Koch study: medicare for all saves money

They would LOVE to push healthcare onto the backs of tax payers. The reason they may not be behind it is that they might be forced to pay more in salaries because the burden will move onto their workers in higher confiscatory levels of taxation.

Corporate America would have to kick in to Medicare,BUT make it so they are paying less then the are paying now insuring employees
Just stop.. Your ignorance is out there in NEON.

Medical staff teams review patient care every day for highest and best practice.
You're an idiot. Shithole healthcare for the masses means people will die. There's your cost savings, dumb fuck. Braindead idiots.
You're an idiot. Shithole healthcare for the masses means people will die. There's your cost savings, dumb fuck. Braindead idiots.

You're about as bright as Sarah Palin... and you don't know squat about healthcare. Administrative costs .. paperwork .. exceeds 40% these day and provides NO patient care. Are you a pizza waitress?
This is not an argument. This is an attempted deflection because you can’t answer

I didn't make an argument, jackass; I simply offered an observation.

There's no 'deflection' in observing that you have no idea WTF you're talking about even w/something THAT basic.

It has to be done at a national level for economies of scale both in addressing needs and in cost savings.

Marxists like you have no concept of this.
You're an idiot. Shithole healthcare for the masses means people will die. There's your cost savings, dumb fuck. Braindead idiots.

People die now with out current system, wankmaggot. They die under any system, and the healthcare systems of the major 1st world countries are FAR better than ours. Nothing 'shithole' about them.

But then, you have no fucking idea what the fuck you're braying about, as always, so I shouldn't be surprised.
It's fun to watch Legion desperately and spastically replying to me so often when she's been on ignore from almost day one here with me.

Hi, Legion! How's your streetcorner?

It's fun to watch liberals desperately avoid answering the questions I ask. I think I know why they do it.
I was an executive with the 800 pound gorilla for 18 years. It was my job to know.

So you say. Was this supposedly during a hiatus in your flights with Red Adair and your globe-trotting visits to museums and Danish backyards?

A Story for Every Occasion™.