Koch study: medicare for all saves money

When the fuck are poor Americans going to start doing for themselves instead of constantly demanding someone else do for them? There comes a time when you have to cut your losses and let people sink or swim. We're past that time.

So this is projection here.

CFM is one of these leeches who has self-loathing.

When shown that Medicaid expansion saves states money, you screech about moochers when you are a moocher yourself!
It's fake because you're claiming it will do something that there is no way to tell it will do.

As for the banjo, I taught myself because there isn't a black smart enough to do so.

I didn't author the study son, are you ok? Feeling well?
What's strange is how your story keeps changing from post-to-post.

First you say you have insurance, then you say you don't, then you say you do, then you say you have an HRA, then you said your insurance plan made your employer cover a share of your deductible.

Anyone can see you flailing about in this thread.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Same story through and through.

Offer stands to look me in the eye and I'll show you the facts. Until you're man enough to do that, keep whining like a pussy. I'll have my coverage and others that don't will continue to die because you won't do for them what you say should be done.
Think what you want. My wallet proves otherwise.

Your fake wallet.

The problem is that you made your personal circumstances central to your position in this debate. So in order for your argument to have validity, I would have to believe you. Your entire argument hinges on the belief that you're being truthful. We already know you're a racist, so why shouldn't we also assume you're a liar too?
Your fake wallet.

The problem is that you made your personal circumstances central to your position in this debate. So in order for your argument to have validity, I would have to believe you. Your entire argument hinges on the belief that you're being truthful. We already know you're a racist, so why shouldn't we also assume you're a liar too?

Guess I'll continue to have my coverage while those without it die because you don't care enough to provide for them.
We do have a way of knowing

Yeah...you doxxing yourself. Which you refuse to do.

So you make a claim about yourself, then refuse to support that claim while making the revelation contingent on someone who has nothing to do with it.

That's what makes me think you're lying your fat ass off, douchebag.
So this is projection here.

CFM is one of these leeches who has self-loathing.

When shown that Medicaid expansion saves states money, you screech about moochers when you are a moocher yourself!

Interesting how you call someone that earns what he is provided a moocher yet believe Medicaid recipients deserve something they haven't earned.
Same story through and through.

Offer stands to look me in the eye and I'll show you the facts. Until you're man enough to do that, keep whining like a pussy. I'll have my coverage and others that don't will continue to die because you won't do for them what you say should be done.

This juvenile bullshit again? Jeebus mang, what a fuckwit.
It's fake because you're claiming it will do something that there is no way to tell it will do.

Which is why we should try it.

So all you're doing is making the case that we should give it a try!

What a doof!
Yeah...you doxxing yourself. Which you refuse to do.

So you make a claim about yourself, then refuse to support that claim while making the revelation contingent on someone who has nothing to do with it.

That's what makes me think you're lying your fat ass off, douchebag.

You're demanding proof then refusing to do anything on behalf of those demands.

I'll come where you are but I've yet to see your provide that location. Scared? You should be.
Perhaps you prefer the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. Of course, the AMA said the same thing too: Medicaid expansion saves state budget dollars: ▪ According to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual survey of Medicaid directors, twelve states reported that revenues had increased in 2015 or 2016 due to Medicaid expansion.35 In New Mexico, for example, Medicaid expansion generated over $300 million to the state’s general fund.36 ▪ The decline in uncompensated care costs incurred by hospitals allows states to invest fewer resources into charity funding programs. Arkansas saved $17.2 million in state funding; California saved $1.4 billion; Kentucky saved $13.5 million; and New Jersey saved $74 million.37
▪ Fifteen states have realized savings because federal funds may now be used in lieu of state funds to pay for inmates’ care.38 Colorado, Michigan, and Ohio, for example, have saved between $5 and $13 million since 2014.39 Continuity in health care coverage may reduce recidivism by enabling access to substance use and mental health treatment services after prisoners are released.40 ▪ Thirteen states reported budget savings related to behavioral health because individuals who previously received state-funded behavioral health services may now receive those services under Medicaid.41 Michigan, for example, attributed $180 million in savings in 2014 to a drop in demand for state-funded community mental health programs after Medicaid expansion.42 ▪ In expansion states, state general fund spending on Medicaid increased on average by 3.4 percent in 2015 compared to 6.9 percent in non-expansion states.43 The Kaiser Family Foundation attributed the slower growth of general fund spending to the 100 percent federal match for the expansion population.44 Over two-thirds of expansion states reported that the average permember-per-month costs were at or below projections for the newly eligible population.45 Delete your account; kill yourself.

You think Medicaid expansion is the same as Medicare for All?
Which is why we should try it.

So all you're doing is making the case that we should give it a try!

What a doof!

We all already pay for everyone's healthcare, just in a very stupid, inefficient, wasteful and ineffective way. But he has memes, memes to remember.