Kellyanne Conway needs to soften her looks

It's not misogyny pal, it is called observation. There was also a soupçon of tongue in cheekiness as well, but being an uncomprehending Septic you wouldn't know that.

I was wondering if guille was just a misspelling. I know better now!


Unhappy, Unhealthy, chain smoker, disorganized, wretch, very lazy.

Dude, you're a fuckin' wretch... you're Guille!!
That guy never goes to class, he's Guille.

It's observation huh? That's how you justify this kind of shit? You're an ignorant fucking twat Abraxas. I don't mind you being a dick just be consistent. Being an asshole is one thing but being a hypocritical asshole is different. You are exactly what you claim to hate.
It's observation huh? That's how you justify this kind of shit? You're an ignorant fucking twat Abraxas. I don't mind you being a dick just be consistent. Being an asshole is one thing but being a hypocritical asshole is different. You are exactly what you claim to hate.

All rwnj's are.

And honestly, they just use that faux outrage as a gimmick anyway.

They don't really care about racism or sexism, they're just desperate for any "gotcha" moment they can seize upon. Whether or not it's relevant doesn't even matter.

Just something else to obfuscate and muddy up the water with.
We all know that the word "box" is a sexist euphemism for a woman's vagina.

That makes you a sexist, misogynist pig.

Thanks for playing.
just when you thought they couldn't get any more stupid you remember that you NEVER thought they couldn't get any more stupid.......
All rwnj's are.

And honestly, they just use that faux outrage as a gimmick anyway.

They don't really care about racism or sexism, they're just desperate for any "gotcha" moment they can seize upon. Whether or not it's relevant doesn't even matter.

Just something else to obfuscate and muddy up the water with.

To be fair Abraxas/Milagro is not a rwnj he's just your basic all-around euro-cuck and i see way more of this kind of shit from progressives than from anyone else. This thread though is a good example of PC run amok.
because you keep throwing it away instead of using it for would be a vast improvement if you at least had shit for brains.....

That was just desperate. :palm:

If that was the best you could come up with, you should've just kept it to yourself.

You wouldn't look so lame, desperate and pathetic right now.