Koch study: medicare for all saves money

I was an executive with the 800 pound gorilla for 18 years. It was my job to know.

Maybe you can answer these questions

How did you reconcile profiting and building wealth while working for a system you now despise?

How many people died because of YOUR decisions?

Why didn’t you stop it?
If our healthcare is so bad then why aren’t people from the US flocking to these other countries?

Why do people from other countries flock here if our healthcare is so poor?

Lots of Americans leave the US for healthcare. Look up medical tourism.
I have been very lucky and worked very hard so I have had a lot of adventures and travel.. lots of lucky breaks.

You sure it wasn’t “white privilege”?

I don’t believe you were successful because of hard work. It was only because you are white and benefitted from institutional racism.
Maybe you can answer these questions

How did you reconcile profiting and building wealth while working for a system you now despise?

How many people died because of YOUR decisions?

Why didn’t you stop it?

My job was extremely rewarding because as a direct result of my decisions Maternity health , Emergency services and Cardiac care improve exponentially .. and that was a huge surprise to me.

I liked the company until Richard Scott became CEO and they got caight up in Medicare fraud.
You sure it wasn’t “white privilege”?

I don’t believe you were successful because of hard work. It was only because you are white and benefitted from institutional racism.

Being tall, pretty and well-educated didn't hurt either.
My job was extremely rewarding because as a direct result of my decisions Maternity health , Emergency services and Cardiac care improve exponentially .. and that was a huge surprise to me.

I liked the company until Richard Scott became CEO and they got caight up in Medicare fraud.

That is a lie

Everyone in this thread say your job only exists to deny care. You are saying the opposite and claiming to have expanded care

Both can’t be true
You say the words “economies of scale” yet I wonder if you really know what it means


Sweden is the same size geographically as Commiefornia

Commiefornia has 4 times the population than Sweden

Commiefornia has almost 4 times the GDP than Sweden

Sweden has free healthcare.

So I ask again. How can Commiefornia not do it and Sweden can? Surely Sweden doesn’t have greater economies of scale that a state four times its population does it?

Want to try again?

Yes, I know exactly what it mean, troll. That's why I used it. It's clear you don't.

CA has to spend money on federal contributions that it otherwise wouldn't have to if we had an actual universal national healthcare system.

And, no, no healthcare is free, moron.

Why can't Marxists and felons like you EVER think one step ahead?
Liberals seemed to miss this post. I will try again.

You say the words “economies of scale” yet I wonder if you really know what it means


Sweden is the same size geographically as Commiefornia

Commiefornia has 4 times the population than Sweden

Commiefornia has almost 4 times the GDP than Sweden

Sweden has free healthcare.

So I ask again. How can Commiefornia not do it and Sweden can? Surely Sweden doesn’t have greater economies of scale that a state four times its population does it?

Want to try again?
Yes, I know exactly what it mean, troll. That's why I used it. It's clear you don't.

CA has to spend money on federal contributions that it otherwise wouldn't have to if we had an actual universal national healthcare system.

And, no, no healthcare is free, moron.

Why can't Marxists and felons like you EVER think one step ahead?

Given the size of Commiefornia’s economy relative to Sweden, one would think they could afford both. No?
You sound so bitter.. Have you never had any breaks in life?

He hates himself and the bad decisions he's made in life that have brought him to where he is.

He absolutely hates having to life with the consequences of those decisions.

This board, and the bitchslapping he gets here, are all he has left.
Why because you say so?

These are not arguments you present.

I am left with just accepting your concession and I will

No, silly whore, because that's what relaity dictates.

You wouldn't know an argument if it were spitting in your face, honey.

Your white flag of surrender duly noted.

The elephant in the room? The study failed to mention the documented fact.....they don't even have the means and the method to pay for the current Medicare expenditure. Hell the politicians can't even afford to pay off the 20+trillion dollar debt now owed....but they can manage a 33 Trillion dollar health care system and keep it in the black....really?

Just what does one save when the funds don't exist to pay for either plan? :palm: Real simple....modern math. When -0- is substracted from -0-....guess what number is extrapolated from this equation. Then of course there would be the FREE COLLEGE for everyone. FREE INCOME for everyone....just like all welfare cases receive.... The question is WHO IS GOING TO PAY for all this FREE SHIT that really isn't free? The map that leads to the end of this road is exampled in 100% HD resolution.....just watch the show taking place in one of our southern neighbor nations. VENEZUELA. This nation used to be one of the wealthiest and most productive nations in this hemi-sphere.....UNTIL socialism was invoked. ;)

The reality of such a leftist plan.....just like the unaffordable care act.....the left very well knew what the results were going to be. The plan is simple its a Cloward and Piven Top Down, Bottom Up reboot of the United States once socialization Crashes both the Economy and the Government.
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No, silly whore, because that's what relaity dictates.

You wouldn't know an argument if it were spitting in your face, honey.

Your white flag of surrender duly noted.

I see you have had to descend to insults to make your point.

You have yet to present a cogent argument as to why California has an economy four times the size of Sweden yet can’t figure out how to provide free healthcare to its residents.

I understand your challenge
I see you have had to descend to insults to make your point.

Pointing out your gleeful, willful pig-ignorance is hardly an insult.
You have yet to present a cogent argument as to why California has an economy four times the size of Sweden yet can’t figure out how to provide free healthcare to its residents.

I already explained why. Get your mommy to help explain it to you once she's sobered up.
I understand your challenge

The only thing you understand is that your welfare check comes every 2nd Friday.
Pointing out your gleeful, willful pig-ignorance is hardly an insult.

I already explained why. Get your mommy to help explain it to you once she's sobered up.

The only thing you understand is that your welfare check comes every 2nd Friday.

You said California doesn’t have the economy of scale. Meaning they don’t have the numbers to make it work.

I accurately pointed out that California has more than enough scale. They are four times the size of a country that provides free healthcare. They should be able to do the same. Yet they do not.

I understand if you can’t answer
Pointing out your gleeful, willful pig-ignorance is hardly an insult.

I already explained why. Get your mommy to help explain it to you once she's sobered up.

The only thing you understand is that your welfare check comes every 2nd Friday.

Nope....no INTOLERANCE coming from the left whatsoever. :laugh:
You said California doesn’t have the economy of scale. Meaning they don’t have the numbers to make it work.

Correct! Good to see you eating your own words so quickly.
I accurately pointed out that California has more than enough scale. They are four times the size of a country that provides free healthcare. They should be able to do the same. Yet they do not.

Except that CA doesn't have more than enough scale, and I explained why. This is why people laugh and point at you and call you stupid, honey.
I understand if you can’t answer

I understand why you hate sobriety.