Kellyanne Conway needs to soften her looks

i love how desh is trying to be p.c. by not criticizing the womens looks because that's sexist but then calls her evil and sociopathic and the spawn of satan as if that's better

Right-wing bullshit.

It is NOT sexist or misogynistic to criticize or make fun of a woman's looks in the context of a conversation about that woman's looks.

Using her looks to determine whether or not she will be hired for a job or whether or not she's even qualified for a particular job is what would be sexist or misogynistic.

You friggin wingnuts love to get ahold of these terms you don't really understand then go apeshit with them, usually to falsely impugn those who you can't best with rational argument.
Right-wing bullshit.

It is NOT sexist or misogynistic to criticize or make fun of a woman's looks in the context of a conversation about that woman's looks.

Using her looks to determine whether or not she will be hired for a job or whether or not she's even qualified for a particular job is what would be sexist or misogynistic.

You friggin wingnuts love to get ahold of these terms you don't really understand then go apeshit with them, usually to falsely impugn those who you can't best with rational argument.

It's ok for men to sit and judge women on their looks? Really?
Fixed that for ya.

Thanks. I agree with you about people not knowing what words mean and you're right about this thread. Sexism and Misogyny would apply to attitudes and behaviors directed toward women in general, it has nothing to do with having a little fun at the expense of one particular woman unless the reason you're doing it is because you hate all women.

Fun fact: the little Brit-tard who called you a misogynistic cunt was in another thread today saying that some women like to be pussy-grabbed by powerful men. That actually is misogyny but being British he's too fucking ignorant to realize what he just did. I, personally, blame their schools.
Right-wing bullshit.

It is NOT sexist or misogynistic to criticize or make fun of a woman's looks in the context of a conversation about that woman's looks.

Using her looks to determine whether or not she will be hired for a job or whether or not she's even qualified for a particular job is what would be sexist or misogynistic.

You friggin wingnuts love to get ahold of these terms you don't really understand then go apeshit with them, usually to falsely impugn those who you can't best with rational argument.
No mate, I abhor hypocrisy and hypocrites like you.

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Right-wing bullshit.

It is NOT sexist or misogynistic to criticize or make fun of a woman's looks in the context of a conversation about that woman's looks.

Using her looks to determine whether or not she will be hired for a job or whether or not she's even qualified for a particular job is what would be sexist or misogynistic.

the context of this very thread is that she NEEDS to look better because she has a whitehouse job now and is going to be involved in politics.

Then you post pictures of powertools.

so it's very clear what you are doing in this thread.
Thanks. I agree with you about people not knowing what words mean and you're right about this thread. Sexism and Misogyny would apply to attitudes and behaviors directed toward women in general, it has nothing to do with having a little fun at the expense of one particular woman unless the reason you're doing it is because you hate all women.

Fun fact: the little Brit-tard who called you a misogynistic cunt was in another thread today saying that some women like to be pussy-grabbed by powerful men. That actually is misogyny but being British he's too fucking ignorant to realize what he just did. I, personally, blame their schools.

It's not misogyny pal, it is called observation. There was also a soupçon of tongue in cheekiness as well, but being an uncomprehending Septic you wouldn't know that.

I was wondering if guille was just a misspelling. I know better now!


Unhappy, Unhealthy, chain smoker, disorganized, wretch, very lazy.

Dude, you're a fuckin' wretch... you're Guille!!
That guy never goes to class, he's Guille.
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Why not?

They sit and judge men by our looks.

As long as you're not using it as a criteria for something not related or dependent upon looks.

Is it the rejection by women that drove you to the gay side? Or do you still think it was caused by genetics.
Right-wing bullshit.

Using her looks to determine whether or not she will be hired for a job or whether or not she's even qualified for a particular job is what would be sexist or misogynistic.

The Hollywood liberal elite do that all the time. :dunno:
trump is definitely as shallow as it gets when it comes to his selections.

"Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton says he will not shave his distinctive white mustache after reports it may have been a reason he wasn't picked for secretary of State.

Bolton's tweet comes after a report Wednesday that President-elect Donald Trump is taking appearances into consideration in putting together his administration. Trump reportedly disliked Bolton’s facial hair and it played a part in him not getting a Cabinet nomination.

Trump’s aides have accepted he may rule out candidates who do not satisfy his image of what a particular nominee for a role should look like, according to The Washington Post.“That’s the language he speaks,” said a source familiar with the Trump transition team’s internal deliberations. "He’s very aesthetic. You can come with somebody who is very much qualified for the job, but if they don’t look the part, they’re not going anywhere.”

A Trump transition spokesman, meanwhile, confirmed the president-elect does factor how officials will represent his administration in public into his appointments.

“Presentation is very important because you’re representing America not only on the national stage, but also the international stage depending on the position,” Jason Miller said.

Crispy reeks of desperation and stale sweat......
the context of this very thread is that she NEEDS to look better because she has a whitehouse job now and is going to be involved in politics.

Then you post pictures of powertools.

so it's very clear what you are doing in this thread.


The OP itself is sexist and misogynistic for suggesting she needs to look better to perform her job, and so are you for supporting and agreeing with its premise.

I was merely being sarcastic.

But please feel free to keep on making ZERO SENSE.

It only serves to bolster my point.