Kellyanne Conway needs to soften her looks

:rolleyes: Please try to keep up. The topic was criticizing women's looks.

Oh yeah ... yeah ... women are definitely the very worst when it comes to judging and criticizing other women's looks. Definitely. It's craaaaazzzzzy, ... how much they do it!
Oh yeah ... yeah ... women are definitely the very worst when it comes to judging and criticizing other women's looks. Definitely. It's craaaaazzzzzy, ... how much they do it!

Continue deflecting from trump's ignorant remarks about Fiorina, I understand. The people criticizing Conway on this thread are men.
I agree.

A few suggestions to assist her....

What a nasty cunt, because you don't like her politics you think it is fine to use misogynistic epithets and overt sexism to denigrate her, fucking hypocrite.

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Continue deflecting from trump's ignorant remarks about Fiorina, I understand. The people criticizing Conway on this thread are men.

You want to talk about them? ... go ahead, I'm listening. You think Fiorina is some fragile little flower because she's a woman ... go on.
A newly published Rolling Stone article shows GOP front-runner Donald Trump mocking fellow candidate Carly Fiorina's looks when he sees her on TV.

When the anchor throws to Carly Fiorina for her reaction to Trump's momentum, Trump's expression sours in schoolboy disgust as the camera bores in on Fiorina. 'Look at that face!' he cries. 'Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!'

You libs are always mocking donald's hair. Why is that ok?
She'll be 57 in 2024 and could run for the WH herself but she really has a bitchy hard look to her. It hurt hillary that people just instinctively dislike the way she looks and sounds and kelly has the same problem.

If looks were a problem Trump's "Douche" look would have lost him the election.
If looks were a problem Trump's "Douche" look would have lost him the election.

trump is definitely as shallow as it gets when it comes to his selections.

"Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton says he will not shave his distinctive white mustache after reports it may have been a reason he wasn't picked for secretary of State.

Bolton's tweet comes after a report Wednesday that President-elect Donald Trump is taking appearances into consideration in putting together his administration. Trump reportedly disliked Bolton’s facial hair and it played a part in him not getting a Cabinet nomination.

Trump’s aides have accepted he may rule out candidates who do not satisfy his image of what a particular nominee for a role should look like, according to The Washington Post.“That’s the language he speaks,” said a source familiar with the Trump transition team’s internal deliberations. "He’s very aesthetic. You can come with somebody who is very much qualified for the job, but if they don’t look the part, they’re not going anywhere.”

A Trump transition spokesman, meanwhile, confirmed the president-elect does factor how officials will represent his administration in public into his appointments.

“Presentation is very important because you’re representing America not only on the national stage, but also the international stage depending on the position,” Jason Miller said.
What a nasty cunt, because you don't like her politics you think it is fine to use misogynistic epithets and overt sexism to denigrate her, fucking hypocrite.

Nothing I posted was misogynistic or sexist.

So go change your tampon you lying, butthurt cunt.