Kansas! Even in Kansas…

I was shocked to read that this morning! It will be a state constitutional amendment on our November ballot here in Michigan. They needed a bit over 400K registered voters' signatures to get it on the ballot. They got close to three-quarters of a million.

And every one of them that typically say fuck it and don't bother voting will be there because that right is important to them. As long as they are there who do you think they will vote for? The republican that wants to take that right away or the democrat who wants to make that right the law of the land. I hope more states put that amendment on their ballots.
The mid-term elections are another referendum. If America wants women to have that right all they have to do is vote for the democrat and they will codify by law a woman's right to choose. That is what every democrat running should push and every democrat should also make apparent that the republican they are running against does not want them to have that right. It is a simple decision, just like it was in Kansas.

The mid-terms are nothing but a referendum on a woman's right to choose. If women vote like they did in Kansas they will get that right, it is simple. If they don't then they should shut the hell up, it is their own fault, they did not lose it, they gave it away.

Perhaps you are just stupid.

The S.C. decision left abortion up to the state legislature whose members are elected by the people.

There was never an enumerated power of abortion in the Constitution and any power that is not enumerated is left to the states.

Abortion will be decided by the state legislators who are elected by the people. Some states will allow abortion, some will not.

How can this be more democratic and easy to understand?
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
I was shocked to read that this morning! It will be a state constitutional amendment on our November ballot here in Michigan. They needed a bit over 400K registered voters' signatures to get it on the ballot. They got close to three-quarters of a million.

in a state where half the candidates for governor were disqualified for voter signature irregularies?........what are the odds that even half of these signatures are valid?......
ironically, the Kansas SC has decided that this portion of the Kansas constitution does NOT mean that unborn children have a right to retain the life they have.......

That's right, the unborn don't have any rights. It is impossible for 2 persons to share the same rights, one of them cannot possibly have a right that the other does not have. You have to decide which one has rights and which one doesn't. It is obvious that the woman has rights and the unborn do not. the unborn are at the mercy of the woman carrying them until born at which time they will both can have rights of their own.
That's right, the unborn don't have any rights. It is impossible for 2 persons to share the same rights, one of them cannot possibly have a right that the other does not have. You have to decide which one has rights and which one doesn't. It is obvious that the woman has rights and the unborn do not. the unborn are at the mercy of the woman carrying them until born at which time they will both can have rights of their own.

Wrong, both bodies, mother and child, have rights and the unborn child has the right to not have its head crushed.
That's right, the unborn don't have any rights.

actually, since Roe was overturned that is no longer true......time for you to adjust to the new reality.......remember, elections have consequences and Trump was elected to appoint three members to the SC........

the unborn are at the mercy of the woman carrying them

you enjoyed that didn't you.......however, that barbaric era is over........we are returning to civilization........its called progress......
I would imagine that Port Tacky is an old man or woman who won’t be having children that he/she wants to murder.

How unfortunate.

Stay on task, hmm? The forced-birthers -- and some state legislatures -- want to ban abortion after a fetal "heart beat" is detected. at approx. 6 weeks gestational age. What is being detected is not a heart beat. It is an artifact created by nerve tissue pulsating, in what will be a future heart but is not at the time of the US. The US is creating the sound, not the tissue.
And every one of them that typically say fuck it and don't bother voting will be there because that right is important to them. As long as they are there who do you think they will vote for? The republican that wants to take that right away or the democrat who wants to make that right the law of the land. I hope more states put that amendment on their ballots.

I don't think that all states allow amendments by ballot but for those who do, I expect that you'll be right. I also predict that given the public interest (outrage in many cases), there is going to be a higher-than-average mid-term voter turnout. We all know what party high turnout favors.
they are children until you decide to kill them......then they are miraculously transformed into parasites according to the screed of your religion.......

They aren't children or parasites and abortion isn't a religion. This inability to use words according to their meaning acknowledges the weakness of your argument. So, thank you for making it easy.
I don't think that all states allow amendments by ballot but for those who do, I expect that you'll be right. I also predict that given the public interest (outrage in many cases), there is going to be a higher-than-average mid-term voter turnout. We all know what party high turnout favors.

If Americans really want to take back their country from the evil forces of lies, gaslighting and projecting, they certainly need to turnout to vote.

They aren't children or parasites and abortion isn't a religion. This inability to use words according to their meaning acknowledges the weakness of your argument. So, thank you for making it easy.

Agreed. However, Pmp really is a Satanic cocksucker whose sole purpose on Earth is to spread evil and lies.

