Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Correct! Good to see you eating your own words so quickly.

Excepot that CA doesn't have more than enough scale, and I explained why. This is why people laugh and point at you and call you stupid, honey.

I understand why you hate sobriety.

Why don’t they have enough scale?

You have not proven any of your claims. I have. You fail.

I win yet again.

Move to Canada they love open borders. Get your healthcare free
Hhmmm your contention is that insurance companies deny care. Does that mean that Medicaid and Medicare will pay for whatever care you want? No limits?

Private rooms? Specialists? Brand name drugs?

It means it would not be a for profit endeavor, meaning increased profit margin growth to infinity would not be the primary goal of the administration of healthcare, and coverage would be, wait for it, universal. All the advanced post-industrial nations have figured this out, we're not "exceptional" enough to. And yeah, for profit care gets rationed.
Why don’t they have enough scale?

Because of the money they have to shell out to the feds. CA is not an idependent country, dumbass.
You have not proven any of your claims. I have. You fail.

Good of you to keep admitting that I'm right.
I win yet again.

Move to Canada they love open borders. Get your healthcare free

Why do you hate sobriety? Is it because you've been on welfare your entire life? Or is it daddy issues?
It means it would not be a for profit endeavor, meaning increased profit margin growth to infinity would not be the primary goal of the administration of healthcare, and coverage would be, wait for it, universal. All the advanced post-industrial nations have figured this out, we're not "exceptional" enough to. And yeah, for profit care gets rationed.

He's far, FAR too stupid and/or drunk to understand that.
The elephant in the room? The study failed to mention the documented fact.....they don't even have the means and the method to pay for the current Medicare expenditure. Hell the politicians can't even afford to pay off the 20+trillion dollar debt now owed....but they can manage a 33 Trillion dollar health care system and keep it in the black....really

1. You're the ones who stapled teabags to your faces 9 years ago and screamed about debt, and now you support the deficit-exploding Russia Tax Cut.
2. That $33T health care system cost is over ten years, and merely shifts the cost to the budget, which is funded by payroll taxes and taxes on business income.

Some simpe math to show how this saves you money:

The median HH income in the US is about $59,000
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average person spends about $3,500 on premiums a year (doesn't include deductibles, co-pays or other OOPE) if they purchase insurance through the exchanges.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average person spends about $5,000 on premiums a year (doesn't include deductibles, co-pays or other OOPE) if they get insurance through their employer.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average employer spends about $14,000 per employee to provide them with insurance.

So...Bernie's plan, evaluated by the Kochs as net savings on total health care spending, raises the Medicare tax from 1.45% to 2.9% for individuals, raises it from 1.45% to 2.9% for employers, and puts in place a 6.2% tax on business profit. This ends up saving everyone money and here's how:

Currently, someone in the individual insurance market spends at least $3,500 a year on premiums (not counting other OOPE)
If the worker makes the median HH income, and pays the 2.9% Medicare tax, they would spend a grand total of $1,711 on their health care per year.
Is $1,711 > or < $3,500?

Currently, someone in the employer-provided insurance market spends at least $5,000 a year on premiums (not counting other OOPE)
If the worker makes the median HH income, and pays the 2.9% Medicare tax, they would spend a grand total of $1,711 on their health care per year.
Is $1,711 > or < $5,000?

Currently, an employer that has 51 employees that nets about $100,000 in small business income (the average small business income according to marketwatch) spends $714,000 to provide insurance to their 51 employees ($14,000 per employee x 51 employees).
If the employer instead paid 2.9% Medicare tax on the wages of its 51 workers, it would spend $75,429 (2.9% x $59,000 x 51 employees) PLUS the 6.2% tax on its $100,000 profit = $6,200.
So a small business of 51 employees with a median HH income of $59,000 would spend a total of $81,629
Is $81,629 > or < $714,000?

So that's a net savings of about $630,000 to that small business, and a net savings of at least $1,700 for individuals.

No matter how you shake it, single payer is a good deal.
Because of the money they have to shell out to the feds. CA is not an idependent country, dumbass.

Good of you to keep admitting that I'm right.

Why do you hate sobriety? Is it because you've been on welfare your entire life? Or is it daddy issues?

Can you cite scholarly work that states the ONLY way to do it is at the National level?
The elephant in the room? The study failed to mention the documented fact.....they don't even have the means and the method to pay for the current Medicare expenditure. Hell the politicians can't even afford to pay off the 20+trillion dollar debt now owed....but they can manage a 33 Trillion dollar health care system and keep it in the black....really?

Just what does one save when the funds don't exist to pay for either plan? :palm: Real simple....modern math. When -0- is substracted from -0-....guess what number is extrapolated from this equation. Then of course there would be the FREE COLLEGE for everyone. FREE INCOME for everyone....just like all welfare cases receive.... The question is WHO IS GOING TO PAY for all this FREE SHIT that really isn't free? The map that leads to the end of this road is exampled in 100% HD resolution.....just watch the show taking place in one of our southern neighbor nations. VENEZUELA. This nation used to be one of the wealthiest and most productive nations in this hemi-sphere.....UNTIL socialism was invoked. ;)

The reality of such a leftist plan.....just like the unaffordable care act.....the left very well knew what the results were going to be. The plan is simple its a Cloward and Piven Top Down, Bottom Up reboot of the United States once socialization Crashes both the Economy and the Government.

You raise the cap on payroll taxes by maybe $30,00..

Venezuela's problem is because of the collapse of oil prices in a state thar is largely dependent on oil revenues.
You raise the cap on payroll taxes by maybe $30,00..

Venezuela's problem is because of the collapse of oil prices in a state thar is largely dependent on oil revenues.


Yeah that’s it. Couldn’t be anything to do with your ideology

Soviet Union
North Korea

All failed
1. You're the ones who stapled teabags to your faces 9 years ago and screamed about debt, and now you support the deficit-exploding Russia Tax Cut.
2. That $33T health care system cost is over ten years, and merely shifts the cost to the budget, which is funded by payroll taxes and taxes on business income.

Some simpe math to show how this saves you money:

The median HH income in the US is about $59,000
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average person spends about $3,500 on premiums a year (doesn't include deductibles, co-pays or other OOPE) if they purchase insurance through the exchanges.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average person spends about $5,000 on premiums a year (doesn't include deductibles, co-pays or other OOPE) if they get insurance through their employer.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average employer spends about $14,000 per employee to provide them with insurance.

So...Bernie's plan, evaluated by the Kochs as net savings on total health care spending, raises the Medicare tax from 1.45% to 2.9% for individuals, raises it from 1.45% to 2.9% for employers, and puts in place a 6.2% tax on business profit. This ends up saving everyone money and here's how:

Currently, someone in the individual insurance market spends at least $3,500 a year on premiums (not counting other OOPE)
If the worker makes the median HH income, and pays the 2.9% Medicare tax, they would spend a grand total of $1,711 on their health care per year.
Is $1,711 > or < $3,500?

Currently, someone in the employer-provided insurance market spends at least $5,000 a year on premiums (not counting other OOPE)
If the worker makes the median HH income, and pays the 2.9% Medicare tax, they would spend a grand total of $1,711 on their health care per year.
Is $1,711 > or < $5,000?

Currently, an employer that has 51 employees that nets about $100,000 in small business income (the average small business income according to marketwatch) spends $714,000 to provide insurance to their 51 employees ($14,000 per employee x 51 employees).
If the employer instead paid 2.9% Medicare tax on the wages of its 51 workers, it would spend $75,429 (2.9% x $59,000 x 51 employees) PLUS the 6.2% tax on its $100,000 profit = $6,200.
So a small business of 51 employees with a median HH income of $59,000 would spend a total of $81,629
Is $81,629 > or < $714,000?

So that's a net savings of about $630,000 to that small business, and a net savings of at least $1,700 for individuals.

No matter how you shake it, single payer is a good deal.

Why not PAY YOUR BILLS before spending more money that you don't have? Reality: Why work with a 20 Trillion dollar deficit if you actually can afford to pay for it? As was pointed out..... when -0- is extrapolated from -0-...….-0- is the balance on the tally. Good Morning VENEZUELA! FYI: It was little cry baby Chuckie that invoked this latest spending spree...……

The Reality: Its not the duty of BIG BROTHER FED to provide welfare....its the duty of Big Brother to create and maintain a standing military to protect the republic....first and foremost. 2nd.....to maintain interstate trade and infrastructure. No where is it found in this Republics founding principles that the masses should be provided with anything other than the means to find success on their own dime, while Big Brother provides the infrastructure and rules to make this travel and trade possible.

You should cry to your own state if you want and demand cradle to grave SAFE SPACES and MEALS. Suck it up....get a job.....as Mr. Reagan once said, "The greatest social tool is a vibrant economy"....I hear that we have more jobs than workers now. Yet the Bitching continues. I guess some simply will not work.
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Why not PAY YOUR BILLS before spending more money that you don't have? Reality: Why work with a 20 Trillion dollar deficit if you actually can afford to pay for it? As was pointed out..... when -0- is extrapolated from -0-...….-0- is the balance on the tally. Good Morning VENEZUELA! FYI: It was little cry baby Chuckie that invoked this latest spending spree...…...

Apparently you cannot read, because in the post it shows exactly how you pay for this.
Reality: Why work with a 20 Trillion dollar deficit if you actually can afford to pay for

You don't pay for a deficit or debt, dingus.

And if this was really your concern, why did you support the Russia Tax Cut which exploded the debt and deficit?

You don't seem to know anything. You're just spamming the board with horseshit because you can't reconcile the fact that every single political and social decision you've made in your entire life have been completely wrong. And you just don't want to admit it because your pride means more to you than anything else.

Get over yourself.
The Reality: Its not the duty of BIG BROTHER FED to provide welfare.

This isn't welfare, you stupid asshole.

Everyone is paying into that system; everyone who draws a paycheck pays into it. That's what the Medicare tax is.

FFS are you brain damaged?
They aren’t socialist countries

Try again


We want socialized medicine, education, infrastructure...just like those countries have, but they also have free markets. It is possible for socialism and capitalism to exist in the same space; and that is what we want.
LOL! I accept you admission that you have no case to make, ma'am. I've never made that claim.

Please stop drinking.

CA has to spend money on federal contributions that it otherwise wouldn't have to if we had an actual universal national healthcare system.

What are you implying here if you aren’t making the claim

Also, if California doesn’t have economy of scale, what would? Could it band together with Washington and Oregon? Would that be enough scale?

Please elaborate
You should cry to your own state if you want and demand cradle to grave SAFE SPACES and MEALS. Suck it up....get a job.....as Mr. Reagan once said, "The greatest social tool is a vibrant economy"....I hear that we have more jobs than workers now. Yet the Bitching continues. I guess some simply will not work.

You're the ones who insulate and isolate yourselves from society and reality. You're the ones who cry about being harassed at dinner. You're the ones who want safe spaces to shield you from criticism of your inhumanity.

Fuck off.
Apparently you cannot read, because in the post it shows exactly how you pay for this.

Of course.....as always, YOU PAY FOR IT with OP....other peoples money. What part of FREE SHIT is actually ever FREE? As was pointed out......why not implement YOUR PLAN to pay off the debt you now owe...when that works as YOU PLANNED...then we can talk about more FREE SHIT. :palm: Show me in the Constitution where you are allowed to TAKE MY MONEY and spend it on your healthcare?

Theft is immoral. That is your plan......you want to TAKE BY LAW, my earned income and redistribute it. By what right do you invoke this theft?