Koch study: medicare for all saves money

There is nothing "honest" about your made up numbers. But I get it, you think 32 trillion grows on trees.

One fact is clear regarding your claims about the current costs of healthcare, Obamacare was a fraud passed on numerous outright lies and sold by a liar named Obama.

It is ironic that the same leftist clowns who defended this fraud and the liar Obama, continue to whine about all the things they FALSLEY claimed Obamacare solved.

STFU, seriously.

Here's what the lead author of the study actually says on the first page of the study: "The leading current bill to establish single-payer health insurance, the Medicare for All Act (M4A), would, under conservative estimates, increase federal budget commitments by approximately $32.6 trillion during its first 10 years of full implementation (2022–2031), assuming enactment in 2018. This projected increase in federal healthcare commitments would equal approximately 10.7 percent of GDP in 2022, rising to nearly 12.7 percent of GDP in 2031 and further thereafter. Doubling all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan. It is likely that the actual cost of M4A would be substantially greater than these estimates, which assume significant administrative and drug cost savings under the plan, and also assume that healthcare providers operating under M4A will be reimbursed at rates more than 40 percent lower than
those currently paid by private health insurance.

So what? That's the price you pay for living in a social democracy.

In other words, what I stated about redistribution of wealth that you vehemently denied is actually true.

We're not a social democracy. That's what freeloaders like you and POS socialists like Bernie Sanders want. Why do you choose to be mediocre?
Says the Koch Bros' economist who did the study in the OP.

It wasn't a Koch brothers economist you willful idiot. So are you now on the record supporting information Koch brothers put out? Liberals are so conflicted when they lie and wallow in TDS.
Not when you place conditions upon doing something, by the way, you've yet to prove I'm doing.

I'm asking you politely to stop using racial epithets. When you stop using racial epithets, I'll stop asking you to stop using racial epithets.
I'm asking you politely to stop using racial epithets. When you stop using racial epithets, I'll stop asking you to stop using racial epithets.

You're asking me to stop doing something you have yet to prove I'm doing. I thought you operated on proof. Seems that was a lie. Interesting how you use a thread ban despite nothing to back up your claim.
It wasn't a Koch brothers economist you willful idiot. So are you now on the record supporting information Koch brothers put out? Liberals are so conflicted when they lie and wallow in TDS.

The Mercatus study that racist Desh mentioned is here:


Racist Desh has issues when it comes to studies.

She made this claim nearly 5 years ago.

Nope there was a recent study done and republicans are far more racist than black people

Still can't cite the study.
You're asking me to stop doing something you have yet to prove I'm doing. I thought you operated on proof. Seems that was a lie. Interesting how you use a thread ban despite nothing to back up your claim.

I threadban you the same way Trump uses sanctions and tariffs. When you stop using racial epithets, I'll stop threadbanning you.
What part of it's part of my compensation do you not understand?

Generally, most workers who get insurance through their employer also pay a portion of that premium cost, in addition to the whole of the deductible, co-pays, coinsurance, and drug costs.

So you left those out of what you pay. How come?
So far, you've been unable to disprove that claim or provide anything to refute it.

So now we get back to the same problem with Conservatives we always do; you invoke personal circumstances you know you cannot (or will not) certify or verify on a message board.

So I'm supposed to just take your word for it? Why?