Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Secondly, our household income is much higher than the $59,000 average. That means your $4300 - $5900 range is inaccurate.

So what is your HH income, then? We can get more accurate that way. I used the $59K because that is the national median HH income.

But you'd also need to note what your OOPE are, and that would include your deductible, drug costs, co-pays, etc.? So what are those?
WTF are you talking about? You don't pay a portion of your premiums in your employer-provided plan? I find that very hard to believe.

What part of it's part of my compensation do you not understand?

So far, you've been unable to disprove that claim or provide anything to refute it.
Last time I looked $1482 < whatever the 2.9% would be because our household income is greater than $59,000 average.

Of course, you're omitting your OOPE like the deductible, drug costs, co-pays, etc. What are those? I'm guessing you have a high deductible and high co-pays if your employer supposedly covers your entire premium.

BTW - it costs your employer $19,000 to insure you.
Says who?

Says the Koch Bros' economist who did the study in the OP.

Try to follow the thread. It helps if you actually go to the OP and read it so you know what you're talking about.

Unless you're just here to spam and troll...
So you don't care about the debt but someone that had nothing to do with it being what it is? How about paying attention to the boy that doubled it while President.

The debt doesn't concern me.

What concerns me is your phony posturing on the debt in order to push through your narrow, ideological agenda.
with social security. A higher income person putting in 4x as much as a lower income person over a working lifetime doesn't get 4x the distribution.

So what? That's the price you pay for living in a social democracy.
Says the Koch Bros' economist who did the study in the OP. Try to follow the thread. It helps if you actually go to the OP and read it so you know what you're talking about. Unless you're just here to spam and troll...

Do you have a name for this alleged "Koch bothers economist"?
WTF are you babbling about?

Right now, you pay 1.45% toward Medicare while also paying at least $3,500 in premiums for insurance on the individual market, and $5,000 in premiums for insurance through your employer.

If you make the median household income of $59,000, right now you're paying between $4,300 and $5,900 just on Medicare and premiums. That's not counting other OOPE.

Under Sanders' plan, you would be paying 2.9% toward Medicare, and no other charges.

If you make the median household income of $59,000, you'd pay about $1,700 for health care.

Now put your thinking cap on:

Is $1,700 > or < $4,300?
Is $1,700 > or < $5,900?

Be honest.

There is nothing "honest" about your made up numbers. But I get it, you think 32 trillion grows on trees.

One fact is clear regarding your claims about the current costs of healthcare, Obamacare was a fraud passed on numerous outright lies and sold by a liar named Obama.

It is ironic that the same leftist clowns who defended this fraud and the liar Obama, continue to whine about all the things they FALSLEY claimed Obamacare solved.

STFU, seriously.
So what is your HH income, then? We can get more accurate that way. I used the $59K because that is the national median HH income.

But you'd also need to note what your OOPE are, and that would include your deductible, drug costs, co-pays, etc.? So what are those?

It varies based on many factors. The numbers you are using are an average. That means there are some above it, including way above it, and others below it, including way below it. For those above it, that 2.9% is far greater than what they pay in payroll taxes and premiums. For me, 2.9% would cost me more than my current situation by a lot. However, I get the feeling you think that's OK as long as those on the lower end get what you think they deserve.
Let's do a brief history of you people:

1. You all supported Bush the Dumber for 8 years, voting for him twice.
2. Once Bush left, you tried to erase your embarrassing support of him by stapling teabags to your faces and employing a "No True Scotsman" defense of your virtue.
3. Once the teabags were unable to achieve anything noteworthy, you took the teabags off and put on a red hat

So that's two re-brands in the last 10 years.

Seems like you have a permanent identity crisis.

Translation: blah, blah, blah, whine, blah, blah, blah, LIE, blah, blah, blah, whine.

STFU already