Koch study: medicare for all saves money

You haven't earned anything but disdain son.

I have coverage. People without it die because you refuse to care for them.

If you think disdain from you amounts to anything, shit in a nigger's back yard serves a greater purpose.

I can prove I'm not your son. I didn't grow up an orphan.
We all already pay for everyone's healthcare, just in a very stupid, inefficient, wasteful and ineffective way. But he has memes, memes to remember.

There's an easy way to stop that. Send all you bleeding hearts the bill and let you prove you care.

We tried Nigger Care and it was nothing but a fuck up.
I don't know, that one's a very special cretin displaying overt obsessive/compulsive racism weaved in with homoeroticism and beastiality.

When you really sit back and think about the obstruction Obama faced over the policies he pursued, you find yourself falling back on the same reason over and over for why Conservatives would suddenly oppose things they supported for decades. There is only one constant; Obama's race. Obamacare was based off Romneycare, which was based off the Heritage Plan. Cap-and-Trade was a Republican proposal. Tax cuts are the fundamental dogma of the right, yet they opposed the payroll tax cut.

We see over and over the same pattern; a black guy proposes something that Conservatives previously supported, so they reflexively oppose it.

That's because they're racists. There is no other explanation that makes any sense.
Why do you agree with the results? You like what they say?

The trouble is that the "results" aren't what he wants you to think they are.

The leading current bill to establish single-payer health insurance, the Medicare for All Act (M4A), would, under conservative estimates, increase federal budget commitments by approximately $32.6 trillion during its first 10 years of full implementation (2022–2031), assuming enactment in 2018. This projected increase in federal healthcare commitments would equal approximately 10.7 percent of GDP in 2022, rising to nearly 12.7 percent of GDP in 2031 and further thereafter.

Doubling all currently projected federal individual and corporate income tax collections would be insufficient to finance the added federal costs of the plan.

It is likely that the actual cost of M4A would be substantially greater than these estimates, which assume significant administrative and drug cost savings under the plan, and also assume that healthcare providers operating under M4A will be reimbursed at rates more than 40 percent lower than those currently paid by private health insurance.

When you really sit back and think about the obstruction Obama faced over the policies he pursued, you find yourself falling back on the same reason over and over for why Conservatives would suddenly oppose things they supported for decades. There is only one constant; Obama's race. Obamacare was based off Romneycare, which was based off the Heritage Plan. Cap-and-Trade was a Republican proposal. Tax cuts are the fundamental dogma of the right, yet they opposed the payroll tax cut.

We see over and over the same pattern; a black guy proposes something that Conservatives previously supported, so they reflexively oppose it.

That's because they're racists. There is no other explanation that makes any sense.

You fail to understand the primary difference between Obamacare and Romneycare. Nothing to do with race and EVERYTHING to do with the Constitution.

When you fall back onto the race card, it proves you have nothing to defend what you support.
Same story through and through. Offer stands to look me in the eye and I'll show you the facts. Until you're man enough to do that, keep whining like a pussy. I'll have my coverage and others that don't will continue to die because you won't do for them what you say should be done.

You proving anything you say about yourself isn't contingent on me doing anything to accommodate your low self-esteem.

Get over yourself and stop lying your ass off.
When you really sit back and think about the obstruction Obama faced over the policies he pursued, you find yourself falling back on the same reason over and over for why Conservatives would suddenly oppose things they supported for decades. There is only one constant; Obama's race. Obamacare was based off Romneycare, which was based off the Heritage Plan. Cap-and-Trade was a Republican proposal. Tax cuts are the fundamental dogma of the right, yet they opposed the payroll tax cut.

We see over and over the same pattern; a black guy proposes something that Conservatives previously supported, so they reflexively oppose it.

That's because they're racists. There is no other explanation that makes any sense.

Obama could have pushed single payer and folded to the same folks. This will take bodies in the streets. That's where the bodies of those tens of thousands who die every year for lack of coverage should be piled.
Why do you agree with the results? You like what they say?

Because the results in that study align with the results in all the other studies that show the same thing.

So when you have broad concurrence across ideological divides, that tends to make me agree with the conclusion.
Universal healthcare for all except you, attractive as hell.

Then it wouldn't be universal healthcare you dumb sack of shit.

I'd rather be dead than to know someone else was forced to pay for my coverage. That's why I did what I did to earn what I have.
I'd rather be dead than to know someone else was forced to pay for my coverage. That's why I did what I did to earn what I have.

Cool, me too. No need to wait though, we're all paying for the entire thing anyway, just stupidly.
Guess I'll continue to have my coverage while those without it die because you don't care enough to provide for them.

I don't believe you have the coverage you say you have, and until you can prove it here, you're just a poseur.