. No, it isn't a shame that it went viral for political reasons. It is what YOU have forced on the women in this country. Your misguided moral code. Keep it to yourself. I'm not interested.

Leave it to the wing nut religious right to make things up and say anything, no matter how dishonest to stubbornly stick to their point. That little Ohio girl needed care, she got it. and the folks trying to vilify her and the doctor are getting sued. Say no more.
So you're TEAM "wanted" vs ""unwanted"...That's the only point I was making... I'm not ignoring anything...the 10 year old is from Ohio...that investigation is ongoing...terrible, isn't it?...I think we'll eventually find out she went to Indiana for reasons other than the heartbeat law...
It's such a shame that her story went viral for political reasons...

FYI, there is no more "investigation". The AG's in Indiana and Ohio who lied about the girl's care and the doctor's negligence are getting sued. Bastards.

Sorry to rain on your anti-woman parade.
We know, we know. You forced-birthers don't want to hear what anguish the ending of Roe v Wade is causing, do you? You in particular want to blame everyone but 1) the rapist, and 2) the onerous abortion laws in your state for the travesty of the pregnant 10-yo girl. You in particular have posted several times that you blame the physician who performed the procedure for reporting it, as mandated by law.

I just donated to another pro-choice organization in your name. Would you like to see the receipt? ;)

LOL! Nice!
its always an unborn child until the moment it is born.......did you mean to ask me when it becomes a child?.......the moment it has DNA that distinguishes it from the mother and the father......you know, the point it becomes an individual living human being.......

You still haven’t addressed exactly when that is.

Bullshit. You've followed me around on various forums for 12 years now. You have never once claimed to "work with" PP. Instead, you have consistently condemned them vociferously. In fact, when I made yet another donation to them in your name a few months ago, and showed you the receipt with your first initial on it, you reported me and tried to get me banned. Oops.

I burst out laughing when I read that. She's lying or virtue signaling.