Kansas! Even in Kansas…

Do you think they will? Or do they need to wait for a case to come before them involving someone who was denied treatment due to DeathSantis's denial of freedom?

Its a right to privacy in Florida, not a direct right to Abortion, so they can balance the right to privacy with the right to life, like R v. W.
Think about the decision a physician needs to make in Idaho.(for example) He has sworn to do no harm, and yet he is breaking the law if he performs an abortion that saves the life of the mother.

That's where these fucking idiots have taken our country. They must be so proud.

A 100% healthy pregnant 18 year old getting an abortion has nothing to do with health..

Of course it does.

If she's not mentally ready to give birth to a child, it could negatively affect her psychological health which in turn, could affect her physical health.

Minors do not have the right to do anything they want to?

So a 16 17 yo should not get an abortion without parents consent

I'm OK with that requirement unless the girl can demonstrate that it would somehow put her at risk.
Plenty of need for doctors in other states.

They should leave these backwards red states en masse.

Let the idiot rubes provide their own healthcare.

The poor red states will just sink further into poverty and decay, it is sad.
A 100% healthy pregnant 18 year old getting an abortion has nothing to do with health.. could be just because she wants to go on the planned cruse in 8 months

Minors do not have the right to do anything they want to?

So a 16 17 yo should not get an abortion without parents consent

Changing the subject to parental consent? I guess you are conceding you lost the overreaching argument. Good.
Of course it does.

If she's not mentally ready to give birth to a child, it could negatively affect her psychological health which in turn, could affect her physical health.

I said 100% healthy.. if she is off mentally she shouldn't be making the decision ...she could abort and regret it and mess her up for life. Thousands of women live with that regret of killing their child

Jane Roe changed her mind about abortion
I suspect every state that has direct ballot access to their constitution will go this way.

If Kansas went this way by such a large margin most will.

Right-wing state legislatures will figure out a way to remove voters' ability to decide such matters for themselves, further imposing their own will upon the people they're supposed to be serving, while the low educated gun-lover rubes keep them in office.
I said 100% healthy.. if she is off mentally she shouldn't be making the decision ...she could abort and regret it and mess her up for life. Thousands of women live with that regret of killing their child

I didn't say she was mentally off.

Being forced to carry a baby to term and give birth could make her that way though.
The poor red states will just sink further into poverty and decay, it is sad.


I'd love to see it.

Let them become the backward cesspools of ignorance they want to be.

Let all the intelligent, productive people move away from them along with all the industry and commerce that require them.

Let them rot.
I didn't say she was mentally off.

Being forced to carry a baby to term and give birth could make her that way though.

An 18 yo old boy BEING FORCED to support a kid he doesn't want for 18 years ....could make him that way also
Pro-Choice turned out and WON!

The people of conservative Kansas have spoken!

Pro-life is going to be a difficult stance come November

I gotta tell you - I just found out. The way I found out is I turned on Morning Joe - they were interviewing happy voters in KS and at first I went, "fuck!". The I started listening to what they were saying and when one lady said, "now my bodily autonomy is protected".. I said, "what the fuck is she talking about?"... then another one said something like it and I said,

"Wait, did KS just uphold the right to a woman's right ro choose?".

I'm very proud of our Kansans today. I did NOT see that coming.
Right-wing state legislatures will figure out a way to remove voters' ability to decide such matters for themselves, further imposing their own will upon the people they're supposed to be serving, while the low educated gun-lover rubes keep them in office.

What is it about the men in red states (and the women who support them), why do they love dominating others so much, why do the need to be in control of others so badly?

I'd love to see it.

Let them become the backward cesspools of ignorance they want to be.

Let all the intelligent, productive people move away from them along with all the industry and commerce that require them.

Let them rot.

It hurts all of us, when any bit of humanity suffers it diminishes us all, it prevents humanity from being all it can be. There could be an Einstein born into that group that never gets a chance to flower.
Pro-Choice turned out and WON!

The people of conservative Kansas have spoken!

Pro-life is going to be a difficult stance come November

It might be a sign that Republican theocracy is unpalatable to voters.

Still, it's an insult that a person's reproductive freedom is even being put to a popular vote.