Koch study: medicare for all saves money

All I pointed out was the simple logic.....IF YOU CAN'T PAY YOUR CURRENT BILLS (over 20 Trillion national debt, about 400k per citizen)….what makes you ASSUME you can pay for the expenditure of 33 Trillion more?

It's not $33T more, it's $2T less. We'd be spending $35T instead of $33T if we stayed in our current system.

And where was all this debt concern 9 months ago when Conservatives added at least $1.5T to the debt thanks to the Russia Tax Cut?
Payroll taxes aren't theft. Do you hate America? Where could you go and not pay taxes?

How does opposing payroll taxes mean someone hates America?

I ran the numbers. Two hypothetical people, one paying 1/4 the amount of the other in payroll taxes over a 40 year working lifetime. All the other factors such as date of birth, retirement date, etc. were identical. Why doesn't the person putting in 4x as much get 4x the distribution? Why shouldn't people be able to take the percentage the government wants them to put into a Ponzi scheme and invest it how they see fit?
How does opposing payroll taxes mean someone hates America?

I ran the numbers. Two hypothetical people, one paying 1/4 the amount of the other in payroll taxes over a 40 year working lifetime. All the other factors such as date of birth, retirement date, etc. were identical. Why doesn't the person putting in 4x as much get 4x the distribution? Why shouldn't people be able to take the percentage the government wants them to put into a Ponzi scheme and invest it how they see fit?
Because lazy fucks are the Demotard base.
It's not $33T more, it's $2T less. We'd be spending $35T instead of $33T if we stayed in our current system.

And where was all this debt concern 9 months ago when Conservatives added at least $1.5T to the debt thanks to the Russia Tax Cut?

That's what you say because someone you agree with claimed it.

Where was all the debt concern when the incompetent black boy was doubling it from $10T to $20T?
Because lazy fucks are the Demotard base.

I don't have a problem with programs like SS and Medicare being in place for those that want them and want to fund them. However, for those that have the ability and desire to do better, why can't an opt out be on the table? Perhaps those that support such programs as mandatory know those that truly fund the system would opt out and they government would have less control.
Where was all the debt concern when the incompetent black boy was doubling it from $10T to $20T?

We don't share your phony concerns on the deficit and debt. You're the ones who were so riled up about it you stapled teabags to your faces. Pointing out your hypocrisy on the debt doesn't mean we share your phoney baloney position on it.
I don't have a problem with programs like SS and Medicare being in place for those that want them and want to fund them.

Everyone who draws a paycheck funds them. Same would be the case for M4A - it would be funded in part by an increase to the payroll tax for Medicare, and a modest tax on business profits.

Do you understand what payroll taxes are? Doesn't seem like you do.
However, for those that have the ability and desire to do better, why can't an opt out be on the table

Do better than Medicare? How so? You will never be able to do better than Medicare because private insurers will charge you far more for insurance if you're over 65.
Perhaps those that support such programs as mandatory know those that truly fund the system would opt out and they government would have less control.

Everyone who draws a paycheck supports those programs because they're paid by payroll taxes.
They're the one that you left wingers have chastised when they said things you didn't like.

So what?

Now they're forced to admit that single payer works and saves us money.

Meanwhile, you're not even talking about how it saves the money. You're avoiding that conversation because your depth of knowledge is quite shallow, and you're a dogmatic zealot.
What are you implying here if you aren’t making the claim

Also, if California doesn’t have economy of scale, what would? Could it band together with Washington and Oregon? Would that be enough scale?

Please elaborate

I have lost my buddy. He has run away
Everyone who draws a paycheck funds them. Same would be the case for M4A - it would be funded in part by an increase to the payroll tax for Medicare, and a modest tax on business profits.

Do you understand what payroll taxes are? Doesn't seem like you do.

The problem is the person paying in 4x as much in payroll taxes as another over a working lifetime doesn't get 4x the distribution.

Why shouldn't people be able to opt out and invest as they see fit instead of a mandatory system so the low end people can get more than their fair share?
So what?

Now they're forced to admit that single payer works and saves us money.

Meanwhile, you're not even talking about how it saves the money. You're avoiding that conversation because your depth of knowledge is quite shallow, and you're a dogmatic zealot.

It doesn't save money. That is the claim.

Typical change like the weather left winger. You idiots chastised John McCain during the 2008 campaign and afterwards until he decided if couldn't be a nigger he would bend over and take on up the ass from him on healthcare.
Everyone who draws a paycheck supports those programs because they're paid by payroll taxes.

Yet those paying 4x as much in payroll taxes don't get 4x the distribution when they start getting them.

It's easy to tell those of you that have nothing. You support redistribution of wealth programs.
We don't share your phony concerns on the deficit and debt. You're the ones who were so riled up about it you stapled teabags to your faces. Pointing out your hypocrisy on the debt doesn't mean we share your phoney baloney position on it.

You didn't give a damn when the nigger President was doubling it. Now, you expect us to believe you have a real concern.
The problem is the person paying in 4x as much in payroll taxes as another over a working lifetime doesn't get 4x the distribution.

WTF are you babbling about?

Right now, you pay 1.45% toward Medicare while also paying at least $3,500 in premiums for insurance on the individual market, and $5,000 in premiums for insurance through your employer.

If you make the median household income of $59,000, right now you're paying between $4,300 and $5,900 just on Medicare and premiums. That's not counting other OOPE.

Under Sanders' plan, you would be paying 2.9% toward Medicare, and no other charges.

If you make the median household income of $59,000, you'd pay about $1,700 for health care.

Now put your thinking cap on:

Is $1,700 > or < $4,300?
Is $1,700 > or < $5,900?

Be honest.
Why shouldn't people be able to opt out and invest as they see fit instead of a mandatory system so the low end people can get more than their fair share?

Because that's not how insurance works, idiot.

In order to get the lowest possible premiums, you need the largest possible pool. Your premium cost is directly related to the size of your shared pool. So if you are in a small pool of exclusively one type of patients, you're going to be paying more than if you're in a large pool of all types of patients.

Trying to explain the fundamental concept of health insurance to a Conservative is like trying to explain the plot of Avengers: Infinity War to my cat.