Kansas! Even in Kansas…

So you're TEAM "wanted" vs ""unwanted"...That's the only point I was making... I'm not ignoring anything...the 10 year old is from Ohio...that investigation is ongoing...terrible, isn't it?...I think we'll eventually find out she went to Indiana for reasons other than the heartbeat law...
It's such a shame that her story went viral for political reasons...

No, I'm team 'women's choice'. Stop being dishonest and misrepresenting my position. No, it isn't a shame that it went viral for political reasons. It is what YOU have forced on the women in this country. Your misguided moral code. Keep it to yourself. I'm not interested.
The GOP underestimates how much people want to be in control of their own bodies.
Which party issued ultimatums that one MUST undergo an invasive medical procedure (such as a COVID jab) or get fired from their job?

Hint: It was not the GOP

Demonkkkrats don't give a flying fuck about bodily autonomy; spare me the bullshit dude... Demonkkkrats only care about compulsion (the way of Satan).
Do you have children? When did you recognize them as your developing child...? From the confirmation of the pregnancy or not until they were born?

That wasn’t my question.

Here’s the deal. Various anti-abortion people talk about killing “unborn children”. Or try to define a cutoff point, after which abortion is illegal.

What I’m trying to ascertain from those people is exactly when that cutoff is.

I’ve heard “heartbeat”.
I’ve heard “fertilization”.
I’ve heard “x number of weeks”.
I’ve heard it’s OK in rape or incest.

So, what’s the answer, so that we can actually discuss the issue?
Interesting that the only type of fetus they want to protect is the human kind. I guess they aren't as supportive of God's other children. Funny that.
They also don’t want anything done to save children like those who were murdered in school

Like in Sandyhook and Uvalde
Instead the republicans lie about those deaths

Saying crazy assed things like they were not real children
That wasn’t my question.

Here’s the deal. Various anti-abortion people talk about killing “unborn children”. Or try to define a cutoff point, after which abortion is illegal.

What I’m trying to ascertain from those people is exactly when that cutoff is.

I’ve heard “heartbeat”.
I’ve heard “fertilization”.
I’ve heard “x number of weeks”.
I’ve heard it’s OK in rape or incest.

So, what’s the answer, so that we can actually discuss the issue?
It depends when you believe that life begins...and if you're ok with terminating that life....that's why I asked you...
Isn't the ultimate goal is to get women to stop using it as birth control and focus on preventing the pregnancy to begin with?...Not a difficult thing.... And the majority of people have no problem if it's medically necessary... A wanted child is recognized as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. An unwanted child is just a clump of cells. 63,459,781 plus abortions since 1973 is unthinkable...
You caught the bus you brain damaged dog

It’s what happens when you make hating democracy part of your platform
It depends when you believe that life begins...and if you're ok with terminating that life....that's why I asked you...
Isn't the ultimate goal is to get women to stop using it as birth control and focus on preventing the pregnancy to begin with?...Not a difficult thing.... And the majority of people have no problem if it's medically necessary... A wanted child is recognized as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed. An unwanted child is just a clump of cells. 63,459,781 plus abortions since 1973 is unthinkable...

Yes, that's the ultimate goal. But of course, you and your ilk want to DEFUND the organization that is the most responsible for providing birth control and other family health services to women. You think that it's some kind of evil organization. So that isn't YOUR goal, but it is mine. Your goal is to let white Christian men control women. It is what it is.
Yes, that's the ultimate goal. But of course, you and your ilk want to DEFUND the organization that is the most responsible for providing birth control and other family health services to women. You think that it's some kind of evil organization. So that isn't YOUR goal, but it is mine. Your goal is to let white Christian men control women. It is what it is.
That's THE goal...I worked with PP and similar organizations providing BC and health services for many years when I was teaching... and PP is not even close to what it used to be....very sadly....They need revamped... reorganized... and reformed...If you think they're being undermined it's for good reason...
A 100% healthy pregnant 18 year old getting an abortion has nothing to do with health.. could be just because she wants to go on the planned cruse in 8 months

Minors do not have the right to do anything they want to?

So a 16 17 yo should not get an abortion without parents consent

Pregnancy has nothing to do with health?
Which party issued ultimatums that one MUST undergo an invasive medical procedure (such as a COVID jab) or get fired from their job?

Hint: It was not the GOP

Demonkkkrats don't give a flying fuck about bodily autonomy; spare me the bullshit dude... Demonkkkrats only care about compulsion (the way of Satan).

Getting fired ≠ going to jail

None of you fuckers on the right know how rights work. If a place of work wants to ensure the safety of it's workers and customers they should be able to do that. You are STILL FREE to find other employment.

If a social media outlet doesn't want your inappropriate content on its platform, that isn't hurting your freedom of speech.
Yes, that's the ultimate goal. But of course, you and your ilk want to DEFUND the organization that is the most responsible for providing birth control and other family health services to women. You think that it's some kind of evil organization. So that isn't YOUR goal, but it is mine. Your goal is to let white Christian men control women. It is what it is.


The FBI has already arrested a scum who planned some
this is when woke ass idiots apologize for making a big deal about letting states govern themselves

Um hey asshole

Your team wants to trash actual votes to decide things without the peoples vote

Fuck you very much
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Conservatives are on the wrong side of this issue - and now they're stuck w/ an extreme right-wing court to constantly remind Americans how out of step they are.
Out of step with legalizing murder. what a bunch of fucking degenerates.

Kansas needs to pull its head out of its ass.
Um hey asshole

Your team wants to trash actual votes to decide things without the peoples vote

Fuck you very much

hey asshole your team tried to kill a supreme court justice for wanting to let states decide issues that impact citizens of the state

fuck you very much