Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Pro-Choice turned out and WON!

The people of conservative Kansas have spoken!

Pro-life is going to be a difficult stance come November

This is an incredibly bad result for the GOP. It isn't so much the margin of defeat, but the TURNOUT that should scare the crap out of the treason party. Almost presidential election numbers. People are angry, and they are prepared to take that anger out at the ballot box. I thought this thing was over. It isn't. Between the timing of all of these legislative accomplishments, the inflation number about to come down, and the shit show of candidates that the GOP is running, they may snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The GOP is a disaster.
This is an incredibly bad result for the GOP. It isn't so much the margin of defeat, but the TURNOUT that should scare the crap out of the treason party. Almost presidential election numbers. People are angry, and they are prepared to take that anger out at the ballot box. I thought this thing was over. It isn't. Between the timing of all of these legislative accomplishments, the inflation number about to come down, and the shit show of candidates that the GOP is running, they may snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The GOP is a disaster.

It’s a party that stabbed its self to death with hate, greed and racism

It’s a dead party walking
Start your race war

See how quick you get dead

LOL blacks are 13% of the population ...they have no chance in a race war

And they keep killing their children in the womb! At 4 times the rate of any other race....but u love that stat...racist slut

abortion is a war on black children...and u support it
Interesting how the wingers on this thread quickly turned this thread from an exchange on the fact that ruby red Kansas just overwhelming rejected an issue the GOP was anticipating running on for the next two years into one on abortion in general, the later being similar to playing tic tax toe, goes no where
Conservatives are on the wrong side of this issue - and now they're stuck w/ an extreme right-wing court to constantly remind Americans how out of step they are.

You're on the side of mass infanticide up until the point of birth and dismemberment of dead baby corpses whose parts are sold for profit you sick fuck.
Interesting how the wingers on this thread quickly turned this thread from an exchange on the fact that ruby red Kansas just overwhelming rejected an issue the GOP was anticipating running on for the next two years into one on abortion in general, the later being similar to playing tic tax toe, goes no where

Kansas didn't reject anything......actually, you should be upset......you thought abortion was going to be the end of the Republican chances of retaking Congress......instead, this vote proves you idiots were fear mongering.......
They had a referendum and the people voted to keep abortion, isn't that democracy in action?

They would not have had to re-ratify a constitutionally granted right if your twumptard buddies didn't install a bunch of superstitious woman-haters from the 1600's on our SCOTUS.

Fuck you, douche.
Could this be Kansas as a long time red state at finally having enough of the rabid red to come to terms with the blue wave reality of it all in its own best interests? Amazing.

We need to take over the state legislatures again. That's where all this bullshit starts. It's gonna be a long slog, though.
I don't think Incels, dateless losers, raging misogynists should even be allowed to vote on women's reproductive organs.
Do you have children? When did you recognize them as your developing child...? From the confirmation of the pregnancy or not until they were born?


Why do women buy beds clothes etc decorate a bedroom, for a glob of goo?