Koch study: medicare for all saves money

So you say. Was this supposedly during a hiatus in your flights with Red Adair and your globe-trotting visits to museums and Danish backyards?

A Story for Every Occasion™.

I was just in my late teens when I met Red Adair... He was already an old guy.

I went back to school in my late 30s to study civil litigation and was hired by a major healthcare corporation as director of strategic planning and development.
I was just in my late teens when I met Red Adair... He was already an old guy. I went back to school in my late 30s to study civil litigation and was hired by a major healthcare corporation as director of strategic planning and development.

So you say.

Nope, same side of the issue, your Kocks flipped. Care would suffer? So we do that to our vets and seniors and it's ok?

21st century healthcare is beyond the means of the greatest nation the world has ever known while every other advanced post-industrial nation has moved on and found a way. Not so exceptional after all are we now. Tens of thousands die every year to maintain the industry's profit margin. In civilized societies, for profit health"care" insurance is outlawed. And should be.

Point is with universal healthcare, we would not need the VA, or Medicare and medicaid. However the vets I know love the care they get at the VA. It is not doctors getting paid by the procedure. They feel a better rapport with the docs. If that money goes into the fund, then it is much cheaper.
Point is with universal healthcare, we would not need the VA, or Medicare and medicaid. However the vets I know love the care they get at the VA. It is not doctors getting paid by the procedure. They feel a better rapport with the docs. If that money goes into the fund, then it is much cheaper.

True.. They could sell off the VA facilities to private concerns .. VA is better someplaces than others, but staff moral has never been good and its the most expensive healthcare delivery.
True.. They could sell off the VA facilities to private concerns .. VA is better someplaces than others, but staff moral has never been good and its the most expensive healthcare delivery.

I thought privatization was repulsive to social justice warriors.
I didn't make an argument, jackass; I simply offered an observation.

There's no 'deflection' in observing that you have no idea WTF you're talking about even w/something THAT basic.

It has to be done at a national level for economies of scale both in addressing needs and in cost savings.

Marxists like you have no concept of this.
I was going to let him figure it out for himself.
Point is with universal healthcare, we would not need the VA, or Medicare and medicaid. However the vets I know love the care they get at the VA. It is not doctors getting paid by the procedure. They feel a better rapport with the docs. If that money goes into the fund, then it is much cheaper.
In theory, auto insurance would go down too.
You're about as bright as Sarah Palin... and you don't know squat about healthcare. Administrative costs .. paperwork .. exceeds 40% these day and provides NO patient care. Are you a pizza waitress?
If I told you...you'd never believe me.

She did adopt all of Palin's pet quips when the inbred Alaskans were all the rage.
I didn't make an argument, jackass; I simply offered an observation.

There's no 'deflection' in observing that you have no idea WTF you're talking about even w/something THAT basic.

It has to be done at a national level for economies of scale both in addressing needs and in cost savings.

Marxists like you have no concept of this.

You say the words “economies of scale” yet I wonder if you really know what it means


Sweden is the same size geographically as Commiefornia

Commiefornia has 4 times the population than Sweden

Commiefornia has almost 4 times the GDP than Sweden

Sweden has free healthcare.

So I ask again. How can Commiefornia not do it and Sweden can? Surely Sweden doesn’t have greater economies of scale that a state four times its population does it?

Want to try again?
People die now with out current system, wankmaggot. They die under any system, and the healthcare systems of the major 1st world countries are FAR better than ours. Nothing 'shithole' about them.

But then, you have no fucking idea what the fuck you're braying about, as always, so I shouldn't be surprised.

If our healthcare is so bad then why aren’t people from the US flocking to these other countries?

Why do people from other countries flock here if our healthcare is so poor?