Koch study: medicare for all saves money

You refuse to accept anything that undermines your belief system.

That makes you a zealot.

Wrong again; but then, you get pretty much everything wrong because you're a low information dullard with selective thinking.

I have many friends in Canada and the complaints center around long wait times and lack of specialists. That's a fact.

When idiots suggest that the cost is less than the US, they are not looking at out of pocket costs of individuals and tax rates.

Again, for most Americans who have a job, their costs are comparable to what the cost to Canadians and Europeans are....except that, our tax rates are far lower. We also do not have VAT taxes that increase costs for EVERYONE in those nations. That gets lost in the equation.

Canadians as far North as Ottawa and Montreal will drive to the US to shop for clothes because even with the gas cost, it's cheaper to buy, and lie about it, in America.

As it relates to taxes, most European countries and Canada do have a limit on taxation like we do in the States. If you make less than $50K as a family, you probably have no Federal tax liability. Not so in these other "civilized" countries.

Tax rates:

Sweden = 61.85%
Denmark = 55.8%
Austria = 55%
Germany = 47.5%
France = 45%
UK = 45%

USA = 37%

Then if you look at what it costs to buy a gallon of gas anywhere else in these "civilized" nations, they pay 3 to 5 times as much because of taxation and importation.

ALL of these costs need to be tabulated to identify the true cost of these Government managed systems including the cost of suffering and waiting for care that may be too late.
Sweden = 61.85%
Denmark = 55.8%
Austria = 55%
Germany = 47.5%
France = 45%
UK = 45%
USA = 37%

OMG! Social Democracies pay more in taxes!

Yeah, they also get world-class education systems, world-class health care, and world-class infrastructure.

I love how Conservatives discover taxation.
You think the AMA does not support Universal Health care?? :rofl2:

Gee, all these groups support single payer, and even the Koch Bros' group says it will save money.

If everyone is telling you to turn left, why are you turning right?

I know the answer; you're seeking accommodation because you feel entitled.

Let me be the first one in your miserable life to tell you that you aren't entitled to shit.
So earlier in this thread, a poster chimed in that they didn't think all Conservatives were racists.

I give them Exhibit #1,987,887:

LOL Oh she's a die hard racist 4SHO!

Mint Julip is her name.

Racism is her game.

She's straight from the swamps in FL. It's why I keep asking her if she attended the klan rally last night.

anatta/noise is another one in FL who probably attended as well. .

In my mind if you support ANYTHING from the right.......you're suspect.
So remember before how you insisted not all Conservatives are racist assholes?

I give you Exhibit #2,435,666:

Don't be fooled. He, sailor, supports EVERYTHING THAT COMES FROM THE RIGHT

He's no different than CFM. They both want the same political outcome.
Don't be fooled. He, sailor, supports EVERYTHING THAT COMES FROM THE RIGHT

He's no different than CFM. They both want the same political outcome.

I am definitely more conservative than liberal. I can also see where that simple concept confuses simple minded people like yourself.
I am definitely more conservative than liberal. I can also see where that simple concept confuses simple minded people like yourself.

I'm not confused at all.

You support the exact same issues as CFM. YOU confuse yourself by trying to act like your different than him.

YOU are not!
I am definitely more conservative than liberal. I can also see where that simple concept confuses simple minded people like yourself.

The only difference between you and CFM is that CFM has the small, wrinkly balls to put his racism on anonymous message board while you merely conceal yours through passive-aggression.