Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Getting fired ≠ going to jail
Right, but irrelevant.

None of you fuckers on the right know how rights work.

If a place of work wants to ensure the safety of it's workers and customers they should be able to do that. You are STILL FREE to find other employment.
Sweeping authoritarian government mandates are not "a company deciding on their own". Fucking dumbass...

If a social media outlet doesn't want your inappropriate content on its platform, that isn't hurting your freedom of speech.
Off topic.
That's THE goal...I worked with PP and similar organizations providing BC and health services for many years when I was teaching... and PP is not even close to what it used to be....very sadly....They need revamped... reorganized... and reformed...If you think they're being undermined it's for good reason...

No, it's for bullshit reasons being pushed by idiots like you.
It depends when you believe that life begins...and if you're ok with terminating that life....that's why I asked you...
Isn't the ultimate goal is to get women to stop using it as birth control and focus on preventing the pregnancy to begin with?...Not a difficult thing.... And the majority of people have no problem if it's medically necessary... A wanted child is recognized as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. An unwanted child is just a clump of cells. 63,459,781 plus abortions since 1973 is unthinkable...

Mind your own business. If you don't like abortions, don't get one. Oh, that's right. You're a spinster and have no idea about any of this stuff; your desire is to dictate to others what they can do with *their* bodies. As I said, you are a forced-birther, and not in the least pro-life or pro-child.

BTW, remember how you called my unborn g-daughter a "clump of cells" seven years ago? Her mama believes in the right of all humans to determine their own futures, including reproductive rights. For my b-day she donated generously to this organization. She's also an actual teacher, not a pretend one, and unlike yourself she actually supports and cherishes children.

WRRAP is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization assisting women who are financially unable to pay for safe, legal abortions or emergency contraceptives.
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hey asshole your team tried to kill a supreme court justice for wanting to let states decide issues that impact citizens of the state

fuck you very much

Haha, not on a team and he didn’t try. He called the cops to come get him, he tried not to kill.
That's THE goal...I worked with PP and similar organizations providing BC and health services for many years when I was teaching... and PP is not even close to what it used to be....very sadly....They need revamped... reorganized... and reformed...If you think they're being undermined it's for good reason...


Bullshit. You've followed me around on various forums for 12 years now. You have never once claimed to "work with" PP. Instead, you have consistently condemned them vociferously. In fact, when I made yet another donation to them in your name a few months ago, and showed you the receipt with your first initial on it, you reported me and tried to get me banned. Oops.
Getting fired ≠ going to jail

None of you fuckers on the right know how rights work. If a place of work wants to ensure the safety of it's workers and customers they should be able to do that. You are STILL FREE to find other employment.

If a social media outlet doesn't want your inappropriate content on its platform, that isn't hurting your freedom of speech.

Reichwingers think that any social disapproval of their cockeyed and/or hateful rhetoric is "cancel culture."
No, it's for bullshit reasons being pushed by idiots like you.

Exactly. The vast majority of PP clinics do NOT do abortions. They do STD testing, cancer screening, education, they provide treatment for disease, and contraceptives for pregnancy prevention. But because they've been vilified by Reichwing politicians and media for so long, idiots like Toxic TOP think they're evil, as you said. She's lying about "working with" them, btw, but you knew that.
Haha, not on a team and he didn’t try. He called the cops to come get him, he tried not to kill.

Nicholas Roske, 26, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to one count of attempting to kill a justice of the United States, two weeks after he was arrested outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanugh's home with a gun.

save it for the judge shit stain.
Exactly. The vast majority of PP clinics do NOT do abortions. They do STD testing, cancer screening, education, they provide treatment for disease, and contraceptives for pregnancy prevention. But because they've been vilified by Reichwing politicians and media for so long, idiots like Toxic TOP think they're evil, as you said. She's lying about "working with" them, btw, but you knew that.

Raising the question when in this forum do Righties ever have a firm handle on what they are complaining about?

The case against Roske broke open at 1:38 a.m. on June 8, when he called 911 from a dark street in Chevy Chase, Md., around the corner and about one block from Kavanaugh’s home, according to 911 recordings.

He spoke calmly, according to the recordings, and told the operator he had just arrived from California and had planned to hurt Kavanaugh and then himself. He said that his gun was locked in a case in his suitcase and that he needed psychiatric help, according to the recordings. Montgomery officers raced out and took him into custody without incident.

Man accused in plot to kill Kavanaugh eyed other justices, FBI says

Obviously this is a seriously mentally-ill person, and no more indicative of a typical (D) voter than Timothy McVeigh is similar to you. You ARE different than McVeigh, right?
It depends when you believe that life begins...and if you're ok with terminating that life....that's why I asked you...
Isn't the ultimate goal is to get women to stop using it as birth control and focus on preventing the pregnancy to begin with?...Not a difficult thing.... And the majority of people have no problem if it's medically necessary... A wanted child is recognized as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. An unwanted child is just a clump of cells. 63,459,781 plus abortions since 1973 is unthinkable...

Perhaps it is unthinkable. But you see, a law has to be written to be specific. That’s so it can be determined if and when that law is broken. “Unborn child” just doesn’t cut it. Neither does “depends on when one BELIEVES life begins.

So, once again, what’s the answer? What law will satisfy the pro-life advocates?

Those are legitimate questions, don’t you think?