Koch study: medicare for all saves money

I would suggest you take off your blinders.

Sounds to me like you're the one with blinders on.

Conservatives are nominating actual Nazis to run in the GOP.

At this point, anyone still calling themselves a Conservative might as well throw on a brown shirt and start goose-stepping their way to Old Country Buffet.
Obama could have pushed single payer and folded to the same folks. This will take bodies in the streets. That's where the bodies of those tens of thousands who die every year for lack of coverage should be piled.

No he couldn't. That was the idea and he did not have the votes. That is how politics work. You can only pass what you can get enough votes for. He lost a few Dems if he went universal medicine. The power of hospitals , doctors and insurance companies kept them in line.
Sounds to me like you're the one with blinders on.

Conservatives are nominating actual Nazis to run in the GOP.

At this point, anyone still calling themselves a Conservative might as well throw on a brown shirt and start goose-stepping their way to Old Country Buffet.

Yawn. Far left loony drama.
You're demanding proof then refusing to do anything on behalf of those demands

You doxxing yourself isn't contingent on anything I do.

You're the one who made your personal circumstances central to your argument. Now you won't even verify those personal circumstances because you're afraid.

Just admit it; you're afraid of doxxing yourself on these boards because it would mean that nothing you've presented about yourself here is true.

This is exactly why I warn people like you against using personal anecdotes to support your weak argument, and it's precisely why I use verifiable averages and medians in everything I do here.
You doxxing yourself isn't contingent on anything I do.

You're the one who made your personal circumstances central to your argument. Now you won't even verify those personal circumstances because you're afraid.

Just admit it; you're afraid of doxxing yourself on these boards because it would mean that nothing you've presented about yourself here is true.

This is exactly why I warn people like you against using personal anecdotes to support your weak argument, and it's precisely why I use verifiable averages and medians in everything I do here.

You're hiding like a coward is due solely to your fear of knowing the truth.

Atlanta is not that far away. Where do I need to come when I get there?
Cool, me too. No need to wait though, we're all paying for the entire thing anyway, just stupidly.

There's no reason for all of us to be paying. Only those of you that think people without coverage should have it should be paying. You get what you want and so do I. Why does that scare you?
You fail to understand the primary difference between Obamacare and Romneycare. Nothing to do with race and EVERYTHING to do with the Constitution.


hen you fall back onto the race card, it proves you have nothing to defend what you support.

You're the ones who fell back on the race card with your whiny self-entitled white fragility. You're also the one using racial slurs here on these boards.
No he couldn't. That was the idea and he did not have the votes. That is how politics work. You can only pass what you can get enough votes for. He lost a few Dems if he went universal medicine. The power of hospitals , doctors and insurance companies kept them in line.

More excuses for another Obama failure.

You're the ones who fell back on the race card with your whiny self-entitled white fragility. You're also the one using racial slurs here on these boards.

I knew you wouldn't understand the Constitution reference and how the two are different.

I didn't claim race was the reason for anything.

Prove it's a racial slur.
It's who Conservatives are.

They are all that racist; some are just more overt than others.

Yet you're the one that supported Obama solely because of race. The sad part is despite claims that he's black, his runaway baby daddy is black but his mother was white trash.
When you really sit back and think about the obstruction Obama faced over the policies he pursued, you find yourself falling back on the same reason over and over for why Conservatives would suddenly oppose things they supported for decades. There is only one constant; Obama's race. Obamacare was based off Romneycare, which was based off the Heritage Plan. Cap-and-Trade was a Republican proposal. Tax cuts are the fundamental dogma of the right, yet they opposed the payroll tax cut.

We see over and over the same pattern; a black guy proposes something that Conservatives previously supported, so they reflexively oppose it.

That's because they're racists. There is no other explanation that makes any sense.
This post puts your credibility at zero.

Obamacare was a poorly designed and thoughtless solution. The equivalent of bulldozing a house because the A/C was broken.

The bogus cries of waycism is why Trump's in office now. People tired of it, along with the state sanctioned cop assassinations.

Keep it up and you'll get more Trump supporters, more MAGA.