Koch study: medicare for all saves money

It doesn't save money. That is the claim.

The claim is that it saves $2T.

So far, you've been unable to disprove that claim, nor have you offered any alternative explanation or cost.

Instead, you focus on the total cost absent the context that the $33T cost is less than the $35T cost we'd be spending if the system stayed as it is.

Words don't mean what they mean, now?
Indeed.....let's play this plan on national tv everyday leading up to the midterms.....that will make sure the left gets it blue wave. It worked out quite well in the 2016 election. Everyone wants to be and identifies as being a socialist. That 15% of the population that admits to being socialists is just a conspiracy. Socialists hold the majority because they have biggest intolerant mouths. LMAO:palm:
Typical change like the weather left winger

Let's do a brief history of you people:

1. You all supported Bush the Dumber for 8 years, voting for him twice.
2. Once Bush left, you tried to erase your embarrassing support of him by stapling teabags to your faces and employing a "No True Scotsman" defense of your virtue.
3. Once the teabags were unable to achieve anything noteworthy, you took the teabags off and put on a red hat

So that's two re-brands in the last 10 years.

Seems like you have a permanent identity crisis.
Yet those paying 4x as much in payroll taxes don't get 4x the distribution when they start getting them.

Completely wrong, of course. The opposite is the case because of inflation. People are getting more than what they contributed.

And furthermore, I took you through the math showing how much you'd save with a single payer plan.

Math, language, English...none of these are your friends. That would explain why you struggle so much with them.
Let's do a brief history of you people:

1. You all supported Bush the Dumber for 8 years, voting for him twice.
2. Once Bush left, you tried to erase your embarrassing support of him by stapling teabags to your faces and employing a "No True Scotsman" defense of your virtue.
3. Once the teabags were unable to achieve anything noteworthy, you took the teabags off and put on a red hat

So that's two re-brands in the last 10 years.

Seems like you have a permanent identity crisis.

Yep....that must why the socialist agenda lost over 1000 seats of government power during the reign of the Black Marxist. Its working quite well. ;) BLUE WAVE! BLUE WAVE! Go get'em.
WTF are you babbling about?

Right now, you pay 1.45% toward Medicare while also paying at least $3,500 in premiums for insurance on the individual market, and $5,000 in premiums for insurance through your employer.

If you make the median household income of $59,000, right now you're paying between $4,300 and $5,900 just on Medicare and premiums. That's not counting other OOPE.

Under Sanders' plan, you would be paying 2.9% toward Medicare, and no other charges.

If you make the median household income of $59,000, you'd pay about $1,700 for health care.

Now put your thinking cap on:

Is $1,700 > or < $4,300?
Is $1,700 > or < $5,900?

Be honest.

Several fallacies with you rant. My premiums don't cost me a dime as it's part of my compensation. I pay $57/paycheck to cover my children. My wife has her insurance through her employer which cost her nothing in premiums as part of her compensation. My total premium costs are $1482/year.

Secondly, our household income is much higher than the $59,000 average. That means your $4300 - $5900 range is inaccurate.

Last time I looked $1482 < whatever the 2.9% would be because our household income is greater than $59,000 average.

That's thinking on my part. Why would I support paying more just so some freeloading leech can get something for less or nothing?
I don't care about the debt.

What I care about is your posturing over the debt.

So you don't care about the debt but someone that had nothing to do with it being what it is? How about paying attention to the boy that doubled it while President.
How is everyone paying a payroll tax to Medicare "redistribution of wealth"?

If you pay less into something and get the same thing out of it, that's redistribution. Same with social security. A higher income person putting in 4x as much as a lower income person over a working lifetime doesn't get 4x the distribution.
Indeed.....let's play this plan on national tv everyday leading up to the midterms.....that will make sure the left gets it blue wave. It worked out quite well in the 2016 election. Everyone wants to be and identifies as being a socialist. That 15% of the population that admits to being socialists is just a conspiracy. Socialists hold the majority because they have biggest intolerant mouths.

This post is shit.
Yep....that must why the socialist agenda lost over 1000 seats of government power during the reign of the Black Marxist. Its working quite well. ;) BLUE WAVE! BLUE WAVE! Go get'em.

Since November 2016, Democrats have flipped over 40 red seats in districts and states Trump carried by 20%+.

A blue wave is forming and it's going to wash all over the country this fall.
The claim is that it saves $2T.

So far, you've been unable to disprove that claim, nor have you offered any alternative explanation or cost.

Instead, you focus on the total cost absent the context that the $33T cost is less than the $35T cost we'd be spending if the system stayed as it is.

Words don't mean what they mean, now?

That's easy. Until it does save that much, it's a baseless claim.

I say you're a n-loving left winger. Disprove it.
Several fallacies with you rant. My premiums don't cost me a dime as it's part of my compensation.

WTF are you talking about? You don't pay a portion of your premiums in your employer-provided plan? I find that very hard to believe.
I pay $57/paycheck to cover my children. My wife has her insurance through her employer which cost her nothing in premiums as part of her compensation. My total premium costs are $1482/year.

What about your OOPE? What's that come to? Is it less than $1,700 in total? Probably not.