Kansas! Even in Kansas…

So when did you recognize your children? A solid majority of Americans do from the time the test reads positive...unless they don't "want it" of course...

My point went right over your head. This isn't about me recognizing my kids. My chiuldren's pregnancy was planned. The ten year old in Indiana did not plan to be raped. I'll repeat this, since you seem to want to ignore it. This is a legal question, not a moral one. The PERSONAL decision shouldn't belong to you. It should belongs to the woman who is pregnant. We are sick and tired of YOU enforcing your moral beliefs on others. Get it?
You have described what a heart does, but you have not defined what a heart is.

A woman, in what context.. science or social or culturally?

Its an organ that sustains life...everyone one alive has one ..even a child in the womb...you do something that stops the heart, u end a life

science...u idiots are big on that
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Its an organ that sustains life...everyone one alive has one ..even a child in the womb...you do something that stops the heart, u end a life

science...u idiots are big on that

Define it.... Dont tell me that its an organ.

Is the heart of a dead person still a heart? Does it sustain life at that point?
Its an organ that sustains life...everyone one alive has one ..even a child in the womb...you do something that stops the heart, u end a life

science...u idiots are big on that

You openly wished on here that 100,000 would die on each side of the Ukraine conflict.

Are you really trying to pretend that you're "pro life"?
My point went right over your head. This isn't about me recognizing my kids. My chiuldren's pregnancy was planned. The ten year old in Indiana did not plan to be raped. I'll repeat this, since you seem to want to ignore it. This is a legal question, not a moral one. The PERSONAL decision shouldn't belong to you. It should belongs to the woman who is pregnant. We are sick and tired of YOU enforcing your moral beliefs on others. Get it?
So you're TEAM "wanted" vs ""unwanted"...That's the only point I was making... I'm not ignoring anything...the 10 year old is from Ohio...that investigation is ongoing...terrible, isn't it?...I think we'll eventually find out she went to Indiana for reasons other than the heartbeat law...
It's such a shame that her story went viral for political reasons...
Its a muscle that pumps blood though your body that keeps you alive

Ok, so if a fetus has such a muscle pumping, but the blood has not developed yet... is it a heart?

The way you define "heart" requires blood to be pumped through it.....

When veins constrict, they cause blood to flow through your body, is a vein a heart?
So you're TEAM "wanted" vs ""unwanted"...That's the only point I was making... I'm not ignoring anything...the 10 year old is from Ohio...that investigation is ongoing...terrible, isn't it?...I think we'll eventually find out she went to Indiana for reasons other than the heartbeat law...
It's such a shame that her story went viral for political reasons...

We know, we know. You forced-birthers don't want to hear what anguish the ending of Roe v Wade is causing, do you? You in particular want to blame everyone but 1) the rapist, and 2) the onerous abortion laws in your state for the travesty of the pregnant 10-yo girl. You in particular have posted several times that you blame the physician who performed the procedure for reporting it, as mandated by law.

I just donated to another pro-choice organization in your name. Would you like to see the receipt? ;)
Ok, so if a fetus has such a muscle pumping, but the blood has not developed yet... is it a heart?

The way you define "heart" requires blood to be pumped through it.....

When veins constrict, they cause blood to flow through your body, is a vein a heart?

Define undeveloped blood

and veins constrict, because of the heart...if the heart is not working they dont constrict
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Ok, so if a fetus has such a muscle pumping, but the blood has not developed yet... is it a heart?

The way you define "heart" requires blood to be pumped through it.....

When veins constrict, they cause blood to flow through your body, is a vein a heart?

It is not a heart. It is merely a collection of nerve tissue that will someday comprise part of a heart, but is not one yet. It takes a very sophisticated acoustical instrument to even pick up that nerve activity, something that wasn't available a couple of decades ago.

But the medical-sounding term "fetal heartbeat" is being used in this law — and others like it — in a misleading way, say physicians who specialize in reproductive health.

What we're really detecting is a grouping of cells that are initiating some electrical activity. In no way is this detecting a functional cardiovascular system or a functional heart.

Jennifer Kerns, OB-GYN, University of California, San Francisco

"When I use a stethoscope to listen to an [adult] patient's heart, the sound that I'm hearing is caused by the opening and closing of the cardiac valves," says Dr. Nisha Verma, an OB-GYN who specializes in abortion care and works at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

The sound generated by an ultrasound in very early pregnancy is quite different, she says.

"At six weeks of gestation, those valves don't exist," she explains. "The flickering that we're seeing on the ultrasound that early in the development of the pregnancy is actually electrical activity, and the sound that you 'hear' is actually manufactured by the ultrasound machine."

The Texas Abortion Ban Hinges On 'Fetal Heartbeat.' Doctors Call That Misleading
Its an organ that sustains life...everyone one alive has one ..even a child in the womb...you do something that stops the heart, u end a life

science...u idiots are big on that

Do things that are not alive have a heart? Like a dead body?
People with a beating heart can be determined to be brain dead

Does a functioning brain have anything to do with a live human?
Kansas didn't reject anything......actually, you should be upset......you thought abortion was going to be the end of the Republican chances of retaking Congress......instead, this vote proves you idiots were fear mongering.......


“Kansas voters reject state constitutional amendment”

And I don’t care either way, I don’t live in Kansas, but if Kansas, that is ruby red Kansas, can reject a public referendum on an issue close and dear to the GOP it shows the same issue may be a huge factor in 2022 and more so in 2024
the moment it becomes a child....

I thought you mentioned something about understanding science. That wasn’t a very scientific answer.

You referred to killing an unborn child. All I’m trying to ascertain is when it becomes that unborn child and what it is prior to that “moment”.